Why Has Everyone Forgotten the Four Letter Word that Ruined America: Bush?

Dude, kudos to you for big balls and saying what you really think and all.

Quick question though, aside from the intellegence gap, who would really make a better BushIII, Obama or Romney?

Given four years or Romney (God forbid) I think one would look back at Obama's time and NOT see Bush III, but rather very stark differences, especially considering the doorways Bush II bulldozed (and Obama to my eternal regret left open).

Romney would be a better BushIII because he would be challenged by the left and all the anti-Bush warriors. They would stream out of the woodwork like termites. Next thing you know, there would be anti-war and pro-civil liberties groups and protests popping up everywhere .. and all of a sudden, America would have a conscience again.

The more important question in my mind is who would be better for our corporate masters .. because only they choose presidents?

The winner of that question is Obama by far. Obama, like Reagan, is coated in teflon. He can get away with all manner of evil without a peep from the left.

Obama can attack Iran .. and it will make sense to many democrats and the left.

Obama can diminsh Social Security and Medicare .. and it will make sense to many democrats and the left.

Obama can never do a damn thing about Gitmo, sane drug laws, the environment .. and just about every damn thing democrats hate Romney for .. and get away with it.

Without question Obama would be far better for Wall Street and the plutocrats who own the United States.

Forget the polls .. Obama wins.

.. and thanks for the kudos my friend. :0)
LOL... we are sprinting down the same path as Greece. Even with the financial crisis of 2008, we were not in as bad a shape as Greece, but Obama has has heading in that same direction. His whole 'more money for public unions' crap is the same type of shit that got Greece into their mess. The 'keep throwing money at the problems and hope they don't blow up on my watch' is insane. It is irresponsible. It is Bush 'fiscal responsibility' on crack.

Bush III is worse than Bush II fiscally by a long shot, both of the last two Presidents have used this same fiscal strategy.... punt and punt, and when punting seems like a bad idea PUNT.
I am not blaming them... I am saying that throwing more money at them is not a solution. There is no reason for the Fed to be bailing out the States in such a manner this time. Stop gaps were necessary in 2009. I don't like the approach of many of them as I think the money could have been spent more wisely.

Keynesian economics works IF you apply it correctly. Throwing money at the unions while playing on the sympathy of the public is not a solution. Saying 'we need to fund our front line police, firefighters, teachers etc... ' sounds great... but that doesn't make it a solution to our economic woes.

I am all for solutions, but I just don't think we are going to get any from the current clown car circus in Washington.
Romney would be a better BushIII because he would be challenged by the left and all the anti-Bush warriors. They would stream out of the woodwork like termites. Next thing you know, there would be anti-war and pro-civil liberties groups and protests popping up everywhere .. and all of a sudden, America would have a conscience again.

The more important question in my mind is who would be better for our corporate masters .. because only they choose presidents?

The winner of that question is Obama by far. Obama, like Reagan, is coated in teflon. He can get away with all manner of evil without a peep from the left.

Obama can attack Iran .. and it will make sense to many democrats and the left.

Obama can diminsh Social Security and Medicare .. and it will make sense to many democrats and the left.

Obama can never do a damn thing about Gitmo, sane drug laws, the environment .. and just about every damn thing democrats hate Romney for .. and get away with it.

Without question Obama would be far better for Wall Street and the plutocrats who own the United States.

Forget the polls .. Obama wins.

.. and thanks for the kudos my friend. :0)

Damn, you have me almost wanting Romney.
Problem with amoral bastards like Romney (and BushII during his first seven years) is that they impose the will of the select few, the far right, the oligarchy if you will.
Can this country really withstand more endless war, more tax cuts for the very wealthy, tax cuts for corps (surely on Mitt's agenda), more power garnering by the Military Industrial Complex, more cuts to social services?
I don't know how I missed this. Greece has the economy of Boston. Comparing the US to Greece is like comparing apples and oranges.

Yeah, I didn't say we were the exact size of Greece. I stated we are walking the same path. You do realize the people (or countries in this case) of different size can still walk upon the same path?
Damn, you have me almost wanting Romney.
Problem with amoral bastards like Romney (and BushII during his first seven years) is that they impose the will of the select few, the far right, the oligarchy if you will.
Can this country really withstand more endless war, more tax cuts for the very wealthy, tax cuts for corps (surely on Mitt's agenda), more power garnering by the Military Industrial Complex, more cuts to social services?

1) we are still at War under Obama... or did you forget he dramatically expanded the war in Afghanistan?
2) Obama's tax cut extended the Bush tax cuts
3) Corporate taxes are regressive... they should be reduced if not eliminated.
4) what cuts to social services have occurred?
1) we are still at War under Obama... or did you forget he dramatically expanded the war in Afghanistan?
2) Obama's tax cut extended the Bush tax cuts
3) Corporate taxes are regressive... they should be reduced if not eliminated.
4) what cuts to social services have occurred?

Are you asleep right now? I am not going to dignify your reponse by answering question#4.
1.The war of Global terror is over. Obama said so.
2. He had no choice in the matter, whatsoever.
3. You agree that will likely be a target for Mitt. Even if your reasoning is correct, we cannot afford anymore reductions in revenue.
4 Really?
Damn, you have me almost wanting Romney.
Problem with amoral bastards like Romney (and BushII during his first seven years) is that they impose the will of the select few, the far right, the oligarchy if you will.
Can this country really withstand more endless war, more tax cuts for the very wealthy, tax cuts for corps (surely on Mitt's agenda), more power garnering by the Military Industrial Complex, more cuts to social services?

Can this country really withstand more endless war, more tax cuts for the very wealthy, tax cuts for corps (surely on Mitt's agenda), more power garnering by the Military Industrial Complex, more cuts to social services?

ALL of which happened on Obama's watch.

More endless wars .. for profit and nonsensical. Obama attacked and destroyed Libya .. for profit .,. and his drones are killing INNOCENT people in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and throughout Africa. He killed American citizens without trial .. and if Romney had done that, democrats would be screaming at the top of their lungs about the horror of it.

He's extended the Bush tax cuts already. What makes you think he won't do it again when he doesn't need your vote or approval anymore?

The Cat Food Commission was his.

He's expanded the role and reach of the MIC.

And guess what he's doing for corporations under the radar?

Obama Gives Even More Power To Multinational Corporations

There is no such thing as "lesser evil." It still gets you evil.
It also crashed on the watch of the Pelosi led House and the Reid led Senate.

On that I agree. Unfortunately the Dems chose to run Kerry. Someone with worse grades than Bush who had the charisma and leadership skills of a stick.

What I want to know is, why have grades suddenly become an issue? I don't recall people asking to see candidates' grades going as far back as Nixon. I know people talked about bush's and Kerry's grades back in 2004 but thought that was a fluke. Now Obama's grade have become the rant du jour. Someone fill me in here.
Can this country really withstand more endless war, more tax cuts for the very wealthy, tax cuts for corps (surely on Mitt's agenda), more power garnering by the Military Industrial Complex, more cuts to social services?

ALL of which happened on Obama's watch.

More endless wars .. for profit and nonsensical. Obama attacked and destroyed Libya .. for profit .,. and his drones are killing INNOCENT people in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and throughout Africa. He killed American citizens without trial .. and if Romney had done that, democrats would be screaming at the top of their lungs about the horror of it.

He's extended the Bush tax cuts already. What makes you think he won't do it again when he doesn't need your vote or approval anymore?

The Cat Food Commission was his.

He's expanded the role and reach of the MIC.

And guess what he's doing for corporations under the radar?

Obama Gives Even More Power To Multinational Corporations

There is no such thing as "lesser evil." It still gets you evil.

Believe me, I screamed loud and long about the murder of an american with no due process. I was astounded at how little response there was.