Why Obama's birth certificate issue won't go away: Vanderbilt expert

Suspecting somebody of hiding something because they are acting like they are hiding something does not equate to knowledge of what is hidden. It doesn't even mean I suspect it is nefarious.

All I'm telling you is, debunked or not people expect you to be open about the small stuff like this, and if you aren't will begin to suspect you of hiding things. This will grow, when even huffpost writers begin talking about how they should just open it up and get it over with it's telling.

And you know as well as we do that if the "real birth certificate" (on microfilm) was released, the argument would then become "he took so long to release it because it's really a (doctored, faked, phony, etc.) paper that took months to create and make believable.
It is not illogical to point to the actions of somebody and saying, "They appear to be hiding something, I wonder what it is."

If such were the case we wouldn't need to investigate things like, "Why is that guy acting nervously before entering the plane?" because we'd all just know what it is.

How do you explain the newspaper announcements of Obama's birth that were triggered by the Hawaii registrar, not the family?

Yes, families can insert their own announcements but not in place of the official ones. My kids' births were all in the paper and I had nothing to do with it.
How do you explain the newspaper announcements of Obama's birth that were triggered by the Hawaii registrar, not the family?

Yes, families can insert their own announcements but not in place of the official ones. My kids' births were all in the paper and I had nothing to do with it.
Hence my assessment that I do not think the Birth Certificate is what they are hiding, but that they are working on the principal that "if you give an inch, they'll take a mile."
right, it's so Absurd to ask a President to release his ORGINIAL BC..

what's absurd, is the effort by the lamestream media and the left fighting so hard for him to not have to..
And you know as well as we do that if the "real birth certificate" (on microfilm) was released, the argument would then become "he took so long to release it because it's really a (doctored, faked, phony, etc.) paper that took months to create and make believable.

I personally believe that it'd be politically stupid to do anything other than what he is doing.

Just sitting back and being cool while the R party is further destroyed by the birthers in their already lunatic base.

There's no percentage in doing anything else. Who is on tv running from cameras and questions about this? Obama, or the Republican Congress?

You answer that question, you answered everything. That's all.
It's not hurting the Republican party..it's doing more damage to the Democrats and Hugo by showing they will go to any lengths to hide something from the American people...

so, Keep up the good work
It's not hurting the Republican party..it's doing more damage to the Democrats and Hugo by showing they will go to any lengths to hide something from the American people...

so, Keep up the good work

As usual, you are absolutely right! Tell ten friends and tell them to tell ten friends, okay? Thanks!
It's not hurting the Republican party..it's doing more damage to the Democrats and Hugo by showing they will go to any lengths to hide something from the American people...

so, Keep up the good work

Sure; that's why GOP legislators are telling birthers to back off. Even people like O'Reilly & Coulter are trying to diminish the "movement."

It's hurting the right, in a big way. It is perpetuating the impression that the party is being over-run by the extremists & nutters.
I personally believe that it'd be politically stupid to do anything other than what he is doing.

Just sitting back and being cool while the R party is further destroyed by the birthers in their already lunatic base.

There's no percentage in doing anything else. Who is on tv running from cameras and questions about this? Obama, or the Republican Congress?

You answer that question, you answered everything. That's all.

Yep. Let them entertain themselves with this intrigue while rational people continue with the important business of running the country.
Sure; that's why GOP legislators are telling birthers to back off. Even people like O'Reilly & Coulter are trying to diminish the "movement."

It's hurting the right, in a big way. It is perpetuating the impression that the party is being over-run by the extremists & nutters.

so now Rush isn't the leader of the Republican party anymore..

now it's O'reilly and Coutler...who the left hates with a passion until they say something they can use...funny
so now Rush isn't the leader of the Republican party anymore..

now it's O'reilly and Coutler...who the left hates with a passion until they say something they can use...funny


I'm not saying they're the leaders.

However, when the Queen of nutters calls the birthers "cranks," it does perk up the ears....

I'm not saying they're the leaders.

However, when the Queen of nutters calls the birthers "cranks," it does perk up the ears....

And actually, the last I read, and it was this week, Limbaugh had mentioned this I think twice, but ever since Lou Dobbs made a jackass out of himself, Limbaugh has refused to touch it.

Maybe that changed over the past two days, I certainly don't listen to him. But if not, then the official supreme leader of the Republican party has run away from meme/tutu and the rest of them too.
meme/tutu...still the same ole shit...even though Damo said we are not the same people..

really pathetic, but whatever blows your skirt up..
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meme/tutu...still the same ole shit...even though Damo said we are not the same people..

really pathetic, but whatever blows your skirt up..
I think she does it now because you react to it. Everybody should know by now that you and TuTu are different posters.