Scut Farkus
No, Asshat. It's pretty much completely true.
I don't see the every election being decided in the house part.
No, Asshat. It's pretty much completely true.
I don't see the every election being decided in the house part.
James Madison hated the idea of equal state representation in the Senate. His original vision was proportional representation in the legislature based on state population.
Madison did not see any sense that states with tiny populations would have equal say with the states with larger populations.
Which is why he was a Federalist going head to head with Jefferson. OTOH, he was Jefferson's Sec. of State. and oversaw the Louisiana Purchase.
He was also the main force behind the Bill of Rights which was controversial at the time for the same reason the Democrats seek to use it today: They see it as a limitation on rights, not a limitation on the Federal government.
The winner of the Presidential Election isn't just the guy with the most votes.
You have to have 50% of the electoral vote plus 1.
If we have more than two viable parties, parties that actually have members and followers, no candidate in the presidential election is going to get 50% of the electoral vote plus one.
In that instance, as per the precious constitution, the president is chosen by the house of representatives.
it forces people to work together. It breaks the systemic false dichotomy. It's better.
Jefferson was in France at the time of the constitutional convention, and I am not sure what his opinion was on proportional representation in the proposed bicameral national legislature.
William Paterson of New Jersey led the charge against Madison and Randolph, demanding that small population states be given equal votes in the national legislature with large population states (at that time, New Jersey had a relatively small population)
I feel that way as well, and I'm, of course, speaking from the opposite side of the fence.
Partition is my first preference, but that's obviously not imminent. If it happens, it wouldn't be in my lifetime.
The reason you don’t believe our government is working in the interests of the majority of Americans is caused by the CHEATING of the Republican Party for DECADES
BEFORE you condemn the entire system
partition? Like gaza?
no. it's because d.c. has sold out to international corporations who don't give a shit about americans.
Many Americans, when considering the Constitution of the United States of America, think first of the Bill of Rights [1st ten amendments].
The heart of our constitution, however, are the original articles which define the configuration of our national government.
And the way our national government is configured, rural arch conservatives are RADICALLY over-represented relative to their percentage of the overall population.
This is simple, irrefutable fact.
This failure to open their eyes is the reason why I get angrier with Democrats like Nomad and PoliTalker than I do with the Reichtards themselves.
The Reichtards are devolved mutants. They are incapable of cogent thought at the human level.
The so-called "moderate Democrats," on the other hand, are humans, albeit obviously deficient ones.
They don't recognize the culture war.
They love the Constitution as much as the mutants do, even though it works against them.
Worst of all, they're hopeless Pollyannas who,
believing that radical problems can be addressed with moderate solutions,
are joining the trumpanzee mutants as an impediment to progress.
The reason you don’t believe our government is working in the interests of the majority of Americans is caused by the CHEATING of the Republican Party for DECADES
BEFORE you condemn the entire system
The European parliamentary system provides a government far more representative of the governed.
Our government radically over-represents rural conservatives to the serious detriment of the nation.
These are people who know how to grow wheat and corn and soy, bless them, but who really don't need to be telling sophisticated people how to live.
Cold hard court documentation in the USA all the way to the SCOTUS proves the Republican Party has cheated in elections for decades
Remember why Nixon was impeached?
Election cheating you idiot