Why liberal politicians are so crooked.

Patience my friend.........


You're right, Mueller needs to go to jail.
If we were Russia, he already would be in jail- or assassinated!

But, then again, we are the USA where we are not an autocracy- yet!

This is the difference between you and me...you're fighting against something I know already happened 30 years ago. You're late to the party.
This is the difference between you and me...you're fighting against something I know already happened 30 years ago. You're late to the party.

No Guille, I am fighting something that only happened two years ago!

I don't always win my fights, but this time, I like my chances because the people who are voting on my side are not divided by the Bernie or the Hillary factor.

This time my side is totally united by the Trump Factor!

Anyway, I'll still be here in November! We'll talk then!
That stupid crime map is pointless. Crime happens in the marked areas because they are cities, heavy populated areas. It means that's where all the people are. You're not going to get crime in the middle of nowhere, or places with only so many people. Surely not enough to compete. How stupid is Grugore? I also notice that make doesn't seem complete. Did they leave out the big blob of crime around St. Louis, because it's a major red state? Is that even an official map? And why the hell are they using one from 2013? I'm too lazy to investigate bullshit, but others can be my guest. I'd rather just chock it up to more desperate nonsense, and cluelessness.

And yet there are many cities that do NOT have high crime rates. Notice how the high crime is concentrated where the liberals are gathered? The map is not pointless. YOU are clueless. Sucks to be you.
That's funny, kinda explains how conservatives are such easy prey for demogoguery

Ah, comparatively, ain't a whole lot of people live in a lot of those red areas you think have significance, and last I knew, people are a requirement for a crime to occur

Correction. Lawless people are a requirement. That would be Democrats. Did you know that the majority of all violent crime happens in about six cities? All of those cities have large minority populations and are run by Democrats. If you ignored the crime in those cities, America would be one of the top ten safest countries to live in.