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When you meet a person, randomly, having a beer or a coffee, you dont know that person or persons - they say to you... "I see that Donald Trump beat the impeachment trial"?? no attitude, no nastiness, just an attempt at interaction. Do you reply: "FUCK OFF YOU RIGHT WING NAZI - GO FUCK YOURSELF"??
Why would you? What do you gain?
Then why is it on some Forums, this Forum is a fine example... do users reply to another person expressing their viewpoint with the most vile, nasty replies?
OK, if someone is dishing out PERSONAL INSULTS then yes I agree give it back in spades. I always do. I treat disrespect in the same way - with no respect.

In my example you could say to the guy.... "I despise Trump he has ruined the USA he should get tje same to him as JFK got" ... that is a fair opinion. But I dont understand why many users on this forum dive straight in with the .. "Fuck off, you dirty slime go fuck yourself and die in a pile of shit" ... this level of reply??? Please note I am not at all offended or even a tad miffed I just find it bizarre behaviour. you automatically shut down any debate. You contribute nothing. So what is the purpose in doing it.

Please note: It is just a question... I have been in the Military - mixed it a lot in the real world its just that in the concept of DISCUSSION FORUMS why respnd in using a shut down approach??
When you meet a person, randomly, having a beer or a coffee, you dont know that person or persons - they say to you... "I see that Donald Trump beat the impeachment trial"?? no attitude, no nastiness, just an attempt at interaction. Do you reply: "FUCK OFF YOU RIGHT WING NAZI - GO FUCK YOURSELF"??
Why would you? What do you gain?
Then why is it on some Forums, this Forum is a fine example... do users reply to another person expressing their viewpoint with the most vile, nasty replies?
OK, if someone is dishing out PERSONAL INSULTS then yes I agree give it back in spades. I always do. I treat disrespect in the same way - with no respect.

In my example you could say to the guy.... "I despise Trump he has ruined the USA he should get tje same to him as JFK got" ... that is a fair opinion. But I dont understand why many users on this forum dive straight in with the .. "Fuck off, you dirty slime go fuck yourself and die in a pile of shit" ... this level of reply??? Please note I am not at all offended or even a tad miffed I just find it bizarre behaviour. you automatically shut down any debate. You contribute nothing. So what is the purpose in doing it.

Please note: It is just a question... I have been in the Military - mixed it a lot in the real world its just that in the concept of DISCUSSION FORUMS why respnd in using a shut down approach??

Nastiness does happen out in the real world. You don't get out much?
When you meet a person, randomly, having a beer or a coffee, you dont know that person or persons - they say to you... "I see that Donald Trump beat the impeachment trial"?? no attitude, no nastiness, just an attempt at interaction. Do you reply: "FUCK OFF YOU RIGHT WING NAZI - GO FUCK YOURSELF"??
Why would you? What do you gain?
Then why is it on some Forums, this Forum is a fine example... do users reply to another person expressing their viewpoint with the most vile, nasty replies?
OK, if someone is dishing out PERSONAL INSULTS then yes I agree give it back in spades. I always do. I treat disrespect in the same way - with no respect.

In my example you could say to the guy.... "I despise Trump he has ruined the USA he should get tje same to him as JFK got" ... that is a fair opinion. But I dont understand why many users on this forum dive straight in with the .. "Fuck off, you dirty slime go fuck yourself and die in a pile of shit" ... this level of reply??? Please note I am not at all offended or even a tad miffed I just find it bizarre behaviour. you automatically shut down any debate. You contribute nothing. So what is the purpose in doing it.

Please note: It is just a question... I have been in the Military - mixed it a lot in the real world its just that in the concept of DISCUSSION FORUMS why respnd in using a shut down approach??

To be honest I confess I did do that just that after being banned from two politics forums

I've learned to behave since.

I am a very neutral person. I listen to both sides and understand both sides. I've had great discussions with bona fide conservatives on other sites and also on comment sections on Fox News. They got me to understand their point of views.
Nastiness does happen out in the real world. You don't get out much?
Really??? You do presume too much. I am NOT talking about controlling others of their free choice to be nasty. I am saying that I have that choice and I never treat a person in such a vile way - except in direct response to an insult or nasty comment at me. I treat people with the respect they deserve.
Using your logic: "killers are out there, killing an draping - you dont get out much"? so should we all rape and kill? Or accept it a a given.
I have stated, I served in the Military (Military Police) I was an amateur boxer. I am a qualified self defence trainer and have used it many times on violent thugs.I have no need or wish to reply to people with: "fuck off you rotten Nazi cuxnt" or similar. I am simply asking for the rationale in such behaviour.
You can not even reply with civility.
Its just a question. Is no one capable of a rational input to this question?
Really??? You do presume too much. I am NOT talking about controlling others of their free choice to be nasty. I am saying that I have that choice and I never treat a person in such a vile way - except in direct response to an insult or nasty comment at me. I treat people with the respect they deserve.
Using your logic: "killers are out there, killing an draping - you dont get out much"? so should we all rape and kill? Or accept it a a given.
I have stated, I served in the Military (Military Police) I was an amateur boxer. I am a qualified self defence trainer and have used it many times on violent thugs.I have no need or wish to reply to people with: "fuck off you rotten Nazi cuxnt" or similar. I am simply asking for the rationale in such behaviour.
You can not even reply with civility.
Its just a question. Is no one capable of a rational input to this question?

I read your OP, don't move the goalposts.
To be honest I confess I did do that just that after being banned from two politics forums

I've learned to behave since.

I am a very neutral person. I listen to both sides and understand both sides. I've had great discussions with bona fide conservatives on other sites and also on comment sections on Fox News. They got me to understand their point of views.

I thank you for your rational response. You say your are a "proud leftie" I am on the political right (not far right) but I respect you for just being normal and cordial. We could have a decent interchange. I just can not respect the type of user as described in my post and there are a lot of them.
You see, I will not judge you, I have not met you. I respect hard, even harsh discourse but I fail to grasp or accede to outright extreme, nasty, responses. I dont know why they do it. i can guess its because they are confronted by an opposing view?? or they are simply deranged. By the way it matters not what political allegiance they hold to, i can never respect outright vile nastiness. I just dont get these people. Lefties or righties or middelies.
The big answer is that we are living in a dark age, which amongst other things means that a lot of the people are shit. Often they are not interested in conversation or learning or being decent people. Very often they view a place such as this as for tribal warfare, kill or be killed. It does not apply so much here because there is very little moderation but at other boards there are more than a few who take glee in driving others away, to include getting them banned, this is blood sport, this is entertainment. What we are watching is the breakdown of civilization, the last days of Rome, very dark days are ahead.
When you meet a person, randomly, having a beer or a coffee, you dont know that person or persons - they say to you... "I see that Donald Trump beat the impeachment trial"?? no attitude, no nastiness, just an attempt at interaction. Do you reply: "FUCK OFF YOU RIGHT WING NAZI - GO FUCK YOURSELF"??
Why would you? What do you gain?
Then why is it on some Forums, this Forum is a fine example... do users reply to another person expressing their viewpoint with the most vile, nasty replies?
OK, if someone is dishing out PERSONAL INSULTS then yes I agree give it back in spades. I always do. I treat disrespect in the same way - with no respect.

In my example you could say to the guy.... "I despise Trump he has ruined the USA he should get tje same to him as JFK got" ... that is a fair opinion. But I dont understand why many users on this forum dive straight in with the .. "Fuck off, you dirty slime go fuck yourself and die in a pile of shit" ... this level of reply??? Please note I am not at all offended or even a tad miffed I just find it bizarre behaviour. you automatically shut down any debate. You contribute nothing. So what is the purpose in doing it.

Please note: It is just a question... I have been in the Military - mixed it a lot in the real world its just that in the concept of DISCUSSION FORUMS why respnd in using a shut down approach??

Thinking the answer to your question is that some people are simply here and other sites to Troll and Scream at those they view as the "enemy". They are not here to discuss anything, their habit of one-liner attacks is a prime example, I doubt some are even capable of an actual discussion. Most sites will not tolerate it and trolls are usally banned, this site has very few rules and I don't think even those are enforced to any real degree and hence why we see so many Trolls here, most are no longer welcome at the sites they came from. The only answer is to use the Ignore function for those you realize are not here to discuss anything and only want to throw out insults and get involved in spitting contests, believe me the site becomes a whole lot user friendly once the actual trolls here are eliminated from your view.
Thinking the answer to your question is that some people are simply here and other sites to Troll and Scream at those they view as the "enemy". They are not here to discuss anything, their habit of one-liner attacks is a prime example, I doubt some are even capable of an actual discussion. Most sites will not tolerate it and trolls are usally banned, this site has very few rules and I don't think even those are enforced to any real degree and hence why we see so many Trolls here, most are no longer welcome at the sites they came from. The only answer is to use the Ignore function for those you realize are not here to discuss anything and only want to throw out insults and get involved in spitting contests, believe me the site becomes a whole lot user friendly once the actual trolls here are eliminated from your view.
Yes. The OP is a classic example.
When you meet a person, randomly, having a beer or a coffee, you dont know that person or persons - they say to you... "I see that Donald Trump beat the impeachment trial"?? no attitude, no nastiness, just an attempt at interaction. Do you reply: "FUCK OFF YOU RIGHT WING NAZI - GO FUCK YOURSELF"??
Why would you? What do you gain?
Then why is it on some Forums, this Forum is a fine example... do users reply to another person expressing their viewpoint with the most vile, nasty replies?
OK, if someone is dishing out PERSONAL INSULTS then yes I agree give it back in spades. I always do. I treat disrespect in the same way - with no respect.

In my example you could say to the guy.... "I despise Trump he has ruined the USA he should get tje same to him as JFK got" ... that is a fair opinion. But I dont understand why many users on this forum dive straight in with the .. "Fuck off, you dirty slime go fuck yourself and die in a pile of shit" ... this level of reply??? Please note I am not at all offended or even a tad miffed I just find it bizarre behaviour. you automatically shut down any debate. You contribute nothing. So what is the purpose in doing it.

Please note: It is just a question... I have been in the Military - mixed it a lot in the real world its just that in the concept of DISCUSSION FORUMS why respnd in using a shut down approach??

Some people are able to take 'Topics' and actually have a discussion about THAT Topic, others, like yourself, have the binary view of 'Red Team/Blue Team'. You, and the other Right-wing Jesus Freaks, only come here to spew your hatred of 'Lib'ruls'.
--->Cordeela from an older Thread: "All over the internet the leftie, Neo Marxist Democrats - the people who salivate at Political Correctness - Hate speech law - affirmative action - identity politics - minorities as poor unfortunate people who ned your help - blacks as poor unfortunate people incapable of progressing - blacks as victims - opposing the rule of law and much more."

This is the typical framing of the 'discussion'. You paint the other side in some general way, then begin bashing the other side in the way you've painted them.

Not really a 'Discussion', is it.
Yes. The OP is a classic example.

I have not decided on that so far, but whether I disagree with their POV or not does not get them ignored, it is only the real nasties here that never post anything even close to actual discussion, they are not usually that hard to spot. That said I do agree with one of their comments, give the level of respect that you recieve and I would say that everyone, Left or Right, that would like to see this site improve try practicing it more.
Thinking the answer to your question is that some people are simply here and other sites to Troll and Scream at those they view as the "enemy". They are not here to discuss anything, their habit of one-liner attacks is a prime example, I doubt some are even capable of an actual discussion. Most sites will not tolerate it and trolls are usally banned, this site has very few rules and I don't think even those are enforced to any real degree and hence why we see so many Trolls here, most are no longer welcome at the sites they came from. The only answer is to use the Ignore function for those you realize are not here to discuss anything and only want to throw out insults and get involved in spitting contests, believe me the site becomes a whole lot user friendly once the actual trolls here are eliminated from your view.

"Thinking the answer to your question is that some people are simply here and other sites to Troll and Scream at those they view as the "enemy". "
Yeah. Like Cordeela. I doubt she will be here long.
"Thinking the answer to your question is that some people are simply here and other sites to Troll and Scream at those they view as the "enemy". "
Yeah. Like Cordeela. I doubt she will be here long.

We shall see, but obviously they see an issue or would not have started this thread, though maybe some self correction may be in order. Look we are all guilty of attacking sometimes simply based on who we are posting to, it is up to each of us to perform our own self control, yes it is not always easy, but if we want to see the site improve then we have to at least try and do our part in improving it.
We shall see, but obviously they see an issue or would not have started this thread, though maybe some self correction may be in order. Look we are all guilty of attacking sometimes simply based on who we are posting to, it is up to each of us to perform our own self control, yes it is not always easy, but if we want to see the site improve then we have to at least try and do our part in improving it.

Casper: "We shall see, but obviously they see an issue or would not have started this thread, though maybe some self correction may be in order."
Jack: It's a Political Forum. We're all over 21. 'Free Speech' is the core of 'Freedom'. One of the strengths of this Site is their support of Free Speech.

Casper: "it is up to each of us to perform our own self control, yes it is not always easy, but if we want to see the site improve then we have to at least try and do our part in improving it."
Jack: I think the Cat Forum is over thataway --------------------------------->
--->Cordeela from an older Thread: "All over the internet the leftie, Neo Marxist Democrats - the people who salivate at Political Correctness - Hate speech law - affirmative action - identity politics - minorities as poor unfortunate people who ned your help - blacks as poor unfortunate people incapable of progressing - blacks as victims - opposing the rule of law and much more."

This is the typical framing of the 'discussion'. You paint the other side in some general way, then begin bashing the other side in the way you've painted them.

Not really a 'Discussion', is it.
Yes.. but I have NOT attacked any individual. My post clearly talks about direct insults aimed at individuals. There is nothing wrong at all with having a view on the general attitude, ideology of the democrats. That is fair game. That is not attacking an individual. I know the dems committed destruction aligned with the BLM and Antifa - that is a fact beyond dispute. I dont like such evil violence so there is nothing wrong with me digging them out. IT IS RECORDED FACT what they have done.
That is different to say: - Calling you a fucktard pile of scum, go away and die - when in fact I do not know you. I would not do that, ever. Unless you want to play that game then I will not respect you. but it is a fact what the dems have done. I dont mind if you attack Republicans as yoru general perception.
Casper: "We shall see, but obviously they see an issue or would not have started this thread, though maybe some self correction may be in order."
Jack: It's a Political Forum. We're all over 21. 'Free Speech' is the core of 'Freedom'. One of the strengths of this Site is their support of Free Speech.

Casper: "it is up to each of us to perform our own self control, yes it is not always easy, but if we want to see the site improve then we have to at least try and do our part in improving it."
Jack: I think the Cat Forum is over thataway --------------------------------->

So we can count you out in trying to improve the level of discussion here, Noted.
Yes.. but I have NOT attacked any individual. My post clearly talks about direct insults aimed at individuals. There is nothing wrong at all with having a view on the general attitude, ideology of the democrats. That is fair game. That is not attacking an individual. I know the dems committed destruction aligned with the BLM and Antifa - that is a fact beyond dispute. I dont like such evil violence so there is nothing wrong with me digging them out. IT IS RECORDED FACT what they have done.
That is different to say: - Calling you a fucktard pile of scum, go away and die - when in fact I do not know you. I would not do that, ever. Unless you want to play that game then I will not respect you. but it is a fact what the dems have done. I dont mind if you attack Republicans as yoru general perception.

Cordeela: "There is nothing wrong at all with having a view on the general attitude, ideology of the democrats."
Jack: That's my point. You have a 'Red Team/Blue Team' mentality and aren't capable of having a rational discussion on any Topic.

Cordeela: "That is different to say: - Calling you a fucktard pile of scum, go away and die - when in fact I do not know you. I would not do that, ever. Unless you want to play that game then I will not respect you."
Jack: This guy Mason once called me a 'Poo Poo Head'. I survived that. So, you ever heard the saying about 'Sticks & Stones'?