Why social issues continue to plague us

"To accept passively an unjust system is to cooperate with that system; thereby the oppressed become as evil as the oppressor. Noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good."

because it's become mainstream and accepted for people to believe that we are too stupid to understand the law and the constitution, that we must believe that judges, cops, and lawyers are better at it than us.
We have a problem regarding income inequality, I would personally call it "Opportunity Inequality".

The Republicans cause this by protecting and propping up a system that uses the government to make it difficult for social mobility within a generation. They promote a system that keeps the wealthy where they are, regardless of how hard they work.

The Democrats cause this by promoting a system that spends so much money that the government must tax the middle class so much that movement within a generation is difficult because they have to support so many who don't work hard, or simply don't have the tools to make it economically.

So what is the solution?

I suggest reduce spending in a way that does not make it more difficult for the poor to better themselves, and create a system that provides a greater likelihood of financial movement within a generation. (more tuition breaks, more economic incentive for hard work, less tax on those making progress, more tax on those who rest on the laurels of their ancestors.)
We have a problem regarding income inequality, I would personally call it "Opportunity Inequality".

The Republicans cause this by protecting and propping up a system that uses the government to make it difficult for social mobility within a generation. They promote a system that keeps the wealthy where they are, regardless of how hard they work.

The Democrats cause this by promoting a system that spends so much money that the government must tax the middle class so much that movement within a generation is difficult because they have to support so many who don't work hard, or simply don't have the tools to make it economically.

So what is the solution?

I suggest reduce spending in a way that does not make it more difficult for the poor to better themselves, and create a system that provides a greater likelihood of financial movement within a generation. (more tuition breaks, more economic incentive for hard work, less tax on those making progress, more tax on those who rest on the laurels of their ancestors.)

i think you're forgetting to add the primary reason, which is too many fraidy cat people demanding overly broad safety regulations, training, and licenses that it makes it nearly impossible for most people to become entrepreneurs.
A couple quotes by the late Reverand Dr. Martin Luther King come to mind:

"Many white Americans of good will have never connected bigotry with economic exploitation. They have deplored prejudice but tolerated or ignored economic injustice."

"To accept passively an unjust system is to cooperate with that system; thereby the oppressed become as evil as the oppressor. Noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good."

That second quote is very identifiable with a whole host of issues; most especially abortion. As to the first quote I absolutely agree as well. But welfare programs intended to help the poor, including poor black Americans, has instead enslaved them to a different master.
i think you're forgetting to add the primary reason, which is too many fraidy cat people demanding overly broad safety regulations, training, and licenses that it makes it nearly impossible for most people to become entrepreneurs.

That is a factor, and I would add that its not just fraidy cats, its insiders pretending to be fraidy cats to get legislation passed that freezes out the individual who wants to take some of the business the insider has already garnered.

It happens in the business of law firms. The big guys want to freeze out the possibility of competition by the small firms. They lobby for legislation that makes it cost prohibitive for the little guy to operate. They want to drive up the expense of a start-up, because they are past that stage.
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That second quote is very identifiable with a whole host of issues; most especially abortion. As to the first quote I absolutely agree as well. But welfare programs intended to help the poor, including poor black Americans, has instead enslaved them to a different master.

Actually complacency has. I was on welfare before. I'm much more comfortable putting food on my table. BTW welfare hates people who are single and own a car.
Icome inequality across gender and ethnic groups start there.

how to fix income inequality?.....create jobs.....encourage people to move OUT of urban, no job, no future ghettos and out into the real world......provide vouchers so the parents of inner city kids can get them educated......

you want specifics on job creation?......allow businesses to bring cash back from overseas tax free so long as its used to create long term quality employment in places like Detroit and Flint.....
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That second quote is very identifiable with a whole host of issues; most especially abortion. As to the first quote I absolutely agree as well. But welfare programs intended to help the poor, including poor black Americans, has instead enslaved them to a different master.

There are far more whites on welfare than blacks retard.
Actually complacency has. I was on welfare before. I'm much more comfortable putting food on my table. BTW welfare hates people who are single and own a car.

I would agree that complacency is the outcome in too many instances of welfare recipients. Depends on which state you live in. Here WA ownership of property does not necessarily restrict you from welfare programs.
We have a problem regarding income inequality, I would personally call it "Opportunity Inequality".

The Republicans cause this by protecting and propping up a system that uses the government to make it difficult for social mobility within a generation. They promote a system that keeps the wealthy where they are, regardless of how hard they work.

The Democrats cause this by promoting a system that spends so much money that the government must tax the middle class so much that movement within a generation is difficult because they have to support so many who don't work hard, or simply don't have the tools to make it economically.

So what is the solution?

I suggest reduce spending in a way that does not make it more difficult for the poor to better themselves, and create a system that provides a greater likelihood of financial movement within a generation. (more tuition breaks, more economic incentive for hard work, less tax on those making progress, more tax on those who rest on the laurels of their ancestors.)
Not much point juicing up college breaks until you get kids graduating high school. Got to lay groundwork first now that so much of what was accomplished in the 60s was under erosion since the 70s. No quick fixes here.