Someone doesn't know what "solely" means.
uniquely existing as one of a kind. Every 31st arrival into their ancestral lineage will never be reproduced again, even if cloned a million times, each will be a separate individual occupying time when living as part of the universe evolving into a new total sum combined so far.
The universe is a perpetual balancing outcome of details never duplicated at the same time regardless geographical location in a specific part of the universe never same results twice.
Simple compounding rule of interest yields to added results spontaneously here simultaneously existing now as specifically located evolving ancestrally here socially pretending life isn't self evident each brain has to navigate being alive as their time adapting where positioned 24/7 origin of conception final departure body is decomposed back into the periodic elements sustaining the shape of one's combined chromosomes streaming in population left alive as existing so far.
It is what it becomes tomorrow, legally defined in context as midnight to noon each of the 7 days a week one's geographical area rotates by midnight event horizon of the planet perpetually balancing in this specific solar system, this specific galaxy, this specific time, one's specific species, ancestral lineage, generation gap.
What do you interpret solely to mean? Equally created by one's personal ancestral lineage adapting in space daily here with a sole brain navigating their time left with each heartbeat their body changes shape since formed their actual fertilized cell.
Simple compounding times alive as part of the environment to this universal location and one's actual time adapting forward in plain sight.
Who you wished you became socially doesn't change the position you acquired when conceived to replace the 30 lifetimes of your specific 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 16 great great. Siblings in each generation gap are relative time people each generation gap the population in this atmosphere was what it was to is what is left alive now.
Solely self evident time as individually alive without theories or theologies suggesting to each great great grandchild life exceeds time adapting as displaced each rotation evolving now.