why so many here claim not to be Rs?

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so billy do you have the swingers to admit the republican party has been proven to have cheated in elections for decades and there are court cases over decades to prove it?
dear readers are you beginning to see what the right is willing to do to remain glued to their lies?

They will deny decades of court documented cases.

They are the party of lies and cheating
see how every single right leaning poster refuses decades of court cases in which the republicans were punished for their actions.

why does the American people not know about this record?
you dug up a 2.5 year old thread because you think it proves something you said about Thing, but doesn't?

desh, go get some serious mental help. you need it.
dear fucking idiot

your words are your words

time doesnt change that

the problem that everyone but you can see is that the words you are seeing are not the words that people are saying. you're making up a fantasy world on the spot. it's almost entertaining were it not so sad.
dear fucking idiot

your words are your words

time doesnt change that

Okay. And what is your interpretation of what I said?

I'm actually glad you bumped this. It's exactly what I am saying today about identification w/ party. It clearly doesn't prove what you think it does.
grind just got all pissed when I called him a republican.

Yet is is completely refusing to even comment on the reams of court documented cases in which the republican party was caught red handed cheating.


because they are lying yet some more about what they actually support

The one trick pony show is back for a history lesson.....

verifying voter registrations IS NOT cheating or fraud.....this is


October 30, 2014: Voter Fraud in North Carolina

A new study by two Old Dominion University professors, based on survey data from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study, indicated that 6.4 percent of all non-citizens voted illegally in the 2008 presidential election, and 2.2 percent in the 2010 midterms. Given that 80 percent of non-citizens lean Democratic, they cite Al Franken’s 312-vote win in the 2008 Minnesota U.S. Senate race as one likely tipped by non-citizen voting. As a senator, Franken cast the 60th vote needed to make Obamacare law.

North Carolina features one of the closest Senate races in the country this year, between Democratic incumbent Kay Hagan and Republican Thom Tillis. So what guerrilla filmmaker James O’Keefe, the man who has uncovered voter irregularities in states ranging from Colorado to New Hampshire, has learned in North Carolina is disturbing. This month, North Carolina officials found at least 145 illegal aliens, still in the country thanks to the Obama administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, registered to vote. Hundreds of other non-citizens may be on the rolls.

A voter-registration card is routinely issued without any identification check, and undocumented workers can use it for many purposes, including obtaining a driver’s license and qualifying for a job. And if a non-citizen has a voter-registration card, there are plenty of campaign operatives who will encourage him or her to vote illegally.

O’Keefe had a Brazilian-born immigrant investigator pose as someone who wanted to vote but was not a citizen. Greg Amick, the campaign manager for the Democrat running for sheriff in Mecklenburg County (Charlotte), was only too happy to help.

Greg Amick: Here’s a couple of things you can do. You do not have to have your driver’s license, but do you have any sort of identification?
Project Veritas investigator: But I do have my driver’s license.
Amick: Oh, you do. Show ’em that and you’re good.
PV: But the only problem, you know, I don’t want to vote if I’m not legal. I think that’s going to be a problem. I’m not sure.
Amick: It won’t be, it shouldn’t be an issue at all.
PV: No?
Amick: As long as you are registered to vote, you’ll be fine.

But North Carolina officials shouldn’t be “fine” with Amick, who appears to be afoul of a state law making it a felony “for any person, knowing that a person is not a citizen of the United States, to instruct or coerce that person to register to vote or to vote.” (Source) and (Video Source)

December 2, 2014: Senator Mary Landrieu's Chief of Staff Encourages Voter Fraud

A Louisiana mayor whose son is Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu's chief of staff told voters at a private event to vote twice, speaking to a partisan crowd 24 hours before Election Day last month. Video of Opelousas, Louisiana Mayor Don Cravins Sr.'s Nov. 3 remarks show him telling a crowd in his home town that "if you 'early voted,' go vote again tomorrow. One more time’s not going to hurt." Louisianans, like Americans in many states, had the option of either voting 'early' or showing up on Election Day. Taking advantage of both options would be a crime.

And for voters worried about criminal fraud charges, Cravins said he had an insurance policy – the re-election of a Democratic district attorney. "Tomorrow we’re gonna elect Earl Taylor as the D.A. so he won’t prosecute you if you vote twice," Cravins said.

Taylor won a fourth term on Nov. 4.

Cravins' remarks were met first by laughs and then by wild cheers as he told the crowd to 'vote number 99' – Mary Landrieu's ballot-line number. (Source)

December 19, 2014: Two Pa. Legislators Indicted for Voter ID Bribes in a Case the State AG Refused to Prosecute

A grand jury convened by Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams has indicted two Democratic state legislators for accepting bribes in exchange for voting against a voter ID bill, among other legislative actions.

The grand jury findings also represent a withering rejection of the unjustifiable behavior of Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane, who shut down the three-year investigation that caught state Democratic legislators on video and audio tapes taking bribes. Williams stepped in and successfully prosecuted the case.

As the grand jury reported, it had 26 recordings featuring Rep. Ronald G. Waters, who accepted nine cash payments from a confidential informant totaling $8,750. The grand jury had 24 recordings of Rep. Vanessa Lowery Brown accepting five cash payments totaling $4,000. Waters agreed to vote against Pennsylvania House Bill 934, a voter ID bill, in exchange for $2,000. Brown also agreed to vote against House Bill 934 for the same amount.

Brown was so eager to vote the way she had been paid by the informant that she offered to “get up and speak” on the floor of the Pennsylvania House in opposition to the bill. Both “representatives testified before this Grand Jury and admitted their criminal conduct.”

Waters, who currently serves as the Secretary for the House Democratic Caucus, was “ecstatic” about receiving the cash bribes and told the CI “I’m going to tell you the f*****g truth. You have money, then you can get something done.” Brown told the grand jury she took the money because of financial pressures, including being told that if she didn’t raise $100,000 for her next election, “the Democratic Party would run someone against her in a primary.”

Because Waters, Brown and other legislators involved in the bribery scheme are black, Democratic Attorney General Kathleen Kane shut down the investigation in March. She claimed that the investigation was “poorly conceived, badly managed and tainted by racism…[and] had targeted African-Americans.” Williams, who also is black, was particularly incensed by this claim, saying that he was “disgusted that the attorney general would bring racism into this case. It’s like pouring gasoline on a fire for no reason, no reason at all.” (Source)

September 3, 2015: Guilty Verdict in Alabama Vote Fraud Case

A Houston County jury found Olivia Reynolds guilty Wednesday afternoon for her role in a voter fraud case.

Assistant District Attorney Banks Smith said the jury found 66-year-old Olivia Reynolds guilty of 24 felony counts of absentee ballot fraud. Smith said the jury deliberated for less than an hour before returning with the guilty verdicts.

Houston County Sheriff’s investigators arrested Reynolds in May 2014. She was one of three women charged who worked on the 2013 campaign for District 2 City Commissioner Amos Newsome.

In the August election, Newsome beat challenger Lamesa Danzey by 14 votes. Newsome received 119 of the 124 absentee votes that were cast. Danzey received more votes than Newsome at the polls.

Reynolds is the third suspect in the election fraud investigation to go to trial.

Smith argued to jurors during his closing Wednesday morning that investigators with the Houston County Sheriff’s Office found evidence of widespread voter fraud during the District 2 race for the City of Dothan election in the summer of 2013.

Smith said some of the voters testified at trial how they never wanted to vote for Newsome yet their ballot was cast for Newsome anyway.

“This case is about the sanctity of the ballot,” Smith said. (Source)

September 2, 2015: Eight Texas Counties List More Voters Than Residents

No law prevents localities from having more registered voters than voting-age residents, and eight Texas counties do. Now a vote-watch group accuses the counties of violating the National Voting Rights Act by failing to purge dead and ineligible voters. “We are deeply concerned (that) voter rolls contain substantial numbers of ineligible voters,” True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht stated in a letter to the eight Texas counties.

The counties — Loving, Brooks, McMullen, Roberts, Irion, Jim Hogg, Culberson and Polk — list a combined 52,298 registered voters. But the latest U.S. Census data show only 49,457 voting-age residents in those counties.

County officials told Watchdog.org they are reviewing their voter lists in response to TTV’s threat of legal action.... TTV spokesman Logan Churchwell said some of the bloating of voter rolls could be due to simple clerical errors. “Duplicate registrations occur when there are slight differences in names — such as ‘McDougle’ versus ‘Mc Dougle,’” he noted.


Discover the Networks (originally Discover the Network) is a website run by the David Horowitz Freedom Center that focuses on the individuals, groups, and history of groups alleged to be political left wing (e.g., the network of tax-exempt groups and politicians funded by George Soros it collectively labels "The Shadow Party"). DtN was launched in 2004 and has a staff of about a dozen contributors. Its current Editor-in-Chief is David Horowitz; John Perazzo is the project's managing editor, and Richard Poe is its investigative editor. Discover the Network is associated with FrontPageMag.com.

right wing trash
It must crush Desh that millennials are far more likely to identify themselves as independent than a member of either party.

Discover the Networks (originally Discover the Network) is a website run by the David Horowitz Freedom Center that focuses on the individuals, groups, and history of groups alleged to be political left wing (e.g., the network of tax-exempt groups and politicians funded by George Soros it collectively labels "The Shadow Party"). DtN was launched in 2004 and has a staff of about a dozen contributors. Its current Editor-in-Chief is David Horowitz; John Perazzo is the project's managing editor, and Richard Poe is its investigative editor. Discover the Network is associated with FrontPageMag.com.

right wing trash

Yes, anything that bursts your left wing crack bubble is automatically deemed "right wing trash" right cumtwat?
Okay. And what is your interpretation of what I said?

I'm actually glad you bumped this. It's exactly what I am saying today about identification w/ party. It clearly doesn't prove what you think it does.

court documentation liar
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