Why join a Forum/Discussion Group?

We shall see, but obviously they see an issue or would not have started this thread, though maybe some self correction may be in order. Look we are all guilty of attacking sometimes simply based on who we are posting to, it is up to each of us to perform our own self control, yes it is not always easy, but if we want to see the site improve then we have to at least try and do our part in improving it.
You have missed the point. I have never said there is anything wrong with "attacking" a person as part of an opposing argument. I have clearly stipulated direct personal insults - such as : "fuck off you shit Nazi bastard go away and die" - this type of reply is not in anyway playing the ball it is playing the person.
I am NOT blind to real life and that there exist morons incapable of discernment.
This is a discussion forum - people become members knowing it is intended for discussions - and I like the fact the ADMIn are not heavy handed all credit to them. I am not even suggesting nasty people get banned or censored, I dont believe in censorship. I am simply asking the question -what is the point when a user says.... "I think Biden is a rotten piece of work" ... to get a response.. "fuck off you pile of scum and die" ??? If I am talking of Biden or Trump or Al Sharpton or Mother Theresa .. the member has never met them and they don't give a toss about the member do they?
OK, if the member said: "Oye you scumbag Joe Biden is my father, so fuck off" ...
I find the ability to spout abusive language on this site to be therapeutic, so that I have less desire to go off on people in real life.

Whether I'm trolling: telling Damo he's a shitty administrator
Or not trolling: calling out southerners/krauts or Marxists/Nazis
It's always a nice outlet.
I have not decided on that so far, but whether I disagree with their POV or not does not get them ignored, it is only the real nasties here that never post anything even close to actual discussion, they are not usually that hard to spot. That said I do agree with one of their comments, give the level of respect that you recieve and I would say that everyone, Left or Right, that would like to see this site improve try practicing it more.
I made my comment based on a grammatically horrid post made in another thread, that also lacked a modicum of intelligence w/respect to the subject.

But everyone makes their decisions in their own way, and I respect the decision of anyone who chooses to post to trolls if they see fit.
When you meet a person, randomly, having a beer or a coffee, you dont know that person or persons - they say to you... "I see that Donald Trump beat the impeachment trial"?? no attitude, no nastiness, just an attempt at interaction. Do you reply: "FUCK OFF YOU RIGHT WING NAZI - GO FUCK YOURSELF"??
Why would you? What do you gain?
Then why is it on some Forums, this Forum is a fine example... do users reply to another person expressing their viewpoint with the most vile, nasty replies?
OK, if someone is dishing out PERSONAL INSULTS then yes I agree give it back in spades. I always do. I treat disrespect in the same way - with no respect.

In my example you could say to the guy.... "I despise Trump he has ruined the USA he should get tje same to him as JFK got" ... that is a fair opinion. But I dont understand why many users on this forum dive straight in with the .. "Fuck off, you dirty slime go fuck yourself and die in a pile of shit" ... this level of reply??? Please note I am not at all offended or even a tad miffed I just find it bizarre behaviour. you automatically shut down any debate. You contribute nothing. So what is the purpose in doing it.

Please note: It is just a question... I have been in the Military - mixed it a lot in the real world its just that in the concept of DISCUSSION FORUMS why respnd in using a shut down approach??

I never engage with people who support Trump in real life. They are so far from my idea of rationality.
Some people are able to take 'Topics' and actually have a discussion about THAT Topic, others, like yourself, have the binary view of 'Red Team/Blue Team'. You, and the other Right-wing Jesus Freaks, only come here to spew your hatred of 'Lib'ruls'.
And play the victim when they are met with just responses.
So we can count you out in trying to improve the level of discussion here, Noted.
I'm guessing this isn't your first board. For decades, I've seen calls for improved level of discussion. It rarely happens on message boards.

I know you won't believe this, but years ago I witnessed knock down drag out fights on a board that discussed...Hummingbirds and Butterflies!

How the fuck do you argue on a board like that?

I don't expect quality discussion with people like the OP. The gross generalizations and rude characterizations of those on the Left automatically disqualify this newb from being worthy of my time. It won't be long until he/she is on 'the list'.
I find the ability to spout abusive language on this site to be therapeutic, so that I have less desire to go off on people in real life.

Whether I'm trolling: telling Damo he's a shitty administrator
Or not trolling: calling out southerners/krauts or Marxists/Nazis
It's always a nice outlet.

Winston. Every now and then ... you say something intelligent. :thumbsup:
When you meet a person, randomly, having a beer or a coffee, you dont know that person or persons - they say to you... "I see that Donald Trump beat the impeachment trial"?? no attitude, no nastiness, just an attempt at interaction. Do you reply: "FUCK OFF YOU RIGHT WING NAZI - GO FUCK YOURSELF"??
Why would you? What do you gain?
Then why is it on some Forums, this Forum is a fine example... do users reply to another person expressing their viewpoint with the most vile, nasty replies?
OK, if someone is dishing out PERSONAL INSULTS then yes I agree give it back in spades. I always do. I treat disrespect in the same way - with no respect.

In my example you could say to the guy.... "I despise Trump he has ruined the USA he should get tje same to him as JFK got" ... that is a fair opinion. But I dont understand why many users on this forum dive straight in with the .. "Fuck off, you dirty slime go fuck yourself and die in a pile of shit" ... this level of reply??? Please note I am not at all offended or even a tad miffed I just find it bizarre behaviour. you automatically shut down any debate. You contribute nothing. So what is the purpose in doing it.

Please note: It is just a question... I have been in the Military - mixed it a lot in the real world its just that in the concept of DISCUSSION FORUMS why respnd in using a shut down approach??

You seem to only have opinions of those who are not favorable of TRUMP! You seem to only use people who are not supporters of DOnald Trump as your only examples of bad behavior. WELL, this forum is not a one-way street!

You said the one thing that should register with everybody- People generally treat others in the manner that they are treated!

When you meet a person, randomly, having a beer or a coffee, you dont know that person or persons - they say to you... "I see that Donald Trump beat the impeachment trial"?? no attitude, no nastiness, just an attempt at interaction. Do you reply: "FUCK OFF YOU RIGHT WING NAZI - GO FUCK YOURSELF"??
Why would you? What do you gain?
Then why is it on some Forums, this Forum is a fine example... do users reply to another person expressing their viewpoint with the most vile, nasty replies?
OK, if someone is dishing out PERSONAL INSULTS then yes I agree give it back in spades. I always do. I treat disrespect in the same way - with no respect.

In my example you could say to the guy.... "I despise Trump he has ruined the USA he should get tje same to him as JFK got" ... that is a fair opinion. But I dont understand why many users on this forum dive straight in with the .. "Fuck off, you dirty slime go fuck yourself and die in a pile of shit" ... this level of reply??? Please note I am not at all offended or even a tad miffed I just find it bizarre behaviour. you automatically shut down any debate. You contribute nothing. So what is the purpose in doing it.

Please note: It is just a question... I have been in the Military - mixed it a lot in the real world its just that in the concept of DISCUSSION FORUMS why respnd in using a shut down approach??

To bitchsmack leftist shills. :D
Really??? You do presume too much. I am NOT talking about controlling others of their free choice to be nasty. I am saying that I have that choice and I never treat a person in such a vile way - except in direct response to an insult or nasty comment at me. I treat people with the respect they deserve.
Using your logic: "killers are out there, killing an draping - you dont get out much"? so should we all rape and kill? Or accept it a a given.
I have stated, I served in the Military (Military Police) I was an amateur boxer. I am a qualified self defence trainer and have used it many times on violent thugs.I have no need or wish to reply to people with: "fuck off you rotten Nazi cuxnt" or similar. I am simply asking for the rationale in such behaviour.
You can not even reply with civility.
Its just a question. Is no one capable of a rational input to this question?

Life is not fair- and there are a lot of bad humans out there- so you better start getting used to it.

Most people come to this or any other forum with a great attitude, and at first, use all the great things our parents taught us regarding on how we deal with others.

The first time Truth Deflector or some of his Pack OF SOCIOPATHS tell them they are Obtuse, Stupid, A Moron, or a LOW-IQ- THE GLOVES COME OFF!
You are giving yourself way too much credit here!

What you normally do is Bitchsmack yourself in front of everyone! It's actually amusing watching you do that!


Says a guy incapable of not thinking binarily.