Why I Am a Liberal

By Cass R. Sunstein. Mr. Sunstein, a law professor at Harvard

Here is one attempt at an account, in the form of 34 sets of claims about liberalism.

1. Liberals believe in six things: freedom, human rights, pluralism, security, the rule of law and democracy. They believe not only in democracy, understood to require accountability to the people, but also in deliberative democracy, an approach that combines a commitment to reason giving in the public sphere with the commitment to accountability.


Sustein isn't a "liberal," he is a Stalinist. There is nothing even remotely "liberal" about the left. Start with "freedom." Freedom accrues to individuals, but the left seeks to eradicate individuals and force all into groups, or castes.
Speaking of triggered. :rofl2:


What are you doing here then? Why not scream your Trump hatred in your bathroom. You hide from any thought or idea that is contrary to the MSNBC view you hold.

You define ignorance.
Hey, BP, I'm not just trolling you here. Law is a simple liberal art. It's about knowing a set of rules and how to apply them, nothing more. It's not difficult once you know the rules. Lawyers want to keep you from knowing them so they can make lots of money being your consultant on the rules. Law professors don't generally impress me simply for being law professors.

So, let's test your ability to apply the rules in something.


Sign up for this online game and try to play it. If you can't figure out how to play it, then lawyers must appear as gods to you. No, this isn't some trick or something. The game is legit and not some virus or something. The company is based out of Iceland.

Let me say, I have an account and in order to play it well had to develop spreadsheets, tables, and other such things to get a good grasp on how it works. If you're an accountant you'll be in heaven trying to figure out the market system it uses for buying and selling stuff. You can be Scam Bankfraud Man in this game and get away with it. (You know, the guy that just went to prison for life for the cryptocurrency scam he was running)

Oh, like here, there are no rules against all sorts of devious stuff or using nasty language. You can troll or gank (kill) other players to your heart's content. A corporation that's the equivalent of anime's Sword Art Online clan Laughing Coffin is allowed without penalty.

You ain't kidding. I quit because I'm a pew-pew guy.
That's typical. You make some ridiculous claim but never show any kind of proof. Oh wait, it's magic, right?

That one is in a cocoon of Marxist ignorance. Shielded from any thought or information. She lives her life in the bliss of her party.
Correct answer: I am a liberal because I have been manipulated by my mind masters to favor lies over truth and chaos over order.

Liberals believe in six things: freedom,
Nope. Liberals want to remove freedom. They want everyone else to live exactly as they live. They want to force you to wear masks, force you to get vaccinations, force you to "eat the bugs", force you to drive electric cars, force you to use electric power tools, force you to live in "15-minute cities", force you to use wind/solar instead of feasible fuels, and eventually force you to receive the Mark of the Beast in order to buy/sell (exist).

Liberals don't want freedom; they want slavery. Democrats have been the party of slavery since their inception, and they are still the party of slavery to this very day.
Correct answer: I am a liberal because I have been manipulated by my mind masters to favor lies over truth and chaos over order.

Nope. Liberals want to remove freedom. They want everyone else to live exactly as they live. They want to force you to wear masks, force you to get vaccinations, force you to "eat the bugs", force you to drive electric cars, force you to use electric power tools, force you to live in "15-minute cities", force you to use wind/solar instead of feasible fuels, and eventually force you to receive the Mark of the Beast in order to buy/sell (exist).

Liberals don't want freedom; they want slavery. Democrats have been the party of slavery since their inception, and they are still the party of slavery to this very day.

Good. Go die.
You have the freedom to contract a contagious disease. You do not have the right to infect others.
A shame you are this fucking selfish and need it explained.
By Cass R. Sunstein. Mr. Sunstein, a law professor at Harvard

Here is one attempt at an account, in the form of 34 sets of claims about liberalism.

1. Liberals believe in six things: freedom, human rights, pluralism, security, the rule of law and democracy. They believe not only in democracy, understood to require accountability to the people, but also in deliberative democracy, an approach that combines a commitment to reason giving in the public sphere with the commitment to accountability.


Okay. Let's go through these six things:

Freedom: Liberals are all about restricting it. You can't say anything 'unapproved'. You can't believe anything 'unapproved'. You can't defend yourself with a gun because it's 'unapproved'. They snoop everywhere without authorization, they support oligarchy and dictatorship.

Human rights: These are the people that HATE children. They abort (murder) them for convenience, they keep them illiterate in the lousy excuse of the schools they run, they try to put people in prison for saying or believing 'the wrong thing', they take away your business and livelihood because is 'harms the planet' or other silly 'reason'. These people are racists and bigots. They HATE women, children, and anyone they deem to be 'white' (especially if they happen to be rich). The want to start a civil war. In many ways, they already have.

Pluralism: This is just another word for racism and bigotry. It is just a buzzword (code word) to justify their hatred of white people, especially if they happen to be rich.

Security: Liberals create and support violent thugs that are burning, looting, raping, assaulting, and murdering citizens. The cities are open crime zones. They allow wars to spiral out of control, and indeed WANT civil war.

Rule of Law: Liberals don't care about any law except their own dictatorial and oligarchies. They deny and discard the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. Biden, for example, has committed several acts of treason (providing weapons and supplies to the enemy in time of war, and inviting open invasion of the United States). Biden and Mayorakas have violated virtually every immigration law there is. Open crime is now in the cities because of liberals, with all the arson, looting, rape, assaults, and murders that entails.

Democracy: There currently are no democracies anywhere on Earth. This is just a buzzword for what they want to call the oligarchies and dictatorships they actually WANT.

Accountability to the People: (okay, that's seven, but it was brought up) By locking them up for saying or thinking the 'wrong thing', by lying constantly, by discarding the rule of law and saying the nation is 'secure', etc.

Mr. Sunstein is a liar. BidenPresident (the Wannabe) is also a liar for using the same arguments.
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Cliff Notes version:

I'm a Leftist (not a Liberal, I lied) because I'm a stupid fuck of a liberal arts professor and don't know shit about reality because I don't have to live in it, so there!

Oh, it would greatly help if the article weren't behind a paywall too...

Well put. Indeed, such professors are sponging off the government. They don't have any business or trade, and couldn't cope with running any business or trade.