Why is the right the way they are

OK, you obviously didn't go to college, and this mess is the best you can do. I am ok with it though, since you at least put some effort into it. Just don't be the lefty who calls me uneducated because I voted for Trump.

There is "education", and then there is education based on knowledge. Obviously your "education" was lacking in several aspects such as truth, integrity, empathy, and intelligence.
There is "education", and then there is education based on knowledge. Obviously your "education" was lacking in several aspects such as truth, integrity, empathy, and intelligence.

Lefties learn these words, but they only learn how to use them as tools to acquire free shit. Lefties use them as euphemism, and to loosen purse strings. All roads lead to free shit for lefties, so their entire language and culture are about getting their free shit.
If your screwed in the head and your world is shit, you then need someone to blame it on, It's the backbone of all hatred and the most dominate driving factor for the right in 2019, they deliberately worked to get this groups support, they needed to get their numbers to stay in power. They know as a party ,they are toast because of demographics, so they will use anything and anyone to stay in power and that include pandering to a group that would sell out this country and it's constitution to retain that power. This is the fight, this is the enemy.

You just described the liberal left and the Democratic Party of the Jackass you dumb fuck. :laugh:
In politics, you can appeal either to what's best in people or what's lowest, and oddly enough, they will show at their best when they are taught to consider their own interests fully. It is evident, for instance, that the least competitive countries appear to be the happiest, so do you want to compete, really? Unfortunately, from at least the days of Senator McCarthy in the 'States, the mass of people have been cajoled or frightened out of judging their own interest, with the result that the most disregarded grow full of stupefied hate (Brexiteers over here), which can easily be exploited by the very rich to get the mugs' votes. It is not their nature but their conditioning that's the problem, but, alas, given world overheating, if they don't wake up soon, we are all buggered.
Your hate party is this countries biggest threat along with the pile of shit mental case you put in office.

The only things I hate are political parties I don’t belong to one I hate em all they’re nothing but propagandizing, lying bastard special interest who’s only quest is achieving and holding power over the masses and lining their own pockets with the sweat and toil of the honest, hard-working self-supporting people. They cater to the leaches and swindlers. They rob the successful among us and use the proceeds to bribe the useless and crooked among us.

I don’t vote for Democrats or Republicans. I don’t vote in the duopoly’s rigged elections.

The fight is going on all around you , good against evil. the left vs the right.

That’s evil against evil. The bleeping left is twice as evil as the evil right!

You people have to go, any group that is controlled by hatred has to go.

Then you better start cleaning out the Democrats first. Their Trump hate is astonishing, to say the least!

There will always be a conservative party but it won't be this one

There is no conservative party or liberal party. Both the Republicans and Democrats are social engineering authoritarians. The true conservatives are like me, Our agenda is to “CONSERVE” the Constitution and especially the Bill Of Rights. The true liberals are like me, our agenda is to “CONSERVE” the “LIBERAL” Bill Of Rights as written.

then being crooks and raising hatred how are you going to get anyone other then old white men to vote for you,

Only racist pigs have hatred for white folks!
blah blah blah blah blah

When someone who has the capacity to think says something here, you just expect the people who don't have the capacity to think saying stupid crap , like they don't like you or that your dumb . like who in the hell cares what they think about you, when it's coming from a group that operates on hate and makes all its decision on that same hate.

You know you got them by the rocks when the best they can do is attack your spelling and the way you conjugate a verb, you people are this countries biggest threat and in my opinion it's biggest enemy. You hate group is dead , you just don't know it yet.

In politics, you can appeal either to what's best in people or what's lowest, and oddly enough, they will show at their best when they are taught to consider their own interests fully. It is evident, for instance, that the least competitive countries appear to be the happiest, so do you want to compete, really? Unfortunately, from at least the days of Senator McCarthy in the 'States, the mass of people have been cajoled or frightened out of judging their own interest, with the result that the most disregarded grow full of stupefied hate (Brexiteers over here), which can easily be exploited by the very rich to get the mugs' votes. It is not their nature but their conditioning that's the problem, but, alas, given world overheating, if they don't wake up soon, we are all buggered.
Well said
The only things I hate are political parties I don’t belong to one I hate em all they’re nothing but propagandizing, lying bastard special interest who’s only quest is achieving and holding power over the masses and lining their own pockets with the sweat and toil of the honest, hard-working self-supporting people. They cater to the leaches and swindlers. They rob the successful among us and use the proceeds to bribe the useless and crooked among us.

I don’t vote for Democrats or Republicans. I don’t vote in the duopoly’s rigged elections.

That’s evil against evil. The bleeping left is twice as evil as the evil right!

Then you better start cleaning out the Democrats first. Their Trump hate is astonishing, to say the least!

There is no conservative party or liberal party. Both the Republicans and Democrats are social engineering authoritarians. The true conservatives are like me, Our agenda is to “CONSERVE” the Constitution and especially the Bill Of Rights. The true liberals are like me, our agenda is to “CONSERVE” the “LIBERAL” Bill Of Rights as written.

Only racist pigs have hatred for white folks!
Solution you can't man up so you hate them all , so I I know which party you vote for and I know which Ideology you support , it's no mystery. Ya white folks are so repressed in this country. What a fucking joke that is.
Lefties learn these words, but they only learn how to use them as tools to acquire free shit. Lefties use them as euphemism, and to loosen purse strings. All roads lead to free shit for lefties, so their entire language and culture are about getting their free shit.

First off, it is not free. "Lefties" just know how to share with others something the brats of the right never learned how to do. It is a Christian thing so I can understand why you would reject it.

You remind me of little children who just cannot seem to let their younger brother play with their toys. And if little brother will not give it back you have a tantrum, and whine, and cry.
First off, it is not free. "Lefties" just know how to share with others something the brats of the right never learned how to do. It is a Christian thing so I can understand why you would reject it.

You remind me of little children who just cannot seem to let their younger brother play with their toys. And if little brother will not give it back you have a tantrum, and whine, and cry.

It's not called sharing when you give someone else something that isn't yours to give. It's called stealing then taking credit as if it came out of your pocket. That's not Christian in any way, shape, or form.

If you personally provide the funding for what you claim should be done, then, and only then, can you call it sharing. When you support someone else being forced to pay for what you support and take credit as if it came out of your pocket, that's not sharing nor does it meet the definition of compassion.
First off, it is not free. "Lefties" just know how to share with others something the brats of the right never learned how to do. It is a Christian thing so I can understand why you would reject it.

You remind me of little children who just cannot seem to let their younger brother play with their toys. And if little brother will not give it back you have a tantrum, and whine, and cry.

The idea that lefties like to share is euphemism for wealth redistribution. One way sharing is what lefties really mean. Keep your eyes off my shit, you commie.
The only things I hate are political parties I don’t belong to one I hate em all they’re nothing but propagandizing, lying bastard special interest who’s only quest is achieving and holding power over the masses and lining their own pockets with the sweat and toil of the honest, hard-working self-supporting people. They cater to the leaches and swindlers. They rob the successful among us and use the proceeds to bribe the useless and crooked among us.

I don’t vote for Democrats or Republicans. I don’t vote in the duopoly’s rigged elections.

That’s evil against evil. The bleeping left is twice as evil as the evil right!

Then you better start cleaning out the Democrats first. Their Trump hate is astonishing, to say the least!

There is no conservative party or liberal party. Both the Republicans and Democrats are social engineering authoritarians. The true conservatives are like me, Our agenda is to “CONSERVE” the Constitution and especially the Bill Of Rights. The true liberals are like me, our agenda is to “CONSERVE” the “LIBERAL” Bill Of Rights as written.

Only racist pigs have hatred for white folks!

who ever you are you hate America and our system of government

so get the fuck out