Minister of Truth
Practically Perfect
So, (cough), from the 30s to 1980 this country didn't have the highest standard of living in the world, with the best sustainable home market and highest qulaity education coupled with very low unemployment?
We were - what? Picking potatos in Russia?
You guys always attach the 30s to the timeframe of 1940-1980 because you want to make the New Deal Democrats look good. It's silly, because all it does it drag down the overall economic output of 1940-1980. If you dropped the 30s, which were absolutely terrible, and included the Roosevelt Recession (1937-39), look what you could do: You could boast of the US economy of 1940-1990. Even though the world finally had recovered from WWII by 1980, you still are talking about a decade where the US economy exploded in 1984 and produced a bull market that lasted for 24 years.