Why so many scientific studies refute their own conclusions

Technocratic domination comes to pass because of a feedback loop that establishes the framework, both political and scientific, to create a “rule by experts.”
The problem is that by the time this loop has run, there are not experts, merely commissars, chosen and promoted for fealty, not foresight or accuracy.
Science™ becomes a guild of medieval bards singing the false praises of feckless leaders because more so now than ever, science™ runs on money and just as in the courts of kings, he who pays the piper shall call the tune.
The sponsor (government or corporate) picks scientists who tell them what they want to hear. These researchers are elevated, while others are starved. Soon, anyone entering a field of research knows that “if you want have a career, you need to study X and your conclusions must look like Y.”
This is not scientific exploration, it’s justification.
This, in turn, supports the “right sort of government,” a technocratic government allied with mega-corporations and protected by "fact-checkers" and gatekeepers.
So “the science™” always comes down on the side of Fascist systems, because that’s where the gravy train is.


As the problem that antivaxers are pseudoscience addicts, just like SCOTUS supreme swastika up Uranus kangaroo court Federal Lynching enforcement of Islam accounts of a fabricated medical pseudoscience human reproduction virgin Mary misnomer immaculate son of Allah conception some 600 + years AD in their national religion of being a Christian Nation to maintain their Islamidiotocracy interpretation of "one nation under God with equal justice under law".
