Because most Republicans want a REAL MAN to be their president. They already have a Giant Pussy in Donald Trump- why would they ever want another one of those?
They don't want some limp wristed chicken-shit that Attacks Micky Mouse and easy minority targets like children, women and gay people, but won't even stand up to Donald Trump and call him out for being such a past horrible president, unfit for office, sore loser, and presidential candidate with a criminal background.
DeSantis is still running for Vice President!
The only way anyone is ever going to win over Trump is they are going to have to call him out for what he is! HINT HINT- They must differentiate themselves to DONALD TRUMP- Not just another FAT-FACE looser guy with another goofy hairdo- that has not a clue how to act on a National Stage or appeal to the masses!
Do you understand that?