Why hasn't Obama visited Colorado?

Another thing, we all knew that a flood was coming before it happened. The forecasts for the severity of the flood were changing almost hourly. At the very moment I realized that the forecast was going to be catastrophic to my property I called a moving company and paid a premium to have all the belongings I could moved out and stored. That cost me a little over $3,000. Because my dwelling was condemned by FEMA and my county I later had to obtain a different residence altogether. I had to pay just a little over $1200 to move my belongings from storage and into my new house.

Consider this. If I had just left with only my pets and what few belongings I could get into my car, like many others did, I would have saved that $4200 and got all new stuff either from my insurance or from FEMA. Instead, I just lost the entire $4200 with absolutely no reimbursement from my insurance or from FEMA and I still live with my garage sale furniture and other belongings. Most of my former neighbors lived in hotels, motels and apartments for as long as 18 months fully paid for by FEMA and were reimbursed 100% of the cost for NEW furniture, etc. by FEMA or their insurance. Because I saved my things, my insurance or FEMA didn't give me a dime for any of it, not even for the moving, storage or anything at all. Sometimes I feel like such a freaking dork for being thrifty, conservative in these issues and caring so much about lamps and dishes that I picked up here and there for little or nothing. But, I'm certainly OK now, my house is very nice, my old stuff looks OK in here, my pets love everything just the way it is and my outlook on about everything is as rosy as it's ever been. And damo, you still don't know jack shit about FEMA or their policies concerning insurance coverages.

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Why would OBOMByA go to Colorado? There isn't an election to win. He'll he still hasn't delivered on his Hurricane Sandy promises. He hates white people and guns and Colorado has lots of both

Maybe if Trayvon were from Colorado?
You're just another racist and complete idiot that neither education or medication could help, ILA. You and I agree only on one thing. BAC is as much of a fraud and a racist as you are. But, BAC is much more intelligent than you and does present his arguments in very reasonable and understandable format. I don't think I've ever seen anything reasonable or understandable from you.

Why don't you guys include links to prove your assertions? Damo? VillageN?
You both claim the other is misinformed. Cite your sources so the internets can decide who's right!
Why don't you guys include links to prove your assertions? Damo? VillageN?
You both claim the other is misinformed. Cite your sources so the internets can decide who's right!

My sources are my own experiences and subsequent knowledge of how things work concerning FEMA and insurance companies and the benefits for disaster victims. I had to carefully and truthfully navigate all that. If damo has anything other than that radio talking head bullshit to counter my claims he should produce them. He can't produce anything of the sort because it doesn't exist. I don't claim to know or understand his motivations in this case but I know for certain he is simply full of crap. It ain't nothin' like he claims it to be. Just a little googling might dispel some of your questions as well, tf. Go for it.

My sources are my own experiences and subsequent knowledge of how things work concerning FEMA and insurance companies and the benefits for disaster victims. I had to carefully and truthfully navigate all that. If damo has anything other than that radio talking head bullshit to counter my claims he should produce them. He can't produce anything of the sort because it doesn't exist. I don't claim to know or understand his motivations in this case but I know for certain he is simply full of crap. It ain't nothin' like he claims it to be. Just a little googling might dispel some of your questions as well, tf. Go for it.


Did you wipe the excrement off before presenting your argument?
Sooooooo,,,,,,you're too lazy to help yourself out by googling for answers for your specific questions, tf? No need for you to wipe any excrement. You'd rather eat it, wouldn't you?

I'm not doing your job for you. I default to Damo's view, which makes more sense and seems more credible since you admit your view is not based on any source but your anus.
Go right ahead, dumbass. That makes damo, his idiot radio talking head and you all the shitheads you appear to be. You merely accept that FEMA would duplicate insurance benefits for some and deny benefits to the uninsured because damo said so and he claims he heard it on some un-named radio program from an un-named talking head? That as opposed to actual experience from a flood victim and the common sense it would take to understand that FEMA is a disaster relief organization and not in the business of enriching those that have had the foresight and assets to seek and pay for insurance? Fucking idiots is about all I can say for all that bullshit. Still too lazy to seek out answers for your specific questions? Your answers are only a click or two away. Take a chance. You might learn something and not have to rely on anything that damo or I say about these matters. Lazy dumbass.

Also, I don't care enough about the subject to look it up. you're the one involved in the argument. You make your case. i'm not interested in your pointless argument, but the observation here is that you pulled your argument out of your ass
Also, I don't care enough about the subject to look it up. you're the one involved in the argument. You make your case. i'm not interested in your pointless argument, but the observation here is that you pulled your argument out of your ass

Absolutely not. I pulled the facts out of personal knowledge and experience. You and damo are the ones eating out of your asses.

One thing I learned working relief efforts after Hurricane Sandy .... and this is something all cities and municipalities should know...

FEMA can be relied upon to get massive amounts of relief materials to a centralized depot. But that's about it. They do not possess the logistical or organizational skills, or the knowledge of the local areas impacted, to say "You! You! You! And you! Load up this truck with W,X,Y, and Z and get it over to such-and-such place."

In New York City the Police Department and National Guard picked up on this right away and took over distribution from FEMA. People were getting relief supplies constantly.

But in some of the outer counties and cities, on Long Island and New Jersey, they lacked the infrastructure, insight, and/or incentive to pick up the ball and run with it.

That's just some first-hand experience. FEMA is great, up to a certain point. If localities would meet them half-way, instead of sitting back and expecting FEMA to get everything done in territory they have no knowledge of.... then it's going to be a disaster. After Sandy, I could see how Katrina was such a disaster.
Batshit. FEMA has certain responsibilities that you obviously know little or nothing about. FEMA is a management entity whose primary responsibility is disaster relief. They acquire stockpiles of relief supplies rapidly and efficiently and delegate distribution to organizations like those you have already mentioned and others as well. In my situation the Red Cross heavily depended on FEMA for supplies and foodstuffs but the Red Cross assumed the responsibility for reliable and efficient distribution of these goods. They worked hand in hand and all was superbly handled in my very honest opinion.

You're just another racist and complete idiot that neither education or medication could help, ILA. You and I agree only on one thing. BAC is as much of a fraud and a racist as you are. But, BAC is much more intelligent than you and does present his arguments in very reasonable and understandable format. I don't think I've ever seen anything reasonable or understandable from you.


What was unreasonable about what I just argued about OBOMBYA? There isn't an election taking place so there is no political benefit to OBOMBYA. He possesses no empathy toward others so that wouldn't draw him either. Your insults and imscharacterizations of me don't change the facts
What was unreasonable about what I just argued about OBOMBYA? There isn't an election taking place so there is no political benefit to OBOMBYA. He possesses no empathy toward others so that wouldn't draw him either. Your insults and imscharacterizations of me don't change the facts

Pfffffsssssshhhhhhhiiiiiittttt. That was a very wet fart aimed directly at you and yours, ILA. Lap it up!!!!!!!!

Batshit. FEMA has certain responsibilities that you obviously know little or nothing about. FEMA is a management entity whose primary responsibility is disaster relief. They acquire stockpiles of relief supplies rapidly and efficiently and delegate distribution to organizations like those you have already mentioned and others as well. In my situation the Red Cross heavily depended on FEMA for supplies and foodstuffs but the Red Cross assumed the responsibility for reliable and efficient distribution of these goods. They worked hand in hand and all was superbly handled in my very honest opinion.


Yeah, right. You obviously never worked alongside them.

In NYC, if the Police Department and National Guard hadn't started out ordering trucks loaded and giving directions to stricken areas, those relief supplies would probably still be in the hangars out at Floyd Bennett Field.

I don't care what it says on paper. Real life is, and was, completely different.

Meanwhile, you just admitted FEMA relied upon the Red Cross to get the relief supplies distributed..... you're contradicting your contradiction of me.... lol
Yeah, right. You obviously never worked alongside them.

In NYC, if the Police Department and National Guard hadn't started out ordering trucks loaded and giving directions to stricken areas, those relief supplies would probably still be in the hangars out at Floyd Bennett Field.

I don't care what it says on paper. Real life is, and was, completely different.

Meanwhile, you just admitted FEMA relied upon the Red Cross to get the relief supplies distributed..... you're contradicting your contradiction of me.... lol

Where did those supplies come from? How did the National Guard and NYPD know where those supplies were and how to distribute them? Are you advocating that FEMA keep 150,000 or so cargo handlers and distribution agents on hand for periodic disaster relief? FEMA is a management agency and they manage very well, particularly since Brownie went back to horse racing and raising. You're a simpleton fool, taftie.
