Why is owning slaves a bad thing ?


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Now that I have your attention.
Why is owning slaves of any race a bad thing to most Christians since the bible very clearly states it is fine as long as you treat them well ?

I am not even sure Jesus spoke out against slavery, but i could be wrong on that point.
Now that I have your attention.
Why is owning slaves of any race a bad thing to most Christians since the bible very clearly states it is fine as long as you treat them well ?

I am not even sure Jesus spoke out against slavery, but i could be wrong on that point.

Slaves are pricey these days--------I think you can get more bang for your buck by buying a used one until prices drop a bit.
Now that I have your attention.
Why is owning slaves of any race a bad thing to most Christians since the bible very clearly states it is fine as long as you treat them well ?

I am not even sure Jesus spoke out against slavery, but i could be wrong on that point.

That's a good question. It isn't.
First of all, because the actual verses describe more of an indentured servitude than actual slavery--- there is a time limit on how long the slave is allowed to belong to you (six years, I believe).

Secondly, those verses are in Leviticus...so Christians don't own slaves in the same way that we don't lock women up during their periods or eschew pork or sacrifice lambs.
First of all, because the actual verses describe more of an indentured servitude than actual slavery--- there is a time limit on how long the slave is allowed to belong to you (six years, I believe).

Secondly, those verses are in Leviticus...so Christians don't own slaves in the same way that we don't lock women up during their periods or eschew pork or sacrifice lambs.

Jews don't do that either. Why is that?
First of all, because the actual verses describe more of an indentured servitude than actual slavery--- there is a time limit on how long the slave is allowed to belong to you (six years, I believe).

Secondly, those verses are in Leviticus...so Christians don't own slaves in the same way that we don't lock women up during their periods or eschew pork or sacrifice lambs.

Leviticus is still cited whenever anyone wants to stone a homosexual, though.
First of all, because the actual verses describe more of an indentured servitude than actual slavery--- there is a time limit on how long the slave is allowed to belong to you (six years, I believe).

Secondly, those verses are in Leviticus...so Christians don't own slaves in the same way that we don't lock women up during their periods or eschew pork or sacrifice lambs.
right the same book that christians quote all the time to justify stances on things.
I thought slaves had a different meaning in the bible then it does now. Not that its necessarily right but I thought ti was more akin to indentured servitude. I could be making this up but I thought I recalled a conversation like that in sunday school.
I thought slaves had a different meaning in the bible then it does now. Not that its necessarily right but I thought ti was more akin to indentured servitude. I could be making this up but I thought I recalled a conversation like that in sunday school.

If she didn't have me on ignore she'd know I already said that.