Why I am Leaving.

It may be Biden and his negro will remain.
Signaling an end to American society.

How are you leaving? By boat, plane, train or automobile? Perhaps by pill, rope or bullet? Or your spaceship, Steven? Do you have room for more because there are a few JPP members who should go with you.
Mason is a buckeye not a hoosier.

Mason is also a liar and a coward. He tried to have me banned with a lie. He's scum. Hooser's scum. If Hoosier isn't Mason, then they are two peas in a pod and to be equally distrusted.
Mason is also a liar and a coward. He tried to have me banned with a lie. He's scum. Hooser's scum. If Hoosier isn't Mason, then they are two peas in a pod and to be equally distrusted.

You should be happy since Mason isn't even really posting anymore besides his stuff on the Top discussion.
Yes, but I don't remember what the current names are since he changed them enough. You can check username history if you think someone is Mason, since he hasn't made a new account for some time

Hence my point. Neither you nor I can know for sure. I'm going on behavior.

How can you know he hasn't generated half a dozen new accounts since your return? I have him a ton of shit, deservedly so, after he lied and tried to have me banned.

Again, Hoosier is a scumbag. Mason is a scumbag. If they aren't the same person then they are both still scumbags and should be treated accordingly.
Hence my point. Neither you nor I can know for sure. I'm going on behavior.

How can you know he hasn't generated half a dozen new accounts since your return? I have him a ton of shit, deservedly so, after he lied and tried to have me banned.

Again, Hoosier is a scumbag. Mason is a scumbag. If they aren't the same person then they are both still scumbags and should be treated accordingly.

I know his accounts and that he hasn't been posting. Even back when he was making his secondary accounts I could tell they were him. I'd confer with him elsewhere and confirm it. His whole shtick was making people think he was everywhere with accounts when he only has a few. He's even gone to newbie introductions and wrote, hey Mason.
I know his accounts and that he hasn't been posting. Even back when he was making his secondary accounts I could tell they were him. I'd confer with him elsewhere and confirm it. His whole shtick was making people think he was everywhere with accounts when he only has a few. He's even gone to newbie introductions and wrote, hey Mason.

Thanks. I'll wait for evidence. Until then, if it quacks like a Mason and shits like a Mason, it's a Mason. :)