Why don't feminists fight for Muslim women?

Because browns and Muslims are higher up on their victimhood hierarchy.

They use the hierarchy to determine people's worth.
LOL yeah you guys just love Muslim women, you're their greatest friend. Except when their fleeing ISIS, then it's time to close the border and tell them tough luck, and watch popcorn as you see them and their children getting beheaded later on because you considered your nation too weak and fragile to accept them.
Read this excellent article in the Spectator by a British Muslim woman, it is a brilliant piece of writing. There should be far more vocal condemnation of burqas and niqabs by feminists, they have no place in a Western liberal society.


Yeah support Muslim women by attacking and fining them for what they wear. When literally no other ethnicity in the world gets that treatment.

I'd personally rather ban cargo shorts, they're a thousand times more offensive, and they have absolutely no place in a western liberal society.
Tom can you describe the feeling you get when you see a woman in a Niqab? Is it a deep feeling of empathy and compassion deep within the bosom of your heart, you just want to reach out and shield them from the troubles of the world and their horrible misogynistic husband you imagine they have?

Somehow I don't think that's the feeling you have when you spit on them, rip their clothing off, and tell them to fuck off out your country and go back to their shithole. I think that could more easily be described the term "hatred", or "misogyny". But whatever.
Read this excellent article in the Spectator by a British Muslim woman, it is a brilliant piece of writing. There should be far more vocal condemnation of burqas and niqabs by feminists, they have no place in a Western liberal society.


Why blame the women for something their mullahs force them to do? And what about those women who want to wear the garment? Boris Johnson is just the other side of the coin. IOW Muslim women have to obey some man's directive on what they wear.

"Literal interpretations of the veil, derived largely by Muslims ignorant of the true dictates of our own religion, are derived from cultural misogyny. Thus, with their bans on the niqab, neither France, nor Germany nor Denmark are impinging on religious freedom. Instead they are legislating anti-democratic cultural mores that do indeed repress women living within their societies."
Why blame the women for something their mullahs force them to do? And what about those women who want to wear the garment? Boris Johnson is just the other side of the coin. IOW Muslim women have to obey some man's directive on what they wear.

"Literal interpretations of the veil, derived largely by Muslims ignorant of the true dictates of our own religion, are derived from cultural misogyny. Thus, with their bans on the niqab, neither France, nor Germany nor Denmark are impinging on religious freedom. Instead they are legislating anti-democratic cultural mores that do indeed repress women living within their societies."

I blame Y O U for hypocritically remaining silent as women are abased, abused, jailed, repressed, tortured, raped, and murdered.
Tom can you describe the feeling you get when you see a woman in a Niqab? Is it a deep feeling of empathy and compassion deep within the bosom of your heart, you just want to reach out and shield them from the troubles of the world and their horrible misogynistic husband you imagine they have?

Somehow I don't think that's the feeling you have when you spit on them, rip their clothing off, and tell them to fuck off out your country and go back to their shithole. I think that could more easily be described the term "hatred", or "misogyny". But whatever.

Mark, you're an arsehole hopefully you'll grow up one day.
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Why blame the women for something their mullahs force them to do? And what about those women who want to wear the garment? Boris Johnson is just the other side of the coin. IOW Muslim women have to obey some man's directive on what they wear.

"Literal interpretations of the veil, derived largely by Muslims ignorant of the true dictates of our own religion, are derived from cultural misogyny. Thus, with their bans on the niqab, neither France, nor Germany nor Denmark are impinging on religious freedom. Instead they are legislating anti-democratic cultural mores that do indeed repress women living within their societies."

That is a British Muslim woman railing against the evils of burqas and niqabs, didn't you read the Spectator article? She also castigated Western liberals for being useful idiots. You obviously didn't read Boris Johnson's speech, many of his critics didn't either, where he was saying that he was against a Danish type ban in the UK.

Can somebody, who is for the wearing of these oppressive garments, tell me why they are right whilst countries like Holland, Belgium, Italy, France, Austria and now Denmark are wrong? I can honestly say that I had never seen women in the UK wearing those garments until a few years ago, why is that? I

Taj Harvey, a leading British imam has gone much further than Boris on the subject!

Taj Hargey, the imam at Oxford Islamic Congregation, said while Johnson’s choice of language was unfortunate, the burka and niqab are “a nefarious component of a trendy gateway theology for religious extremism and militant Islam”.

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