Trumps policies are disastrous. His destruction of the work of government agencies if terrifying. A generation of fighting to clean up the environment just swept aside chasing corporate profits. People who breathe are upset.
He is adding a couple trillion to the debt. Some of us think that is bad. The reubs used to think it was. Now if Donald does it, it is great, greatest thing in history.
Trump has alienated our longtime allies and cozied up in a weaker position to Putin. Sorry, but that bothers leftys. He is helping fracture NATO. That organization was founded by America to set up a defense against Russian aggression. Trump is against Europe and pro Russia, We have trouble with that. We really don't accept that Britain, Canada, and European nation are our foes, but Russia is our friend.
The Repugs who screamed about their love of free trade, are now against it. They are pro tariffs. I guess Dems are evil for backing the policies that actually defined the Repub platform for generations.
Trump has lowered the discourse in American politics. The Nazis, bigots, haters and white power crazies are emboldened to be aggressive and violent. Dems are against that.
I don't hate Trump. I find him unqualified and disgusting.