Why is there so much vitriol aimed at Trump.


Cain and Abel syndrome, or simply cainism, is the killing of a nesting...

The story of Cain and Abel is most often interpreted as jealousy between two young men where one hates the other because he thinks that God the Father loves ...

But many are atheists par excellent and Trump sets a precedent to match their coming of their existential age.

Narcissism on steroids [literally imo]
Be honest for once. The man could eliminate the national debt, unify Korea, de-nuke Russia, cure cancer and you libs would still be frothoing at the mouth about him.

More “could/would” horseshit. He hasn’t even been able to keep a stable administration.

Another concocted RW fantasy. Logical fallacy. Hypothesis Contrary to Fact.

Fail, tainstain.
Why...in the name of reason and logic...is there not more vitriol aimed at this disgusting, destructive abomination?

Why are there still citizens of these United States who are not opposing EVERYTHING he does...because he makes everything he touches, physically or mentally, the worse for having touched it?

Why are you, Grumpy, not castigating him at every turn?
Be honest for once. The man could eliminate the national debt, unify Korea, de-nuke Russia, cure cancer and you libs would still be frothoing at the mouth about him.

To be honest, no, not true, for 2 or 3 times. You make shit up that is ridiculous and think it is a compelling argument? However, he is greatly increasing the national debt. Therefore he should be displeasing you. He is not curing cancer, but his slashing regulation is causing a lot more. We all hoped he would not be a terrible president when he stole the election with Russian help. People do have hopes, even when they are worried. But Trump is even worse than we expected. We did not know that Repugs would throw out all their values and political aims when Trump got in. We did not know he would take over the Republican party without a battle.
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The answer is easy and obvious; the Fascist mentality on the left cannot accept the reality that Trump kicked Hitkerys ass.

Because Fascists on the left are reougnantly stupid; they think they can get a re-do by making a mockery of this nation, the office of the President and our electoral systems.

I hope that the American people will send a strong rebuke of their actions this fall.

Let’s see. The 12th closest electoral margin combined with a 3 million popular vote loss. Nope, dumbshit, that’s anything but an ass-kicking. An ass-kicking is what happens to you when you get called on your lying bullshit.

Like now
Forget what Trump has said about grabbing women and your personal general dislike of the man. But why is there such deep seated hatred that Trump haters would rather see this country harmed rather than work with him. Is it so important that Trump fail you Trump haters would rather see the USA harmed than him succeed? I know GW and Obama were hated but never in history has there been so much hatred aimed at a president.

Please give honest answers not the left wing talking points.

He is our first treasonous, fake president, Grampy, and he is a vile racist, dangerous, narcissistic asshole..
That is as honest an answer as there is.
Are you saying that the IRS takes instructions from Trump?

Since when does the IRS hide from revealing any information?

Is the IRS covering-up for Trump?

Are you kidding? Do you know you get a copy of your taxes? That copy can be given to the press. Every other candidate for the last 50 years did it. Hillary gave 30 years of taxes. When Romney ran, Trump said he should give them up. Trump said over and over he would. But, it is Trump, so that means nothing.

The IRS needs your permision to tell about your taxes.
To be honest, no, not true, for 2 or 3 times. You make shit up that is ridiculous and think it is a compelling argument? However, he is greatly increasing the national debt. Therefore he should be displeasing you. He is not curing cancer, but his slashing regulation is causing a lot more. We all hoped he would not be a terrible president when he stole the election with Russian help. People do have hopes, even when they are worried. But Trump is even worse than we expected. We did not know that Repugs would throw out all their values and political aims when Trump got in. We did not know he would take over the Republican party without a battle.

Snowflake melting...