Why should anyone obey the law?

Or maybe our judges should emulate Merchan... :unsure:


Seriously! What did Merchan do today that is a good thing?

If Merchan were to have been set on doing good, lawful and just, he would have never done the Kangaroo Court in the first place.

It not rocket science!

What he did today, may have somewhat negated his own evil, but not much!

Shouldn't we emulate our next President, Trump?

Did you Libtards honestly believe Trump was going to see the inside of a jail cell? I'll confess, I've been giving you drones too much credit, I didn't realize the problem was this severe. The case was built on a 'trumped' up charge to magically make it a felony, then they conveniently forgot to ask for a ruling from the jury on the criminal charge—oops, just slipped their minds. And to top it all off, they stretched the statute of limitations like taffy, because why the hell not? That's how Libtard Law operates, and you drones just lap it up like it's your favorite flavor of magic Kool-Aid.
It all makes sense. Democrats have just become so fucked in the head with this MAGA crap they have becpme irrational. Prpve me wrong.

I'm not sure what's going on here other than it's very possible you've been drinking. It's not a good look, my friend. It sucks for your health, too.
Or maybe our judges should emulate Merchan... :unsure:

So you're unhappy with the un-sentence as well? Do you think Trump should've served some time, like 30 days shock maybe? Community service cleaning the dog park or shoveling sidewalks for the elderly? Say, that last would be brilliant! Help out some old folks, and get rid of Trump at the same time. lol