Why I Am Running As A Democrat

You have my vote.

Did you drive off a bridge drunk killing your passenger than fled the scene. Don’t worry about it I’ll still vote for you.
Were you caught on camera purchasing drugs and went to prison. Don’t worry about that either I’ll still vote for you.
Did you commit perjury and loss your law license. Don’t worry I’ll still vote for you.
Many candidates only run to build war chests. Such candidates have no intention of wining so they hang onto the money they get. Any money leftover can be used to buy influence in the party. A frugal candidate can hang onto to most of the money they receive in donations.


The first thing every campaign-donations hustler does is ask themself “What can I say that will convince fools to give me money?” Here are a few gems guarantied to take in million of campaign dollars —— and fools:


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The first thing every campaign-donations hustler does is ask themself “What can I say that will convince fools to give me money?”

Hillary Clinton’s replacement in the U.S. Senate found a plethora of fools she can mine for campaign donations: (PLEASE DO NOT TELL ME THAT ILLEGAL ALIENS CANNOT VOTE.)

Watch: Kirsten Gillibrand Pledges to Release All Illegal Aliens Claiming Asylum into U.S. Communities
19 May 2019


NOTE: Television parasites end up with most of the campaign donations hustlers take in. That is why television gives every Democrat freak running for president all of that so-called free coverage. TV has to rake it in from as many as wannabes as possible before the candidate is chosen. In short: One hustler is not as lucrative as 23.