Why don't feminists fight for Muslim women?

cancel2 2022

Ayaan Hirsi Ali on why feminists do so little for Muslim women, it's a fair question that has been asked before but never really answered.

Have you ever met an attractive feminist?

I mean maybe there are some passable 5/10's. but have you ever seen a 9 that was a feminist?

And I am not talking the basic 101 stuff like "woman should have jobs if they want.." ... I'm talking the monster which feminism has morphed into today.

The answer is no.

Here is the honest truth, feminism was created for and by ugly girls. Fat chicks. uggos. These fat ugly woman can't compete with the hotter girls, so they instead try to change the narrative. THey'll say things like "Everyone is beautiful".. because they are ugly and want to believe that. They tell girls they should have hairy armpits and shouldn't conform to society's standards of beauty. They try to get girls to be more bitchy and act like men.

Ugly girls are trying to level the playing field for themselves by trying to make the more attractive women less attractive.

Sex, lust, reproduction is one of lifes only motivators, it is what drives natural selection. It cannot be underestimated to the extent people will go to make sure they have a chance at passing on their genes.
Have you ever met an attractive feminist?

I mean maybe there are some passable 5/10's. but have you ever seen a 9 that was a feminist?

And I am not talking the basic 101 stuff like "woman should have jobs if they want.." ... I'm talking the monster which feminism has morphed into today.

The answer is no.

Here is the honest truth, feminism was created for and by ugly girls. Fat chicks. uggos. These fat ugly woman can't compete with the hotter girls, so they instead try to change the narrative. THey'll say things like "Everyone is beautiful".. because they are ugly and want to believe that. They tell girls they should have hairy armpits and shouldn't conform to society's standards of beauty. They try to get girls to be more bitchy and act like men.

Ugly girls are trying to level the playing field for themselves by trying to make the more attractive women less attractive.

Sex, lust, reproduction is one of lifes only motivators, it is what drives natural selection. It cannot be underestimated to the extent people will go to make sure they have a chance at passing on their genes.

to answer the question of the OP, muslim women with bags over their faces that are very likely to be monogamous are of little threat to ugly women. locking more women down is good because it means more guys will be available for these uggos.
Have you ever met an attractive feminist?

I mean maybe there are some passable 5/10's. but have you ever seen a 9 that was a feminist?

And I am not talking the basic 101 stuff like "woman should have jobs if they want.." ... I'm talking the monster which feminism has morphed into today.

The answer is no.

Here is the honest truth, feminism was created for and by ugly girls. Fat chicks. uggos. These fat ugly woman can't compete with the hotter girls, so they instead try to change the narrative. THey'll say things like "Everyone is beautiful".. because they are ugly and want to believe that. They tell girls they should have hairy armpits and shouldn't conform to society's standards of beauty. They try to get girls to be more bitchy and act like men.

Ugly girls are trying to level the playing field for themselves by trying to make the more attractive women less attractive.

Sex, lust, reproduction is one of lifes only motivators, it is what drives natural selection. It cannot be underestimated to the extent people will go to make sure they have a chance at passing on their genes.

Have you ever met an attractive feminist?

I mean maybe there are some passable 5/10's. but have you ever seen a 9 that was a feminist?

And I am not talking the basic 101 stuff like "woman should have jobs if they want.." ... I'm talking the monster which feminism has morphed into today.

The answer is no.

Here is the honest truth, feminism was created for and by ugly girls. Fat chicks. uggos. These fat ugly woman can't compete with the hotter girls, so they instead try to change the narrative. THey'll say things like "Everyone is beautiful".. because they are ugly and want to believe that. They tell girls they should have hairy armpits and shouldn't conform to society's standards of beauty. They try to get girls to be more bitchy and act like men.

Ugly girls are trying to level the playing field for themselves by trying to make the more attractive women less attractive.

Sex, lust, reproduction is one of lifes only motivators, it is what drives natural selection. It cannot be underestimated to the extent people will go to make sure they have a chance at passing on their genes.

As always Grind, you are correct in that is how the feminist movement got going. However, like all movements that start out with noble motives they have been coopted by the left. All feminist organizations are nothing more than extensions of leftists. Leftists do not see muslimes as a threat.
what did I say that was hateful?

tom you really should have banned rana from this thread. you know she'll contribute nothing but whining.

She ignores me most of the time, but this subject does hit a raw nerve. Actually the Muslim woman in the video says she is a feminist, only not one of those hectoring obnoxious third wavers.
The Rise of the Islamic Feminists | The Nation

The Rise of the Islamic Feminists ... which may lead to divisions within the movement. Islamic feminists will have to continue to ... a feminist Islam and the ...
Islamic feminism - Wikipedia

OverviewContentsDefinitionsHistoryAreas of campaignFeminism in IslamEquality Between Men and Women in Islam

A combination of Islam and feminism has been advocated as "a feminist discourse and practice articulated within an Islamic paradigm" by Margot Badran in 2002. Islamic feminists ground their arguments in Islam and its teachings, seek the full equality of women and men in the personal and public sphere, and can include non-Muslims in the discourse and debate. Islamic feminism is defined by Islamic scholars as being more ra…
See more on en.wikipedia.org · Text under CC-BY-SA license

THE FEMINIST MOVEMENT AND THE MUSLIM WOMAN Maryam Jameelah . The most radical movement in recent times which is revolutionizing the whole social structure and changing the entire basis of human relationships is the Feminist movement, popularly known as the drive for Women’s Liberation.
Feminist Movement | Women Rights in Islam | …

Charlotte Wiedemann’s article on the relationship between Islam and feminism highlights all the main issues feminist women are encountering as regards to their religion.
Islamic Traditions and the Feminist Movement

ISLAMIC TRADITIONS AND THE FEMINIST MOVEMENT ... THE FORM OF AN ISLAMIC FEMINISM: If the goals of Western feminism are not viable for Muslim …
Feminist movement - Wikipedia

The feminist movement ... Islamic feminism is concerned with the role of women in Islam and aims for the full equality of all Muslims, regardless of gender, ...
Independent Lens . SHADYA . Muslim Feminism | PBS

As different feminist movements reflect the cultural contexts in which they arise, ... Islamic feminism also aims for the full equality of all Muslims, ...
Islamic Feminism in the Middle East

Islamic Feminism in the Middle East. ... More palatable to Muslim women is an Islamic feminist movement ... that secular and Islami