Why is trump afraid of automatic voter registration?

Especially millions more people who don't exist.

Proxy voting invalid registrations has been the means of election fraud by the democrat Reich for the last century. This is just rubbing our nose in it - making it clear that free elections are a farce. Voters have no choice, the democrat Reich will pump out however many fraudulent votes are necessary to seize and hold absolute power.

23 million invalid names on voter registration rolls - and every last one voted for Joe Biden. This automates the fraud.

What a load of crap. ^^^^^

The time is now. Delay only weakens the position of Americans who are being subverted by the fascist democrats.

The Marxists are already waging civil war. We resist or fall into enslavement.

The wealth of the top 10 Billionaires in America has doubled since the inauguration of Joe Biden. At the same time the average American saw a decline of 7.4% in their purchasing power. Yet the stupid think democrats are on their side.


At a certain level, the war is already being fought, in the courts, in the schools, in the homes and businesses. It's not an open shooting war yet, but that will come of these battles fail.

The wealth is basically the same (for everyone, not just the top 10). The DOLLAR has fallen. It has been devalued by almost 33% since Biden was installed (he was never elected).
The Marxists support absolute totalitarian power.

This gives it to them. This is nothing less than the end of free elections. If they get away with it, the fascist democrats will essentially appoint our rulers from here out.

isn't that exactly what they are doing by preventing Kennedy from running against Biden?....
So, in Pennsylvania if you are 16 or 17 and get a driver's license do you get registered to vote? If you are in the country illegally or are a foreign national and you get a driver's license are you going to be registered to vote?

You need to be eligible to vote to be automatically registered to vote. I don't know why you find that so hard to understand.
What a load of crap. ^^^^^


The Voter Integrity Project shows 23 million invalid registrations across the 50 states. With the Nazi democrat scum spending BILLIONS to fight any and all efforts to clean registration rolls of those who have died or moved.


So WHY do the filthy democrat vermin fight so hard to keep dead people on the voter rolls? Well, because THAT is the real election fraud. Why would anyone bother rigging voting machines, when they can pump out MILLIONS of untraceable mail-in ballots?

And now you have 10 million more illegal aliens to vote democrat.
At a certain level, the war is already being fought, in the courts, in the schools, in the homes and businesses. It's not an open shooting war yet, but that will come of these battles fail.

The wealth is basically the same (for everyone, not just the top 10). The DOLLAR has fallen. It has been devalued by almost 33% since Biden was installed (he was never elected).

The courts and major corporations have been captured by the fascists. What's going on in New York and Georgia show that the rule of law is a thing of the past. Morons like Jarod thought that the ruling that Trump engaged in fraud on loan applications - based on a corrupt judge undervaluing Mar-A-Lago at a laughable level were the verdict in advance of the trial. Now Jarod is an idiot with no knowledge of the law, but he and his fellow Nazi were CHEERING the idea that there would be a declared verdict before the trial is held.

THAT is how SICK these Marxist scum are.
You don't even have to have a pulse to be registered.

It would be difficult to get a drivers license without a pulse.

If there was large amounts of voter fraud that would be easy to prove. The voter roles are public, so just go down who voted, and see that they are dead. While you cannot check everyone, just pick a thousand voters, and check them. If we have 30% voter fraud, you will easily be able to find 300 dead voters....

It should take a day or two...

A day or two that was almost 3 years ago...

Where is the evidence?