Why should Hollywood be exempt from child labor laws ?

I know a little bit about this.

There are, of course, child labor laws particularly for child actors. Also, the Unions have specific rules that must be followed (although I have seen them bent) for kid actors as far as how many hours they're allowed to consecutively be on set, etc.

You'd be surprised, though. Working with kids is hard because as actors they're often emotionally and intellectually inexperienced, but sometimes it's about the same as working with adults. Especially the "eccentric" ones.

The biggest thing to look out for legally is kids and their parents being ripped off by unscrupulous agencies with promises of big time success.

Exactly, there are real strict rules on how much the kids can work and they have to do school and all that. It's not just a free for all where kids are working 60 hour weeks and get no schooling.

Why, whenever one of you ignorant simpletons are too stupid to understand what I'm stating, do you say "Are you teh drfink again?" You fuckers sound like broken records. Get a new repetive phrase, for God's sake, it's getting old.

I like your tone, young man.
Exactly, there are real strict rules on how much the kids can work and they have to do school and all that. It's not just a free for all where kids are working 60 hour weeks and get no schooling.

Why educate them? They're never going to turn out to be anything else anyway.
Hmm ?

Child stars seem to turn out pretty poorly.
Could the life of a child star and hollywood have anything to do with it ?
Who says they are? -they are not. but they have special laws because of the nature of their craft, same goes for farm community children.
Kids in rural communities not only are used as workers, but even have special dispensation to get licenses to drive at a younger age.
Because Hollywood is controlled by the Jooooooos, and rules for the goyim don't apply to the chosen people. </sarcasm>
Hmm ?

Child stars seem to turn out pretty poorly.
Could the life of a child star and hollywood have anything to do with it ?

More kids need to work anyway. I say abolish child labor laws and to the whiney kids that want a $600 playstation: Get a job.