Why is global warming a political issue?

correction... it would have drastic economic impact on everyone if the current cap and trade type proposals were put into effect.

No it wouldn't. Our cap and trade scheme is extremely moderate and would have practically no economic impact whatsoever, at most a very small percent of one percent of the economy would be effected.
Also... Scientists do not hide data, do not work to suppress opposing views and do not allow bogus 'data' to be published by governmental hacks simply because that is where their funding comes from.

Yes they do. What species do you think scientists are?

This besides the fact that none of what you said has happened.
No it wouldn't. Our cap and trade scheme is extremely moderate and would have practically no economic impact whatsoever, at most a very small percent of one percent of the economy would be effected.

LOL Crap and Trade will most certainly have a ruinous effect on the economy. Stop trolling.
I have never understood why this is such a fiercely political issue, for both sides.

Merits of the issue itself aside, why are so many conservatives in the "do not believe" category, and so many liberals are in the "holy shit this has to be stopped" category?

Is it as simple an explanation of "liberals are smart, and conservatives are anti-science retards" or is there something else going on here?

The fact that it (seems) to split right down party lines, leads me to believe there is something else going on in regards to motives for both sides of the debate.



Oil, electrical utilities, nuclear.....the folk who own and run these DO NOT want to change the status quo, which makes them super rich and gives them POWER over others. Subsequently, the financial sector will cater to the golden rule....those who have the gold rule!

Think of what would happen if Chevron and Exxon were told they have to be held fully accountable for the environmental impact of how they do business around the world now? We're just seeing the political wrangling....all hell would break loose if any global warming initiatives were to be put in place and to be enforced by law. Think of it...the "private security" forces of major oil companies vs. National and international police like the FBI.
Merits of the issue itself aside, why are so many conservatives in the "do not believe" category, and so many liberals are in the "holy shit this has to be stopped" category?

there are certain political factions that desire to change the world's economic structure.....they view life as a war between the have's and the have not's......for those who have been raising the clamor, the issue has never been about global warming......the issue has been, how can we utilize global warming as a means of taking away from the have's....

cap and trade is a prime example.....there is no intent to reduce pollution in cap and trade.....there is only the intent to take money from those who pollute and give it to those who do not.....