why is it only the nutcase Rs post anymore?

Is what they say any more stupid and vitriolic than what 007 or ILA or even yourself at times say? No.....it's just that YOU don't like it when it's pointed in your direction.

I can't speak for PMP, but for myself, I do try to read what someone writes before giving up or down. Consistently from the left leaning here, I see a thumbs up based upon poster alone. Why do I say that? Well I've seen women that I consider pretty bright, articulate, pos rep misogynist posts. I've seen a poster spew their hatred on others, without cause and get lots and lots of 'thanks.' Not much thinking there.

When someone basically states a belief we may share, but does so in vile or hateful way, I DON'T want to give them an attaboy or girl.

When someone basically states a belief we may share, but does so in vile or hateful way, I DON'T want to give them an attaboy or girl.

This. I could agree with a lot of things said by some here (on both the right and the left ... but mostly the right) but I refuse to jump into the fray of insults that take place ... usually before the thread advances past the first page.
The " mostly the right" above is indicative of the frequency with which I agree with someone's point, not that I think they do it more. But I will say that when someone I would normally agree with gets nasty it is much more noticeable to me.
The " mostly the right" above is indicative of the frequency with which I agree with someone's point, not that I think they do it more. But I will say that when someone I would normally agree with gets nasty it is much more noticeable to me.

I just cringe when those that at heart have good ideas, but express themselves in ways that are offensive not to just the folks they want to offend, but those that they should want to enjoin.

It's not just unique here, I see it from in many forums.

We're not speaking about meltdowns, but day-to-day postings.
here's a thought.....instead of taking tax money and using it to replace the SS fund which is missing we could use the tax money to provide people in need with what they need......

huh what?

dude what the fuck do you thin SS does?

put the money back the right desided to use in other ways back into it and allow the people who paid into to to continue to protect their families with it lokeit was planned
I can't speak for PMP, but for myself, I do try to read what someone writes before giving up or down. Consistently from the left leaning here, I see a thumbs up based upon poster alone. Why do I say that? Well I've seen women that I consider pretty bright, articulate, pos rep misogynist posts. I've seen a poster spew their hatred on others, without cause and get lots and lots of 'thanks.' Not much thinking there.

When someone basically states a belief we may share, but does so in vile or hateful way, I DON'T want to give them an attaboy or girl.

like your some moral authority?

we all already now your true inner self Annie.

you manipulate people with fake kindness and then cheat them when you have their confidance.

You are no moral authority ANYWHERE
I just cringe when those that at heart have good ideas, but express themselves in ways that are offensive not to just the folks they want to offend, but those that they should want to enjoin.

It's not just unique here, I see it from in many forums.

We're not speaking about meltdowns, but day-to-day postings.

contemplate for a moment the fact that you are on the side that wants to see people die of hunger and exposure due to a lack of compassion by your ranks
get over the dirty words and comedy.

that is all they are.

I have stopped TWICE in my life on the internets and asked everyone to join me.

Guess how the right leaning posters reacted?

their vitriol increased ten fold.

believe me you the only reason the right talks about this is to game the other posters.

You can NOT be right leaning and be well informed and be honest.

Sorry folks if that pains you but its reality now.

The people who pay close attention KNOW the right is based on bullshit and greed.

If you want to call that vitriolic then the truth is vitriolic
You can NOT be right leaning and be well informed and be honest.

contemplate for a moment the fact that you are on the side that wants to see people die of hunger and exposure due to a lack of compassion by your ranks

See, this is no way to get dialogue started. It is her opinion and she is from the get-go calling anyone who is to the right on the political spectrum dishonest in one statement and accuses them of a lack of compassion and wanting to see people starve in the other. It's like me trying to have a discussion and starting it with, "I know you lefties are completely dishonest but what do you think of ....?" That is why in most of desh's threads she ends up commenting and talking to herself...unless of course she bans herself like that one time... But I have come to expect this sort of thing as I have been reading it for years... We can't all be like Don Q.

And these quoted statements, while cutting and demeaning, are in no way as bad as some of the stuff I have seen from those on my own side of the political aisle on occasion. So no, I do not think I am picking on desh here. I actually enjoy some of the comments she has made when she actually adds to the discussion. Just like I like some of what PMP has to say sometimes and would/do agree but when he/she goes into a profanity laced tirade, I just have to move on. I know, it's probably just me and my backwards ways .... I'll get off my soap box now.
get conversation started?

dude have you NOT noticed the right wants nothing to do with conversations about facts and reality.

They want to muddy the water so the facts are hidden.
heres the reality.

Some of us think dirty words are funny and expressive.

Some of us are offended by "dirty" words.

Im much more offended by LIES and cheating.

I guess its just me that has NO FAITH in a group of people that will PRETEND their party has not cheated for decades to subvert democracy.

Anyone who I talk to on the right should NOT be supporting a party that does what the republican party does.,

They Cheat their asses off.

then they LIE about science all day long.

then they say we should let people die if they fail to save enough fro retirement.


I cant help it.

the facts are clear.

anyone who supports the right in this country is either a sociopath or is uninformed
I think SS gives essentially the same amount of money to everyone whether they need it or not......

you do realize that it was LBJ who started raiding the SS fund, right?.....

Your first claim is slightly off. It varies to a small degree based on what one contributes.

Your second claim is a lie.

The first president to start raiding social security was Reagan. First, he started taxing it in order to pay for the 1983 payroll tax hike in order to give income tax cuts to the very rich.

In 1983, Congress and the Reagan administration adjusted Social Security taxes and benefits to put the program on an even keel that began to build up a huge surplus for investment. But Congress decided to “borrow” the surplus instead of investing. They’ve been using it to help pay for things that have nothing to do with Social Security, things the political establishment and tax-averse Americans wanted but didn’t want to pay for: invasions, education, highway repairs and so on. And, without giving any thought to paying the surplus money back, the federal government has been trading it for special Treasury bonds that politicians used to assure us were safe in a lockbox.

Nowhere could I find proof that Johnson "raided" social security to pay for the Vietnam War. The only reference to it out there is a book by Jim Demented, titled "Now or Never".

There's also Krauthammer mentioning it while criticizing Clinton in 1998, when arguing for taking social security "off budget", which Johnson did originally start doing.

But did that pay for Vietnam? No, of course not.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that President Lyndon B. Johnson started using Social Security Trust Funds to finance other government programs. In 1969, Johnson started combining the financial data of the Social Security program with the financial data of the federal government for the purpose of reporting the budget. Up until that time, when the federal government reported its budget, it treated Social Security consistent with the fact that its finances are separated by law from the rest of the federal government. In 1969, the federal government was running a deficit and the Social Security program was running a surplus. By adding the two together, Johnson was able to tell the American people that the federal budget had a surplus, while in reality, it had a deficit. This was a considerable negative because the budget deficit was hidden from the public, however, Johnson did not change the actual finances of the federal government or the Social Security program; only the manner in which they were reported.


Before you continue spreading lies and mistruths, may I recommend you read this and educate yourself as opposed to blindly following right wing talking points?

See, this is no way to get dialogue started. It is her opinion and she is from the get-go calling anyone who is to the right on the political spectrum dishonest in one statement and accuses them of a lack of compassion and wanting to see people starve in the other. It's like me trying to have a discussion and starting it with, "I know you lefties are completely dishonest but what do you think of ....?" That is why in most of desh's threads she ends up commenting and talking to herself...unless of course she bans herself like that one time... But I have come to expect this sort of thing as I have been reading it for years... We can't all be like Don Q.

And these quoted statements, while cutting and demeaning, are in no way as bad as some of the stuff I have seen from those on my own side of the political aisle on occasion. So no, I do not think I am picking on desh here. I actually enjoy some of the comments she has made when she actually adds to the discussion. Just like I like some of what PMP has to say sometimes and would/do agree but when he/she goes into a profanity laced tirade, I just have to move on. I know, it's probably just me and my backwards ways .... I'll get off my soap box now.

You're spot on leaning. You are never going to have a real discussion, if that is your actual goal, by starting off completely insulting the people you want to have a discussion with. It's human nature that the person on the receiving end of those insults is going to become defensive and everything goes downhill from there.