Why Most Republicans Don’t Like Higher Education

Irrelevance fallacy. You don't get to dictate to me what I write. Insult fallacy.

No fallacy: you write in a boring way, long lists too tedious to read for me. I advise you too be less boring if you want to interest people, that's all. Maybe there are weirdoes who like these lists of yours. If so, stick to them.
The 1st amendment. The laws against perjury. The marriage and divorce laws. Laws against murder and assault. Shall I go on?

In this case it might be a good plan to quote at least some element from the Sermon, if you've read it. What you've written above is meaningless.
That's what trade schools are for.

While it is, the K-12 system does a pretty poor job of preparing students even to handle a trade school much of the time. I have taught trade school classes myself, and have spent considerable time teaching remedial math, reading, writing, and physics they should have learned in K-12. I have spent upwards to several weeks trying to bring some of these students up to speed, but of course you can't teach that stuff in just a few weeks and many those students are forced to drop out.

I am sure you are familiar with businesses trying to teach people how to do the simple math to handle a cash register.
No fallacy: you write in a boring way, long lists too tedious to read for me. I advise you too be less boring if you want to interest people, that's all. Maybe there are weirdoes who like these lists of yours. If so, stick to them.

Argument of the stone fallacy. Bulverism fallacy. Insult fallacy. Maybe you should actually try presenting arguments.
In this case it might be a good plan to quote at least some element from the Sermon, if you've read it. What you've written above is meaningless.

The 1st amendment. The laws against perjury. The marriage and divorce laws. Laws against murder and assault. These are not meaningless.
While it is, the K-12 system does a pretty poor job of preparing students even to handle a trade school much of the time. I have taught trade school classes myself, and have spent considerable time teaching remedial math, reading, writing, and physics they should have learned in K-12. I have spent upwards to several weeks trying to bring some of these students up to speed, but of course you can't teach that stuff in just a few weeks and many those students are forced to drop out.

I am sure you are familiar with businesses trying to teach people how to do the simple math to handle a cash register.

Basic math should be learned in grade school. There's no reason that someone fresh out of high school can't count correct change. I agree with you that school isn't what it should be and there's a ton of room for improvement.
Basic math should be learned in grade school. There's no reason that someone fresh out of high school can't count correct change. I agree with you that school isn't what it should be and there's a ton of room for improvement.

Some people just don't get math. They shouldn't be graduating from K-12 though. There is a stigma to not having a high school diploma, but in the end the diploma has becomie rather meaningless. It's happening more and more in colleges and universities as well.
Some people just don't get math. They shouldn't be graduating from K-12 though. There is a stigma to not having a high school diploma, but in the end the diploma has becomie rather meaningless. It's happening more and more in colleges and universities as well.

Everything will sort itself out in the end. Employers need to do a more in depth interview and get accustomed to trying new people out and moving people around to get their work force in order. With transparent free college degrees diluting what value there is in having them there will be more low quality companies and gradually, naturally, talent will move to the quality companies. I blame the decay of society.
Everything will sort itself out in the end.
Not until training is again provided in schools.
Employers need to do a more in depth interview
Actually, the most simplistic questions reveal the truth about how illiterate someone is. Going into depth and wasting your time on someone that is illiterate is not productive.
and get accustomed to trying new people out
Companies hire new people all the time. It's a real job finding someone that is actually literate enough to do the job sometimes though.
and moving people around to get their work force in order.
That won't do anything other than cause disruption. Moving people around for the sake of moving people around is not productive either.
With transparent free college degrees diluting what value there is in having them there will be more low quality companies and gradually, naturally, talent will move to the quality companies.
Well, they will move to the companies that pay better and provide a nicer work environment. Such companies are flush with people interviewing, and picking out those that are actually illiterate is more easily done.
I blame the decay of society.
A fairly reasonable place to lay blame. I blame it on the Marxists taking over the school systems in the 60's and teaching more and more of their Marxism. You could consider that a decay of society, certainly.
No, dude. Capitalism is not socialism. Don't try to define it as such. Stop playing word games.

Capitalism, child, works on profit, which can only be got by cheating workers out of a large part of what they've earned. Your brainwashing is a triumph for your masters, it really is!
The 1st amendment. The laws against perjury. The marriage and divorce laws. Laws against murder and assault. These are not meaningless.

Possibly not, nor is the Sermon on the Mount. The Question is whether the two have anything in common. Please quote from the Sermon if you have anything to say.
Capitalism, child, works on profit, which can only be got by cheating workers out of a large part of what they've earned. Your brainwashing is a triumph for your masters, it really is!

Profit does not cheat anybody. It does not cheat the workers. They are working because of profit. If a company is not making a profit, the workers are out of a job.

And you have the gall to call this simple truth 'brainwashing'.
Possibly not, nor is the Sermon on the Mount. The Question is whether the two have anything in common. Please quote from the Sermon if you have anything to say.

I need not quote the bible to you or anyone else. They can read it for themselves. The Sermon on the Mount is as meaningless to you as the 1st amendment, the laws against perjury, the marriage and divorce laws, and the laws against murder and assault. You are just playing word games now, insisting that people sing for their supper.

You are just repeating yourself. You are presenting no further argument. This subthread is done.
Profit does not cheat anybody. It does not cheat the workers. They are working because of profit. If a company is not making a profit, the workers are out of a job.

And you have the gall to call this simple truth 'brainwashing'.

You simply can't imagine a world without your ludicrous system, can you, poor dab!
I need not quote the bible to you or anyone else. They can read it for themselves. The Sermon on the Mount is as meaningless to you as the 1st amendment, the laws against perjury, the marriage and divorce laws, and the laws against murder and assault. You are just playing word games now, insisting that people sing for their supper.

You are just repeating yourself. You are presenting no further argument. This subthread is done.
We were discussing whether they had to do with one another. Obviously you hate Christianity and can't read, or you'd quote something to justify your silly statements. If you possess a New Testament, turn to the Sermon on the Mount and find anything that has to do with your Eighteenth Century Deist Slaveowner Document.