Village Negroe
Another thing, we all knew that a flood was coming before it happened. The forecasts for the severity of the flood were changing almost hourly. At the very moment I realized that the forecast was going to be catastrophic to my property I called a moving company and paid a premium to have all the belongings I could moved out and stored. That cost me a little over $3,000. Because my dwelling was condemned by FEMA and my county I later had to obtain a different residence altogether. I had to pay just a little over $1200 to move my belongings from storage and into my new house.
Consider this. If I had just left with only my pets and what few belongings I could get into my car, like many others did, I would have saved that $4200 and got all new stuff either from my insurance or from FEMA. Instead, I just lost the entire $4200 with absolutely no reimbursement from my insurance or from FEMA and I still live with my garage sale furniture and other belongings. Most of my former neighbors lived in hotels, motels and apartments for as long as 18 months fully paid for by FEMA and were reimbursed 100% of the cost for NEW furniture, etc. by FEMA or their insurance. Because I saved my things, my insurance or FEMA didn't give me a dime for any of it, not even for the moving, storage or anything at all. Sometimes I feel like such a freaking dork for being thrifty, conservative in these issues and caring so much about lamps and dishes that I picked up here and there for little or nothing. But, I'm certainly OK now, my house is very nice, my old stuff looks OK in here, my pets love everything just the way it is and my outlook on about everything is as rosy as it's ever been. And damo, you still don't know jack shit about FEMA or their policies concerning insurance coverages.
Consider this. If I had just left with only my pets and what few belongings I could get into my car, like many others did, I would have saved that $4200 and got all new stuff either from my insurance or from FEMA. Instead, I just lost the entire $4200 with absolutely no reimbursement from my insurance or from FEMA and I still live with my garage sale furniture and other belongings. Most of my former neighbors lived in hotels, motels and apartments for as long as 18 months fully paid for by FEMA and were reimbursed 100% of the cost for NEW furniture, etc. by FEMA or their insurance. Because I saved my things, my insurance or FEMA didn't give me a dime for any of it, not even for the moving, storage or anything at all. Sometimes I feel like such a freaking dork for being thrifty, conservative in these issues and caring so much about lamps and dishes that I picked up here and there for little or nothing. But, I'm certainly OK now, my house is very nice, my old stuff looks OK in here, my pets love everything just the way it is and my outlook on about everything is as rosy as it's ever been. And damo, you still don't know jack shit about FEMA or their policies concerning insurance coverages.
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