The Force is With Me
Dude, kudos to you for big balls and saying what you really think and all.
Quick question though, aside from the intellegence gap, who would really make a better BushIII, Obama or Romney?
Given four years or Romney (God forbid) I think one would look back at Obama's time and NOT see Bush III, but rather very stark differences, especially considering the doorways Bush II bulldozed (and Obama to my eternal regret left open).
Romney would be a better BushIII because he would be challenged by the left and all the anti-Bush warriors. They would stream out of the woodwork like termites. Next thing you know, there would be anti-war and pro-civil liberties groups and protests popping up everywhere .. and all of a sudden, America would have a conscience again.
The more important question in my mind is who would be better for our corporate masters .. because only they choose presidents?
The winner of that question is Obama by far. Obama, like Reagan, is coated in teflon. He can get away with all manner of evil without a peep from the left.
Obama can attack Iran .. and it will make sense to many democrats and the left.
Obama can diminsh Social Security and Medicare .. and it will make sense to many democrats and the left.
Obama can never do a damn thing about Gitmo, sane drug laws, the environment .. and just about every damn thing democrats hate Romney for .. and get away with it.
Without question Obama would be far better for Wall Street and the plutocrats who own the United States.
Forget the polls .. Obama wins.
.. and thanks for the kudos my friend. :0)