Why Most Republicans Don’t Like Higher Education

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Especially the trump variety

Let’s start with the good news. In a national survey released last week by the Pew Research Center, a solid majority of Americans, 55 percent, have positive views of higher education.

But that finding camouflages a worrisome partisan split: The poll noted that while 72 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents said higher education had a positive impact on the nation, 58 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning independents said it had a negative effect. Just 36 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents said colleges and universities had a positive effect.

Even more troubling is that Republican support has cratered in two years, from 54 percent favorable in 2015 to 36 percent favorable today. There is no way to sugarcoat these findings for an industry that depends on widespread, deep public support to be effective. We ignore them at our peril.

The Evangelical Rejection of Reason

THE Republican presidential field has become a showcase of evangelical anti-intellectualism. Herman Cain, Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann deny that climate change is real and caused by humans. Mr. Perry and Mrs. Bachmann dismiss evolution as an unproven theory. The two candidates who espouse the greatest support for science, Mitt Romney and Jon M. Huntsman Jr., happen to be Mormons, a faith regarded with mistrust by many Christians.

The rejection of science seems to be part of a politically monolithic red-state fundamentalism,

Anti-intellectuals present themselves and are perceived as champions of common folk—populists against political and academic elitism—and tend to see educated people as a status class detached from the concerns of most people, and feel that intellectuals dominate political discourse and control higher education
A poll. :rofl2:


bark goyim bark

The poll noted that while 72 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents said higher education had a positive impact on the nation, 58 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning independents said it had a negative effect.

Just 36 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents said colleges and universities had a positive effect.

Anti-intellectualism Is Killing America
Social dysfunction can be traced to the abandonment of reason

America is killing itself through its embrace and exaltation of ignorance, and the evidence is all around us. Dylann Roof, the Charleston shooter who used race as a basis for hate and mass murder, is just the latest horrific example. Many will correctly blame Roof's actions on America's culture of racism and gun violence, but it's time to realize that such phenomena are directly tied to the nation's culture of ignorance.

In a country where a sitting congressman told a crowd that evolution and the Big Bang are “lies straight from the pit of hell,” where the chairman of a Senate environmental panel brought a snowball into the chamber as evidence that climate change is a hoax, where almost one in three citizens can’t name the vice president, it is beyond dispute that critical thinking has been abandoned as a cultural value. Our failure as a society to connect the dots, to see that such anti-intellectualism comes with a huge price, could eventually be our downfall.

Especially the trump variety

Let’s start with the good news. In a national survey released last week by the Pew Research Center, a solid majority of Americans, 55 percent, have positive views of higher education.

But that finding camouflages a worrisome partisan split: The poll noted that while 72 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents said higher education had a positive impact on the nation, 58 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning independents said it had a negative effect. Just 36 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents said colleges and universities had a positive effect.

Even more troubling is that Republican support has cratered in two years, from 54 percent favorable in 2015 to 36 percent favorable today. There is no way to sugarcoat these findings for an industry that depends on widespread, deep public support to be effective. We ignore them at our peril.


Aside from polling, there are multiple lines of evidence that conservatives abhor higher education, and literally admire and worship ignorance and buffoonery.
Especially the trump variety

Let’s start with the good news. In a national survey released last week by the Pew Research Center, a solid majority of Americans, 55 percent, have positive views of higher education.

But that finding camouflages a worrisome partisan split: The poll noted that while 72 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents said higher education had a positive impact on the nation, 58 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning independents said it had a negative effect. Just 36 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents said colleges and universities had a positive effect.

Even more troubling is that Republican support has cratered in two years, from 54 percent favorable in 2015 to 36 percent favorable today. There is no way to sugarcoat these findings for an industry that depends on widespread, deep public support to be effective. We ignore them at our peril.


That's because we have too many useless majors. In Ireland, the government only supports funding of certain majors" engineering, mathematics, sciences, business. If you want a degree in history, sociology or gender studies, you've got to foot your own bill. :D
Aside from polling, there are multiple lines of evidence that conservatives abhor higher education, and literally admire and worship ignorance and buffoonery.

Yet Democrats elected an unqualified black thinking skin color was a qualification.
Especially the trump variety

Let’s start with the good news. In a national survey released last week by the Pew Research Center, a solid majority of Americans, 55 percent, have positive views of higher education.

But that finding camouflages a worrisome partisan split: The poll noted that while 72 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents said higher education had a positive impact on the nation, 58 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning independents said it had a negative effect. Just 36 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents said colleges and universities had a positive effect.

Even more troubling is that Republican support has cratered in two years, from 54 percent favorable in 2015 to 36 percent favorable today. There is no way to sugarcoat these findings for an industry that depends on widespread, deep public support to be effective. We ignore them at our peril.


Based on what you posted it offers no explanation for why republicans/conservatives have issues with higher education.
"HIGHER" learning? What's higher about it? kids who don't want to go to work and jusyt want to party on the college scene, borrowing thousands of dollars from the government to go get a worthless degree that has no value for them getting a job. Universities that raise their tuition every time the government raises the borrowing amount the idiot kids can borrow. Colleges where the students are taught the grandeur of communism & socialism. College campuses where conservative thought and conservative speakers are bullied, protested, threatened and even attacked, where freedom of speech once was the main curriculum is now spat at and prohibited. Major universities of renown offering Hollywood White Privileged acting creeps the opportunities to bribe their offspring's way into the limited and restricted college experience.

Yeah! I think why Republicans hate colleges these days is a fucking no-brainer!
The Evangelical Rejection of Reason

THE Republican presidential field has become a showcase of evangelical anti-intellectualism.
Evangelicalism has nothing whatsoever to do with anti-intellectualism...

Herman Cain, Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann deny that climate change is real and caused by humans.
They are correct. It is not real. It is a circularly-defined buzzword religion. It outright rejects logic, science, and mathematics.

Mr. Perry and Mrs. Bachmann dismiss evolution as an unproven theory.
They are correct about that. Evolution is a religion. It cannot be proven or disproven (the theory isn't falsifiable). It is a theory about a past unobserved event.

The two candidates who espouse the greatest support for science, Mitt Romney and Jon M. Huntsman Jr., happen to be Mormons, a faith regarded with mistrust by many Christians.
Good for them.

The rejection of science seems to be part of a politically monolithic red-state fundamentalism,

It is actually AGW proponents who reject science. They reject the laws of thermodynamics and the stefan boltzmann law.
Is there evidence that many Republicans like degrees in math and science?

The anecdotal evidence is there:
  • More men than women enter STEM fields; men tend to be more conservative.
  • Science requires detached reason and analysis (conservative tendencies)
  • Art, acting professions are dependent upon emotion, and are dominated by liberals.
Feel free to research on your own.
"HIGHER" learning? What's higher about it? kids who don't want to go to work and jusyt want to party on the college scene, borrowing thousands of dollars from the government to go get a worthless degree that has no value for them getting a job. Universities that raise their tuition every time the government raises the borrowing amount the idiot kids can borrow. Colleges where the students are taught the grandeur of communism & socialism. College campuses where conservative thought and conservative speakers are bullied, protested, threatened and even attacked, where freedom of speech once was the main curriculum is now spat at and prohibited. Major universities of renown offering Hollywood White Privileged acting creeps the opportunities to bribe their offspring's way into the limited and restricted college experience.

Yeah! I think why Republicans hate colleges these days is a fucking no-brainer!

“Colleges where the students are taught the grandeur of communism & socialism.”

Where the fuck do you morons pick up this shit? Breitbart?

Just because the only time you’ve been on a college campus was a sporting event, dumbshit, doesn’t make you an expert on college curricula.
The anecdotal evidence is there:
  • More men than women enter STEM fields; men tend to be more conservative.
  • Science requires detached reason and analysis (conservative tendencies)
  • Art, acting professions are dependent upon emotion, and are dominated by liberals.
Feel free to research on your own.


Detached reason and analysis is conservative? :rofl2:

Stupid fucking post of the day!