Why liberals like censoring

So you don't like private enterprise. What are you, a Communist?

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Google has government protection against lawsuits in exchange for carrier status. They violate the law when they curate results. I know you are too stupid to understand, but maybe if you concentrate really hard... Who am I kidding?
Censor? Liberals don't want to censor. If some trilobite wants to say racist things they can. They just have to know it will be used against them. Social media is essentially completely public displays. Also, certain displays aren't OK for certain places. You start going off on a rant at a restaurant you will likely be rightfully kicked out.

Is that why you banned me from a recipe thread?
Is that why you banned me from a recipe thread?

Like she said, certain displays aren't ok for certain places. You should be allowed to say what you want without the government stopping you. However, nobody owes you a platform. If I don't want you speaking at my club, I don't have to book you.
Like she said, certain displays aren't ok for certain places. You should be allowed to say what you want without the government stopping you. However, nobody owes you a platform. If I don't want you speaking at my club, I don't have to book you.

I didn't ask you.
Quote Originally Posted by RB 60 View Post
Is that why you banned me from a recipe thread?

That doesn't equate censoring. When you don't follow a platform's guidelines they have every right to refuse service. You weren't allowed in because of personal vendettas that took over many discussions back when it was started. Even now every post you make to me seems to be sniping. Even when trolls say racist shit, you often still feel the need to put me in the crosshairs instead.

Freedom of speech is like a play. Free to put on any act, but you aren't free to use any stage you want.
That doesn't equate censoring. When you don't follow a platform's guidelines they have every right to refuse service. You weren't allowed in because of personal vendettas that took over many discussions back when it was started. Even now every post you make to me seems to be sniping. Even when trolls say racist shit, you often still feel the need to put me in the crosshairs instead.

Freedom of speech is like a play. Free to put on any act, but you aren't free to use any stage you want.


You know damn well that's a lie. When did I ever start "sniping" on any "nice" threads? I'll tell you when...never.
Face it, you're just a whiny troll who, when offered a truce, told me to pound sand, so suffer the consequences.
I've proven on both Amazon and this forum I can be civil in threads that aren't political, but I guess you're too
blind or stupid to see it. Doesn't matter though, it just proves you're an asshole and a hypocrite. I'll keep pointing
that out on political threads as well as when you can't say anything about the topic being discussed.
I asked why I was banned from it, when I was barely even posting here and had never interacted with him, but he won't answer.

He's an idiot. My GF is a fantastic cook and has some great recipes worth sharing. I had no intention of starting shit on that thread. Ask him if I did on some of his music threads. Tell him to pull them up and show us. He's just a whining hypocrite.
I asked why I was banned from it, when I was barely even posting here and had never interacted with him, but he won't answer.

I told you it was probably Top drama or something between you and Owl. I didn't even remember or even remember the name you went by. If anyone wants off the list they can ask. They just have to be civil and keep to the food and recipe chat.
Those with long banning lists are almost all rightys. They are de facto censors. Many rightys are on ignore lists like CFM who fills a page with inane one line screeds and expects you to scroll through all that crap to get back to the discussion. If rightys debated their positions like adults we would all be better off. Name-calling, insults, and cartoons do not buttress an argument. Anger and insults are not positive points in a debate. They just reveal what an immature person you are and why we will likely dismiss what you say in the end. You are arguing that how you feel is a debate point.