Why I am Leaving.

I do and none of them are Hoosier. You can always tell it's Mason by his unusual use of punctuation. You're still mad about the ban thing, eh? I can assure you that he isn't the only one who's given it a shot.

No doubt I've pissed off the far Right as much as the far Left. That point aside, Mason deliberately lied about me in an effort to see me banned. Everyone else was just whining.
I do and none of them are Hoosier. You can always tell it's Mason by his unusual use of punctuation. You're still mad about the ban thing, eh? I can assure you that he isn't the only one who's given it a shot.
That's a good behavioral clue, but one that, once aware, he can take effort to change just like Legion and Stevie change their behaviors.....at least for awhile.
Mason is also a liar and a coward. He tried to have me banned with a lie. He's scum. Hooser's scum. If Hoosier isn't Mason, then they are two peas in a pod and to be equally distrusted.

why would i try to ban somebody whose ass i kick with such pleasure, bitch? who the hell is mason?
that was a lame ass reply even for a punk ass bitch like you. even CLM manages better half-witted replies.

Thanks for paying so much attention to my posts, Mason! You always had a crush on me but your social skills still need a lot of work.

Here, let me help...but you have to be able to afford $500: https://www.texasetiquette.com/adultclasses
This in-depth weekend covers a wide range of important subjects to help you improve your business and life

Subjects covered are:

Social Etiquette

  • Greeting Etiquette
  • Proper Handshakes
  • Introductions
  • The Art of Remembering Names
  • Proper Use of Business Cards
  • Modern Gender Relations
  • Avoiding Dating Dilemmas

Communications Etiquette

  • Grammar Does Matter
  • Giving Feedback
  • Presentation Skills
  • Communicating With Care
  • Modern Communication Tips
  • Arguing with Grace and Charm
  • Meeting Etiquette
  • Correspondence Etiquette
  • Netiquette
  • Having Difficult Conversations
  • Handling Conflict with Grace and Charm

Dining Etiquette

  • Social Dining
  • Guidelines for Mannerful Meals
  • Mixing Dining and Pleasure Quiz
  • Cocktails and Appetizer Etiquette
  • Navigating the Buffet
  • Wine Etiquette
  • Tipping Etiquette
  • Networking
  • Reception Guidelines
  • Hostess Tips
  • Service Etiquette for Dining Situations

Personal Development

Organizational Skills
Appropriate Dress
Positive Attitude
Sharp Dressed Man
Poised for Success
Elegant, Semi-Formal Dress Guidelines
Polite Demeanor

You will increase your visual presence, improve your image and get you noticed in the best way possible!

Refreshments and lunch are included.
clueless savage? wow, that hurt. are you trying to scare people with your avatar, jarhead? did you have your neck removed surgically? or what? i have seen better looking faces with a hook coming out of their mouths.

My avatar is just a reminder that I'm the biggest & baddest mofo on this forum.

I'm backwards for not sharing your cute feelings, which are without a clue?

Political correctness doesn't make one a rocket scientist.

Plenty of the best & brightest have been politically incorrect.

Nazi member Werner Von Braun the main dude to put a man on the Moon.

James Watson who discovered DNA structure is racist.

Leading biologist Dawkins is a race realist.

Darwin who largely formed evolutionary thought, was a Racist who believed Feugian Natives were hardly Human savages.

KKK member Borglum carved Mount Rushmore.

Henry Ford was an antisemitic Nazi supporter.

Nikola Tesla believed in eugenics, and was the best inventor.

Thomas Edison was racist.

William Shockley invented the transistor radio & was a racist eugenicist.

Karl Lineaes a founder of Natural science was racist.

Georges Further another natural science giant was racist.

Writer Nikolai Ggol was anti Semitic

Writer Doestoeveysky was anti Semitic.

Philosopher Immanual Kant was racist.

Philosopher Voltaire was racist.

Philosopher Schopenhauer was racist.

Classical Composer Wagner was anti Semitic.

Thomas Jefferson was a Black slave owner.

Abraham Lincoln was racist.
Thanks for paying so much attention to my posts, Mason! You always had a crush on me but your social skills still need a lot of work.

Here, let me help...but you have to be able to afford $500: https://www.texasetiquette.com/adultclasses
This in-depth weekend covers a wide range of important subjects to help you improve your business and life

Subjects covered are:

Social Etiquette

  • Greeting Etiquette
  • Proper Handshakes
  • Introductions
  • The Art of Remembering Names
  • Proper Use of Business Cards
  • Modern Gender Relations
  • Avoiding Dating Dilemmas

Communications Etiquette

  • Grammar Does Matter
  • Giving Feedback
  • Presentation Skills
  • Communicating With Care
  • Modern Communication Tips
  • Arguing with Grace and Charm
  • Meeting Etiquette
  • Correspondence Etiquette
  • Netiquette
  • Having Difficult Conversations
  • Handling Conflict with Grace and Charm

Dining Etiquette

  • Social Dining
  • Guidelines for Mannerful Meals
  • Mixing Dining and Pleasure Quiz
  • Cocktails and Appetizer Etiquette
  • Navigating the Buffet
  • Wine Etiquette
  • Tipping Etiquette
  • Networking
  • Reception Guidelines
  • Hostess Tips
  • Service Etiquette for Dining Situations

Personal Development

Organizational Skills
Appropriate Dress
Positive Attitude
Sharp Dressed Man
Poised for Success
Elegant, Semi-Formal Dress Guidelines
Polite Demeanor

You will increase your visual presence, improve your image and get you noticed in the best way possible!

Refreshments and lunch are included.

who's mason?
My avatar is just a reminder that I'm the biggest & baddest mofo on this forum.

I'm backwards for not sharing your cute feelings, which are without a clue?

Political correctness doesn't make one a rocket scientist.

Plenty of the best & brightest have been politically incorrect.

Nazi member Werner Von Braun the main dude to put a man on the Moon.

James Watson who discovered DNA structure is racist.

Leading biologist Dawkins is a race realist.

Darwin who largely formed evolutionary thought, was a Racist who believed Feugian Natives were hardly Human savages.

KKK member Borglum carved Mount Rushmore.

Henry Ford was an antisemitic Nazi supporter.

Nikola Tesla believed in eugenics, and was the best inventor.

Thomas Edison was racist.

William Shockley invented the transistor radio & was a racist eugenicist.

Karl Lineaes a founder of Natural science was racist.

Writer Nikolai Ggol was anti Semitic

Writer Doestoeveysky was anti Semitic.

Philosopher Immanual Kant was racist.

Philosopher Voltaire was racist.

Philosopher Schopenhauer was racist.

Classical Composer Wagner was anti Semitic.

Thomas Jefferson was a Black slave owner.

Abraham Lincoln was racist.

stupid people are easy to beat up and kill, if necessary. try to remember that, phony bad ass neanderthal. but if you do feel the need to prove how easily you can get your ass kicked, don't let nothing but fear and common sense hold you back.