Some 50,000+ people worked in the World Trade Center, New York, while another 200,000 visited or passed through each day. The complex had its own zip code, 10048.
The WTC was one of most important business and banking centers in the integral part of the US economy....
May 2001, unemployment rate at 4.1%
The aftermath of 9/11 effectively froze the nation's economy. And President Bush enacted his first round of tax cuts.
In spite of this devastating terrorist attack, SEVEN out of the eight Bush years enjoyed an awesome economy....exceptionally low unemployment and lower taxes FOR EVERYONE, rich and poor alike....
And thats just the way is was...its FACT, undeniable FACT......(Note...a Democrats took over Congress in the last year of Bush, 2008)
Gross National Income in PPP dollars (Gross National Income, expressed in purchasing power parity dollars to adjust for price level differences across countries) rose from 10 trillion in 2001 to almost 15 trillion in 2008....