why people are Dems or repubs

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screaming at Republicans... And the last two budgets where drawn up by the dims. Yes the system is broken, but the only ones fighting to move the system, or at least nudging it in the right direction, are conservative Republicans, and not all Republicans are Conservative, look at the last bunch. I mean come on, is Barrack nobody, and that guys wife really going to cut spending, with the bleeding heart socialists running congress? I guarantee spending will skyrocket.

You know McCain will lose if william r lawrence is in his camp.

The kid has been wrong about every single thing he has stood behind.
I hope mcain gets the nomination.
He may be the easiest to beat.
1. He's 95 and looks 105
2. He's more pro war than Bush, he want's more troops. Your kidding us right John
3. He's more old school establishment than any candidate, it's time for change and Iowa supports that theory.
I feel sorry for John. I liked him for many years. There was a time I would have seriously considered voting for the man. I never will now. The republican party of GWB destroyed their best man.
I am a Republican because, aside form the social conservatives, I agree mostly with the Republican party's idea's of limited government, fiscal responsibility, strong defense, a shift towards what the founders intended, and once the country is Conservative enough, considering they share very similar philosophies, I'd probably vote Libertarian.

I loath the dims, because as a veteran, I find it absolutely despicable/deplorable/dishonest/disgusting... the way the dims have played politics with the war, they have not served America, they have served themselves.

And of course the Republicans have not played politics around the Iraq War now have they ? ;)

I am a Veteran as well.
Well the war has removed about 100k of young wage earners from our payrolls.
That is not good for the economy.
I am a Democrat because I see them as the most practical vehicle to a Communist revolution, the repeal of the constitution, and the replacement of our government, set in motion by the founding fathers, with a socialist state based on the teachings of Marx and Lenin.
I miss uscitizen ... Another whom I rarely agreed with but could discuss things with for hours on end.
I am a Democrat because I see them as the most practical vehicle to a Communist revolution, the repeal of the constitution, and the replacement of our government, set in motion by the founding fathers, with a socialist state based on the teachings of Marx and Lenin.

sorry dude but if its commie land you want your better off voting for the right.

the polls show that they increased the distrust of capitalism world wide when Bush was in office.
What I've always found amusing is that many conservatives see the traits associated with conservativism in these studies as intrinsically negative. The studies themselves don't classify the personality traits as either negative or positive. They're simply traits.

Liberals, by and large, don't seem to object to being called messy, comfortable with ambiguity and craving stimulation. A lot of conservatives, on the other hand, seem to dislike the idea that they're a bit more rigid, prone to neatness and are uncomfortable with introspection.

Gosh, I wonder why? ;)

miss you dude
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