Cancel 2016.11
I think that's something (almost) all of us will agree on.
see hes so offended by bad words.
bite a cockroach's dick you fucking hack
Okay Grind's post just answered my question, he's been permabanned for exactly the posts I was questioning. I just couldn't figure it out that's all.
It's all good.
007 is an extreme case and I wouldn't be surprised if JPP loses some posters over him, perhaps even you. The things he has been posting about you go way beyond the pale, and I personally feel something should be done, it's outright harassment.
The fucking guy was breaking the pedo rule constantly. That should be the sole question here, and it's been answered, he's gone for good. The End.
no more so than Howie or MM.....
As I've said REPEATEDLY I have him on ignore. And yet I still have to see his a*hole comments when someone quotes him.
With an opt-in system, those who are too lazy to put him on ignore will also probably be too lazy to take him off ignore.
While I agree he was over the top towards me, luckily ignoring kept most of it away from my sight. But it really burned me when he accused Steelplate of killing his patient. Guess that's not why he got banned, but I couldn't believe even 007 would go that far.
Yea for the permaban!
Desh is not foul and vile like 007. I am suggesting this solely for 007. There are other vile and foul posters, but not nearly to the degree that 007 is. You may not like Desh's posts, but if you say they are equivalent to 007's, you are lying.
Just show me one instance where ignoring the troll caused it to go away and I will shut up.
Just one.
That's CAN'T.
If you don't want me replying to you. quit slandering me. or put me on ignore you fucking lightweight.
Tell me, which mod (or I suppose it could be a regular poster) has a gun to your head forcing you to respond? Seriously, it must be one of us. I mean, that's the only way you can actually NOT ignore someone.
Lol... Desh is vile, perhaps not to the same degree, but the point is where do you stop with your 'opt in' idea? We all have personal preferences... Which is why we get to choose for ourselves. As for those quoting 007... Take a look who is doing so...
If you don't want me replying to you. quit slandering me. or put me on ignore you fucking lightweight.
you lied about an event on another board. that's a fact. sorry. please. put me on ignore as I am going to do to you.
telling the truth about you is not're a worthless poster who shows up only to instigate trouble.....
Truly ironic statement from PMP.
Pot = Kettle.