Why Obama's birth certificate issue won't go away: Vanderbilt expert


Then you want him to perform this pointless exercise just because conspiracy theorists demanded it?
why does he refuse to spend $10 and ten minutes to make it all go away? have you ever seen someone so recalcitrant and pighedded?

your right - showing that you meet the Constitutuional requirement IS udderly pointless.... if ANYTHING demands it, tis the COnsitituoin, not "consrpircay nuts" the left would just as soon wipe its hind quarters with the costitution as be bound by its restrictions

point is when people ACT like they have sonething to hide, they usually DO. kids act like this all the time. why id Bobo acting like a stubborn child? we now have a stubborn child leading the free world--- GREAT!
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Obviously, this is not going to go away and the longer he stalls the more suspicious people will be. Show the damn thing and get it over with. Jesus Waldo Christ.
the longer he waits the worse it is...because that added time will allow for the forged document to be created...
Anyone who believes in the Birth Cert conspiracy is a cretin.

And I listen to Medved, not to Limbaugh, because he is more intellectual (minus a few childish foibles), and I agree with him often enough.
Anyone who believes in the Birth Cert conspiracy is a cretin.

And I listen to Medved, not to Limbaugh, because he is more intellectual (minus a few childish foibles), and I agree with him often enough.

they are refusing to release his long form BC for some reason...do you wonder why?
the longer he waits the worse it is...because that added time will allow for the forged document to be created...
Actually he should stall as long as possible. That way when the truth comes out and the issue goes to the SCOTUS they'll more likely rule that its too late to do anything.
no answer, because it's a stupid question..
it's more the fact that he is fighting so hard to not release it..of course you don't have a problem with that.
we would see what is on it, once he releases it, wouldn't we..

Nice try. If RW's are demanding to see it, they must suspect there's something wrong, otherwise why bother.

If all you principled watchdogs of the American people are concerned about the content, why not say what you think is wrong with it?

I suspect it's because you(pl.) are afraid you'd get laughed off the face of the earth. :foil:
Nice try. If RW's are demanding to see it, they must suspect there's something wrong, otherwise why bother.

If all you principled watchdogs of the American people are concerned about the content, why not say what you think is wrong with it?

I suspect it's because you(pl.) are afraid you'd get laughed off the face of the earth. :foil:

well, suspect away..you always do
After reading this thread, I'm truly convinced that the neocon parrots and pundits (and die hard Hillary supporters) are just besides themselves with the knowledge that not only did Obama beat them fair & square in 2008, but all their efforts to derail him in the first 6 months of his term have either failed or have been thwarted by Obama himself.

The State of Hawaii, the Secret Service, the State Dept., all have recognized the legitimacy of the mans citizenship....that he is a native born American. But the birthers and their sympathizers just won't have it...because until Hawaii releases the "original" document (or whatever record of it they have), Obama is "hiding" something. Hmmm, so the forementioned agencies are in on the conspiracy...whatever it is.

Hmmm, when the grand poobah's of the neocons like Medved, Coulter, O'Reilly...start openly casting doubt on the sanity of this crusade, you'd think the birthers and cohorts would take the hint. But logic and rationality has never been their strong point.

Twenty months. Twenty months between announcing his candidacy and election day, and not one person was able to find the smoking gun that proved Obama isn't a U.S. citizen. But they're going to die trying. :rolleyes:
Twenty months. Twenty months between announcing his candidacy and election day, and not one person was able to find the smoking gun that proved Obama isn't a U.S. citizen. But they're going to die trying. :rolleyes:

as no one has been allowed access to the original, your comment is pure meadowmuffins.....
all of a sudden Coulter, Medved and O'Reilly are the Grand Poobahs of the Republican Party...

what the hell happen to Rush, wasn't that his position...man is he going to be upset..

None of the above speak for the American people...they speak for themselves...

this isn't going away...we want ALL his records released, from college to his BC...

if we had a true media who wasn't in the back pocket of the Democrat party, we wouldn't have to be fighting for this now..

The point, which you refuse to accept, is that if there was anything in it then they would be all over Obama like a cheap suit.
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ROTFL. You guys already think the one Hawaii released is forged.

As if there's any pleasing conspiracy theorists, they'll just continue to raise the bar.

a lot have never said it was forged, but that it could easily be forged...

that is why we are asking for his long form that Hawaii has admitted they have..

now why do you think he doesn't have that obligation to show a document that the American are asking to see?
and why is he paying money to prevent people from seeing it?
it doesn't make you a little suspicious?
The Hawaii people have access to the original and they said everything is in order. What, exactly, do you think the other document would show?

you again show a true ability to spread meadowmuffins....

1. hearsay

2. not the people who are claiming he is ineligible to serve

so you're wrong that they have been allowed to see all the evidence, thus, your comment is meadowmuffins...i don't think the document will show anything...it doesn't even matter what i think, the only thing that matters is obama stupidly dragging this out....instead of the issue going away or keeping it to the fringes, more and more people are talking about it

his strategy is backfiring

10 dollars, 10 minutes