APP - Why isn't communism hated as much as nazism?

Holy smoke, you were reading Gulag Archipelago while the rest of us were playing football and video games? I give you a five star geek rating, sir! Well done! Or as we would say in Russian, Молодец!

I am not sure I agree with the "sheep to the slaughter" characterization, which is a metaphor sometimes used in unflattering, even derogatory contexts. My relatives were rounded up by Soviet soldiers. There is not much an unarmed civilian can do against squads of heavily armed soldiers.

Second, even when arrested I don't think they thought they were necessarily destined for murder and death. As you pointed out, as inhumane as the Gulag was, many people survived their incarceration through sheer determination and fortitude. From what I know, my immediate relatives survived the labor camps.

Third, penal systems and concentration camp guards are well trained into using psychology and physical infrastructure to control, pacify, and manipulate penal convicts. The opportunities for open revolt in concentration camps and labor colonies were simply far and few between. I am sure you are probably aware of this.

The Sheep to the Slaughter metaphor is also kind of unfair to the jews of the holocaust. I heard stories in Minsk that the jewish ghetto there was the scene of assassinations of German officers and clandestine acts of sabotage.... You know who likes a good story about kicking Nazi ass? Me! That's who!
LOL They didn’t have video games when I was 12. I think Pong came out when I was 15.

Yes but Solzhenitsyn gave examples of people who just mildly resisted escaping.
There is a vast difference between social democracy, democratic Socialism and Socialism proper. There is a tendency in the US to just lump them all together.

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It’s far more simple minded than that. To many conservatives any government service is socialism.
So what? They were allies of Hitler too. They invaded Poland. They invaded Finland. They armed murderous communists throughout the globe desperate to destroy liberty and freedom and place citizens of the world under the yoke of dictatorship. Dunce.

Dear idiot; what Communist nations has the US attacked?
Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia to name three. There was also the disaster of the Bay of Pigs

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LOL They didn’t have video games when I was 12. I think Pong came out when I was 15.

Yes but Solzhenitsyn gave examples of people who just mildly resisted escaping.

I was addicted to Space Invaders, or whatever the eff it was called!

Re: escape, undoubtedly that is true. The problem with escaping from a Siberian labor camp is that you would likely die within 48 hours in the desolate, harsh Siberian wilderness. I think that is one reason the tsars and the soviets had only minimal security infrastructure in those camps. In tsarist times, criminals and political prisoners were forced to walk to Siberia to serve their sentences, because there were no roads. It could take them two years to walk to far eastern Russian, and under tsarist law their sentences did not actually begin until they set foot in the labor camp!

I am sure we all like to think we could be heroes, and make a great escape, a run for freedom, if we were in similar conditions.
I was addicted to Space Invaders, or whatever the eff it was called!

Re: escape, undoubtedly that is true. The problem with escaping from a Siberian labor camp is that you would likely die within 48 hours in the desolate, harsh Siberian wilderness. I think that is one reason the tsars and the soviets had only minimal security infrastructure in those camps. In tsarist times, criminals and political prisoners were forced to walk to Siberia to serve their sentences, because there were no roads. It could take them two years to walk to far eastern Russian, and under tsarist law their sentences did not actually begin until they set foot in the labor camp!

I am sure we all like to think we could be heroes, and make a great escape, a run for freedom, if we were in similar conditions.
Hey if I can escape Arkansas...