Why Paying Taxes Is a Good Thing


Diversity Makes Greatness
I don't mind paying taxes.

We can't have a country without paying taxes.

It's no fun to pay taxes, of course, because you don't get any instant gratification.

And we sure do love our instant gratification.

No, paying taxes is definitely an example of delayed gratification.

And that can be sweeter.

I like being an American. America is a great country. Paying taxes makes America possible.

So I don't mind paying taxes.

We need to think about that once in a while.

Too few people do.

The Secret Origins Of The TEA Party Movement.
if paying taxes is a great thing, why do you deprive half the taxpayers in the country their chance at doing this great thing?.....
America, we have been had by the super-rich.

Koch brothers and big tobacco created a well-funded campaign to spread propaganda and whip up hatred for taxes in America, with an aim to take over one of the political parties to spread mistruths, gain power and enhance their own profits.

Just think.

All of the politicized hatred in America was foisted upon us on purpose out of greed.

How sick.
So you have to ask yourself:

"Do I like being an American?"

If the answer is yes, then paying taxes is what makes it happen.
I kind of like being an American and feeling like I can count on America to keep on being America.

I know it is a mistake to take it for granted. We see a lot of that. Too much of that. America could go away, if we are not careful.

I see those Ukrainian refugees and I see people that look a lot like us. They have nice cars, nice clothes. Cell phones. And just what they can carry. Their homes are gone. The lives they knew are over. Now they have misery. Too many people take our cushy American life for granted. They think patriotism is waving flags and being selfish, expressing hatred.

We have a lot of admiration for our nation's founders and the amazing Constitution they left us with.

But the work they did is ongoing.

It now falls on us to protect America.

We don't do that by hating other Americans or hating taking care of our country by paying taxes.

That would be an example of being stupidly selfish.

The founders were not so, and we can't be like that either.

We have too much of that going on.

We need more people to truly appreciate what we have.

Paying taxes keeps America America!
It makes paying taxes far more tolerable if you think about what you're really paying for.

You're paying to keep America going.

And America is a good thing to keep going.
America, we have been had by the super-rich.

Koch brothers and big tobacco created a well-funded campaign to spread propaganda and whip up hatred for taxes in America, with an aim to take over one of the political parties to spread mistruths, gain power and enhance their own profits.

Just think.

All of the politicized hatred in America was foisted upon us on purpose out of greed.

How sick.

Americans have always hated paying taxes, but as your OP touches upon, taxes are a necessity to an extent. It's not just paying taxes that is the problem, but how those taxes are spent.

There are Democrats and Liberals on this forum who keep pointing out some states take more Federal tax dollars than they pay. There are several reasons for this, but the point they are making is to cut off those states they don't like by weaponizing paying out tax dollars.
taxes cannot be avoided and no one suggests that they be zero.

the issue is what taxes are spent on.

The Framers made it very clear what the business of the federal government was, that is to say what things it needed to do and "doing" almost always involves spending some money. Much the same thing applies to state and local.

How taxes are spent is where things get dicey between citizens.

Additionally there is the matter of spending money government does not have.

Citizens have very different views about this.
Hello Dutch,

Americans have always hated paying taxes, but as your OP touches upon, taxes are a necessity to an extent. It's not just paying taxes that is the problem, but how those taxes are spent.

There are Democrats and Liberals on this forum who keep pointing out some states take more Federal tax dollars than they pay. There are several reasons for this, but the point they are making is to cut off those states they don't like by weaponizing paying out tax dollars.

I think it's a pretty good country and it has to have money to run.

There is no way government is going to please everybody with how the money gets spent.

Anybody who thinks they are every going to get everything they want is just fooling themselves.

Everyone should expect to see something they object to.

Some people just don't get that.

They think they should be the one to get everything their way.


And if they don't get it they are going to throw a giant hissy fit.

Can't compromise.


And really what they are doing is the dirty work of the super-rich who fund all these think tanks, legislative groups, fund all this propaganda to get voters to do what the rich want (and actually vote against the voters' best interest - dumdumb!)

Then they get a bunch of Republicans elected and the first thing they do is another tax cut for the rich.
Hello Dutch,

I think it's a pretty good country and it has to have money to run.

There is no way government is going to please everybody with how the money gets spent.

Anybody who thinks they are every going to get everything they want is just fooling themselves.

Everyone should expect to see something they object to.

Some people just don't get that.

They think they should be the one to get everything their way.


And if they don't get it they are going to throw a giant hissy fit.

Can't compromise.


And really what they are doing is the dirty work of the super-rich who fund all these think tanks, legislative groups, fund all this propaganda to get voters to do what the rich want (and actually vote against the voters' best interest - dumdumb!)

Then they get a bunch of Republicans elected and the first thing they do is another tax cut for the rich.

Tax cuts for the rich then jacking up the national debt is where the Republican party derailed where taxes are considered.
If the super-rich really wanted to reduce the government deficit we wouldn't even have one.

We'd have a surplus.

The debt would be lower every year.

The Super-Rich get what they want.

And there are not enough of them to vote for it all by themselves.

They get Republicans to do it.
If the super-rich really wanted to reduce the government deficit we wouldn't even have one.

We'd have a surplus.

The debt would be lower every year.

The Super-Rich get what they want.

And there are not enough of them to vote for it all by themselves.

They get Republicans to do it.

Every corporation owes debt

Debt is a tool

They want the federal and state government to not take on debt because that keeps them small and overrun able for the corps

Idiot buy this stupid debate side because ……. Well … because they are idiots
All this 'small government' baloney began with the super-rich wanting a tax cut.


'Oh! They are taking away your freedoms! Oh, how horrible! Better vote for Republicans so the super-rich can have another tax cut.'

'If the debt goes up it won't be because the super-rich aren't paying as much taxes. It will be because of Democrats...'

'Look at what happened last time. We did a big tax cut for the rich, Democrats took over, and now the debt is going up. It's all their fault.'

'We want the two parties bitterly hating each other because if they ever ganged up on us, we'd have to pay taxes like we are super-rich and can easily afford it and need to actually pay for this great country that secures our ability to get so rich.'

Yeah, like, if Republicans ever figured out how they are being had so bad and actually taxed the rich more? America would be greater.

Democrats are ready to do that any time.

Except maybe Joe Mansion and a few others...

Yeah, I spelled it like that on purpose.
No. Maintaining freedom keeps America, American.

This country is about freedom. Freedom leads to opportunity. Opportunity leads to prosperity.

Agreed. What do you think about the two major political parties seeking to restrict freedom?
Agreed. What do you think about the two major political parties seeking to restrict freedom?

So you love democracy

But think all the people are evil?


My beloved Democratic Party is yet again saving this nation from Republican Party crimes and corruption

Remove the beam from your own eye