Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Sure, it makes it acceptable

Let me stop you right there! All my life, the propaganda machine of the nuke power industry is how SAFE it is. Safer than coal, clean, etc., etc. And what you did here was substitute cars for coal.
But now you telling me it's perfectly acceptable, hell necessary for a portion of nuke power workers to develop leukemia in order to provide this wonderfully safe and economic power source.
Now, all you have to do is tell me and the reading audience exactly where does it say in the contracts for plant workers that they accept the possibility that they may develop leukemia as a by-product of their work.
Once you answer that, then we can proceed.
The risk was minimal. I've pointed that out. But in any case, the industry could have worked towards mitigating it completely. Your position is that this risk was static and could not be mitigated. That's clearly a bullshit position taken to simply be anti-nuclear.
Reactor safety has improved greatly too.
Workers in lots of industries face risks from chemicals, materials, processes, etc. That doesn't stop them from working or using those chemicals and materials. Instead, they are given protective gear and trained to mitigate the risk.
Your position remains one of demanding 100% safe operations. That is simply an absurd and asinine position to take. Safety Third!
He gets it. I get it. You, being an idiot, don't get it.