Why racism will never end

Poor little racists

Everyone hates you

It’s was your choice to be sooo hated

You doinks are really fucking stupid

So be it. :thinking:
You hate anyone who is not as white and stupid as you

So not many humans like you back

I only run me, DICK.

You Regressives never learned where one person ends and the other begins, your ignorance is stunning in historical terms, you are some of the dimmest clods to ever walk the earth, and you dont even know it.
You stand condemned by your own boasting, racist.

Your lies can’t stand

You can’t condemn

Boasting is all you have

Why do even you racists claim racism is bad mmmkay

The lameness of you retorts are noted

Your tears will water the blooming of mankind

Your years bring joy to all of mankind

I only run me, DICK.

You Regressives never learned where one person ends and the other begins, your ignorance is stunning in historical terms, you are some of the dimmest clods to ever walk the earth, and you dont even know it.

And you keep losing

Which mankind cheers

Your tears will water the tree of democracy
Many years ago I believed 'Racism' would end within a generation. Now, I think it will take until we are majority 'multi-racial'. --->'Dia de La Raza'<---

I doubt that many people are not "multi-racial" as it's currently defined.
Then why did I know Sadam had no weapons?

How did I know the economy was going to crash in 2008?

How did I know covid would would kill hundreds of thousands of people in the USA?

You shits keep getting proven as fools and then think no one notices your repeated failures

You are a truly pathetic creature
You racist boasting is a matter of public record, racist.

Kill yourself and help end the scourge of racism in America.

Why is it you think a pee wee defense works for you?

It makes everyone realize what a first rate loser you are
Some people have been talking about this widespread practice over the last year....which speaks to the corruption of power...the degree to which they lie....and their laziness.

Less lazy people would have assembled the rainbow to their liking in real life like D's have long made sure that the people in the front rows of their audiences have the proper genetic material.

I noticed at the Trump and Biden rallies they always made sure they had a mixture of different groups right behind the candidate.

I think the college catalog was more for recruitment purposes--to present the image that all groups are included.
Why is it you think a pee wee defense works for you? It makes everyone realize what a first rate loser you are

Your repeated racist boasting regarding your racist assault on a black man is an indelible stain on your character, racist.