Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

You have not asked a question. You must define your terms to ask a question.

Words have meanings. If there are any words that you don't know in the sentences I posted regarding money, pain
or health, you should definitely buy a dictionary....and then sue every elementary school teacher you've had for negligence. :laugh: :laugh:
You know the answer to my question is yes.
You do not get to assign positions to me, you do not get to declare what I believe or claim to know, and you do not get to speak for me. Your argument is dismissed.

I know the answer is yes.
Your erroneous beliefs, religious or otherwise, are not knowledge. Your physics violations are not science.

Your tapdancing ...
That's a strange way to characterize your refusal to define your terms and to clarify your seemingly contradictory questions.

Your claims are dismissed.
You do not get to assign positions to me, you do not get to declare what I believe or claim to know, and you do not get to speak for me. Your argument is dismissed.

Your erroneous beliefs, religious or otherwise, are not knowledge. Your physics violations are not science.

That's a strange way to characterize your refusal to define your terms and to clarify your seemingly contradictory questions.

Your claims are dismissed.

What are you talking about? Climate change? I'm asking about health, pain and anger.

Yes, you can keep pretending to be confused and needing definitions of basic terms, but I'm not buying it and I'd bet the farm, if given a lie detecting test, you aren't believing your own "cinfusion.", either.
What are you talking about? Climate change? I'm asking about health, pain and anger.

Yes, you can keep pretending to be confused and needing definitions of basic terms, but I'm not buying it and I'd bet the farm, if given a lie detecting test, you aren't believing your own "cinfusion.", either.

Buzzwords have no meaning, Sock. Climate cannot change.
Your inability to read or understand English is YOUR problem, Sock. You cannot project it upon anybody else.
I'm asking about health, pain and anger.
... and I asked for clarification. You refused to clarify as requested. You tipped your king. Game over. Let me know when you want to play again.

Yes, you can keep pretending to be confused ...
... and you can keep avoiding adding any science to this thread.

I'd bet the farm, if given a lie detecting test, you aren't believing your own "cinfusion."
How do I take you up on your bet? Do you even own a farm?
... and I asked for clarification. You refused to clarify as requested. You tipped your king. Game over. Let me know when you want to play again.

... and you can keep avoiding adding any science to this thread.

How do I take you up on your bet? Do you even own a farm?

Clarification? If health, pain or anger are so foreign to you that you can't answer a simple question, then there is no discussion to be had.
Clarification? If health, pain or anger are so foreign to you that you can't answer a simple question, then there is no discussion to be had.
If clarification is so foreign to you that you can't comply with a simple request, then there is no discussion to be had.
If clarification is so foreign to you that you can't comply with a simple request, then there is no discussion to be had.

The concept of clarification isn't foreign. What's foreign is being asked to clarify basic English words for an adult.

Of course, most adults don't feign confusion to avoid answering simple questions like "What would hurt more: being poked with a tack in the leg or being shot in the leg".

I mean, do you really expect me to believe that the idea of health is so confusing for you that you can't answer to ridiculously simple questions that even most elementary school children could answer?

This really comes down to how long you are willing to pretend to be confused or "need" clarification. My guess is that you'll do it indefinitely to save face.
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The concept of clarification isn't foreign. What's foreign is being asked to clarify ...
Nope. That's not what I asked you to clarify. You fight tooth and nail to avoid clarifying your contradictory question because you realize that doing so will reveal the contradiction of your question. Ergo, you lie about what you are being asked to clarify.

Your EVASION keeps your argument dismissed.

Let me know when something changes.
Nope. That's not what I asked you to clarify. You fight tooth and nail to avoid clarifying your contradictory question because you realize that doing so will reveal the contradiction of your question. Ergo, you lie about what you are being asked to clarify.

Your EVASION keeps your argument dismissed.

Let me know when something changes.

I'm not evading anything. I presented you with three hypothetical situations and asked you questions about them that elementary-age children could answer. I've also answered them without any "additional information".

The only person evading here is you.
You are EVADING my request for clarification. You refuse to answer my questions. Your argument doesn't move forward until you do.

... contradictory concepts. I clearly requested clarification. You refuse to answer my questions. Your argument is dismissed.

To be clear, you're dismissing my argument because it's what you WANT to do, not because you CAN'T answer the question. If I'm wrong, explain how I'm able to answer the questions, as they were asked, without additional "clarification".