clueless savage? wow, that hurt. are you trying to scare people with your avatar, jarhead? did you have your neck removed surgically? or what? i have seen better looking faces with a hook coming out of their mouths.
My avatar is just a reminder that I'm the biggest & baddest mofo on this forum.
I'm backwards for not sharing your cute feelings, which are without a clue?
Political correctness doesn't make one a rocket scientist.
Plenty of the best & brightest have been politically incorrect.
Nazi member Werner Von Braun the main dude to put a man on the Moon.
James Watson who discovered DNA structure is racist.
Leading biologist Dawkins is a race realist.
Darwin who largely formed evolutionary thought, was a Racist who believed Feugian Natives were hardly Human savages.
KKK member Borglum carved Mount Rushmore.
Henry Ford was an antisemitic Nazi supporter.
Nikola Tesla believed in eugenics, and was the best inventor.
Thomas Edison was racist.
William Shockley invented the transistor radio & was a racist eugenicist.
Karl Lineaes a founder of Natural science was racist.
Georges Further another natural science giant was racist.
Writer Nikolai Ggol was anti Semitic
Writer Doestoeveysky was anti Semitic.
Philosopher Immanual Kant was racist.
Philosopher Voltaire was racist.
Philosopher Schopenhauer was racist.
Classical Composer Wagner was anti Semitic.
Thomas Jefferson was a Black slave owner.
Abraham Lincoln was racist.