Why Paying Taxes Is a Good Thing

I don't mind paying taxes.

We can't have a country without paying taxes.

It's no fun to pay taxes, of course, because you don't get any instant gratification.

And we sure do love our instant gratification.

No, paying taxes is definitely an example of delayed gratification.

And that can be sweeter.

I like being an American. America is a great country. Paying taxes makes America possible.

So I don't mind paying taxes.

We need to think about that once in a while.

Too few people do.

The Secret Origins Of The TEA Party Movement.

America, we have been had by the super-rich.

Koch brothers and big tobacco created a well-funded campaign to spread propaganda and whip up hatred for taxes in America, with an aim to take over one of the political parties to spread mistruths, gain power and enhance their own profits.

Just think.

All of the politicized hatred in America was foisted upon us on purpose out of greed.

How sick.

So you have to ask yourself:

"Do I like being an American?"

If the answer is yes, then paying taxes is what makes it happen.

I kind of like being an American and feeling like I can count on America to keep on being America.

I know it is a mistake to take it for granted. We see a lot of that. Too much of that. America could go away, if we are not careful.

I see those Ukrainian refugees and I see people that look a lot like us. They have nice cars, nice clothes. Cell phones. And just what they can carry. Their homes are gone. The lives they knew are over. Now they have misery. Too many people take our cushy American life for granted. They think patriotism is waving flags and being selfish, expressing hatred.

We have a lot of admiration for our nation's founders and the amazing Constitution they left us with.

But the work they did is ongoing.

It now falls on us to protect America.

We don't do that by hating other Americans or hating taking care of our country by paying taxes.

That would be an example of being stupidly selfish.

The founders were not so, and we can't be like that either.

We have too much of that going on.

We need more people to truly appreciate what we have.

Paying taxes keeps America America!


I get it, you're jealous of people who have more than you; However, fuck you, you commie fucking turd. When was the last time you ever worked a day in your life, huh?

People who have more than you do not owe you ary a damn thing. Something you'd do good to keep in mind
If the super-rich really wanted to reduce the government deficit we wouldn't even have one.

We'd have a surplus.

The debt would be lower every year.

The Super-Rich get what they want.

And there are not enough of them to vote for it all by themselves.

They get Republicans to do it.

The proudDemocratic party saved us from Nixon’s crimes

The proud Democratic Party stopped the Reagan folks from selling arms to fund secret military shenanigans

The proud Democratic Party caught Bush lying us to war and stopped those lies so it wouldn’t happen again

The proud Democratic Party restored the nations economic conditions caused by the 8 years of Bush mismanagement after he held back regulations on the banks (that didn’t work out well for the people)

Now your party gave us Trump


The Republican Party is dead

And that’s a good thing
So you love democracy

But think all the people are evil?

My beloved Democratic Party is yet again saving this nation from Republican Party crimes and corruption
Remove the beam from your own eye
70% of American voters choose to avoid being Democrats. ;)

40% of American voters choose not to belong to either the Democrats or Republicans. Sorry, dear, but I don't think all people are evil....I just think some of them are pretty fucking stupid. :)
The Democratic Party is provably smart and honest

You will not succeed in tainting the Proud Democratic Party with the stink of the Republican party’s vast crimes

We keep getting the bad guy and rebuilding the house

We are not the bad guy

And libertarians and republicans lie about clear facts
The proudDemocratic party saved us from Nixon’s crimes

The proud Democratic Party stopped the Reagan folks from selling arms to fund secret military shenanigans

The proud Democratic Party caught Bush lying us to war and stopped those lies so it wouldn’t happen again

The proud Democratic Party restored the nations economic conditions caused by the 8 years of Bush mismanagement after he held back regulations on the banks (that didn’t work out well for the people)

Now your party gave us Trump


The Republican Party is dead

And that’s a good thing

Read this history

The right didn’t save us

its the nature of politics and government to be a gravy train.

There's the whole "power corrupts" thing which is why it's important to elect good leaders and install good controls on the reins of government. Both parties are Federalists seeking to restrict rights and both empower and enrich themselves. They constantly use wedge issues to divide Americans and maintain their positions.
I don't mind paying taxes.

We can't have a country without paying taxes.

It's no fun to pay taxes, of course, because you don't get any instant gratification.

And we sure do love our instant gratification.

No, paying taxes is definitely an example of delayed gratification.

And that can be sweeter.

I like being an American. America is a great country. Paying taxes makes America possible.

So I don't mind paying taxes.

We need to think about that once in a while.

Too few people do.

The Secret Origins Of The TEA Party Movement.

What sane person has to think about taxes supporting the entire public sector?
It's pretty self-evident to anybody with a functioning mind.
If blue state residents didn't pay taxes, red state residents would be living in mud huts.
I favor partition so we can watch that happen.
There's the whole "power corrupts" thing which is why it's important to elect good leaders and install good controls on the reins of government. Both parties are Federalists seeking to restrict rights and both empower and enrich themselves. They constantly use wedge issues to divide Americans and maintain their positions.

there are precious few "good leaders" because government has crafted a structure dependent upon money.
so its a self sustaining process.
Hello Dutch,

There's the whole "power corrupts" thing which is why it's important to elect good leaders and install good controls on the reins of government. Both parties are Federalists seeking to restrict rights and both empower and enrich themselves. They constantly use wedge issues to divide Americans and maintain their positions.

The parties are a symptom. The disease is super-rich greed.
Hello Dutch,

70% of American voters choose to avoid being Democrats. ;)

40% of American voters choose not to belong to either the Democrats or Republicans. Sorry, dear, but I don't think all people are evil....I just think some of them are pretty fucking stupid. :)

95% of America is not very well informed politically.
Hello Dutch,

By design?

Partially. Apathy is a huge factor, but that apathy is supported by our culture of acceptance that 'political discussions are impolite.' (Which is BS)

Some people take this to heart and never want to talk about politics. And the problem with that is obvious. If nobody ever talked about politics, then no ideas are formed. Nothing gets done.

The truth is there are times when it is certainly in appropriate to talk about politics. But there have to be other times when it is.

It's very convenient for the poorly informed to rattle off the phrase any time someone tries to initiate a political discussion, then refuse to take part. Helps them cover for their lack of understanding.

Another part of our culture is economic. People work hard to earn a living. When they are not working, they are usually taking care of personal business, families, seeking pleasure. The day is over all too quickly. Where is the time to become as well informed as we here in the forum are? We here are the exception. We are into it, fascinated by politics. Most consider it an ugly chore.

So there are two big reasons people are not very well informed, and that's not all.

It's clear people have little time or interest in becoming well informed, but there is a bit of guilt about it, knowing they are not doing their share in taking care of America, overseeing our self-government. So they at least try to pay attention once in a while. That's where propaganda organizations like Fox come in. They wrap the information of what's going on into entertainment. And they add the twist of bias.

The result is worse than if people paid no attention at all to politics. They are getting some information, but what they are getting is conditioned for them by a slick propaganda machine designed to purposely misinform them. They may think they are getting informed, but actually, the information they are getting leaves them less well informed than those who don't watch any news at all.
Hello Dutch,

What is your cure?

Spread the truth far and wide. Initiate political discussions more often. Be sincere. Pull back if it becomes emotional. Try again at another opportunity. Learn how to back off before it gets out of hand. When people get angry, they are not in a receptive state of mind.

When people know what's going on, they are better able to resist propaganda, more motivated to vote for the true betterment of America.