Why Our Universities Have Failed

All you have to do is research the concept of Critical Pedagogy to see the fundamental concept the Left in academia and education has adopted to destroy our entire education system.

Critical Pedagogy was invented by a Brazilian Communist Terrorist named Paulo Freire. It has been adopted widely by the radical Left and expanded upon. The key concept of it is All education is political and to be used to propagandize and indoctrinate the student.


Critical Pedagogy has spread not just to the liberal arts but into math, science, and every other corner of education to some degree. It results in students who can't think critically but are seeped in revolutionary fervor and ready to man the barricades against whatever injustice the Left's leadership decides needs a good riot to overturn.

Which is why the revolution went for the teacher colleges first, they had already by 1985 largely captured the teaching program at Michigan State, which was large. Train the teachers for the revolution and then they will mind mold the next generation and we will win was the idea. I am ashamed that I knew of the plan at the time through my contacts at MSU but I did not take it seriously enough. I did not have enough information to know that this was a national program, and I did not have that information because there was an organized information black-out. It turns out that the Regressive Left not only does not believe in consent, they dont believe in either truth or transparency either.

What was done to America is a crime.

These are bad people.
So you are for and against the liberal arts. Well argued.

How'd you end up with that conclusion? What I'm against is lies, tripe, logical fallacies, and propaganda posing as truth and pushed by education and educators as such. So far in this discussion all you've had to add is ad hominem and insults. You haven't made one constructive, reasoned, or logical statement or argument to show what's being presented is wrong, not factual, or why it shouldn't be opposed. If all you have is insults and ad hominem, then you've lost the argument most likely because as presented, it's true.
Continuing to oppose that truth only means you are on the side of those who seek to do evil and tear down the nation rather than build it up and make it better. It poses the question, in turn, Just what radical Leftist hate group(s) are you with, and why are you so hell bent on destroying the United States as it exists?
How'd you end up with that conclusion? What I'm against is lies, tripe, logical fallacies, and propaganda posing as truth and pushed by education and educators as such. So far in this discussion all you've had to add is ad hominem and insults. You haven't made one constructive, reasoned, or logical statement or argument to show what's being presented is wrong, not factual, or why it shouldn't be opposed. If all you have is insults and ad hominem, then you've lost the argument most likely because as presented, it's true.
Continuing to oppose that truth only means you are on the side of those who seek to do evil and tear down the nation rather than build it up and make it better. It poses the question, in turn, Just what radical Leftist hate group(s) are you with, and why are you so hell bent on destroying the United States as it exists?

fuck off
Universities have become glorified and expensive apprenticeships. In early America the elite went to college and did essentially liberal arts. They read literature and learned languages. They were improving themselves. We stopped phys ed and civics in many schools. They did not translate to future jobs.
We used to graduate gentlemen.
Universities have become glorified and expensive apprenticeships. In early America the elite went to college and did essentially liberal arts. They read literature and learned languages. They were improving themselves. We stopped phys ed and civics in many schools. They did not translate to future jobs.
We used to graduate gentlemen.

Universities have an evolving purpose. But the right wing attack that every classroom is a marxist training group is absurd.
Ah, now we know! I hit a bullseye with that last comment! You are a good for nothing, radical Leftist hell bent on destruction of the United States as it exists...

You are able to write grammatical sentences which places you above most right wingers on this forum. But your ideological extremes make you hard to take seriously.