Why is owning slaves a bad thing ?

In the South the parties are largely reversed...many of the Southern Democrats are what you would call Republicans in other states.

strange how the parties have now switched around concerning blacks. maybe it was the broken promises the republicans made to the blacks back then ?
some things never change ;)

This is a tired and typical assertion of Democrats. Of course they cannot explain why parties that have been fighting for and against civil rights and the free market system for over a century suddenly "switch". :D
so the south did not have a freer market system before the civil was as opposed to after the civil war ?

imho that was what the civil war was about,not slavery as the republican spawned myth goes.
You seem to have it backwards. Prior to the Civil War the northern states were majority Republican and had established a vibrant free market society. The majority Democrats in the south maintained a European model of an upper class minority supported by cheap labor of black slavery and poor whites.
blacks were not considered "men" by most white european types before the civil war.
So no equality , at least in their pointy little minds.
blacks were not considered "men" by most white european types before the civil war.
So no equality , at least in their pointy little minds.
Perhaps you meant "some" instead of "most", as that would then make your statement true. And that "some" where slave owners in the South, overwhelmingly registered Democrats.
slaves were in the north as well.
also interesting is that now the old north is primarially demoncratically dominated.
slaves were in the north as well.
also interesting is that now the old north is primarially demoncratically dominated.
True but they were a relative rarity. I would maintain that the "switch" in parties between the North and South is due to the policies of FDR and Reagan, and has nothing to do with race.