Why some white Americans see racial equality as oppression

This is a good thing for the country, maybe. OTOH, we weren't as divided when Xtians were the majority and were content with that, and didn't feel the need to shove their beliefs onto everyone else like the evangelicals do now.

Name one thing you have to do in life related to Christianity being forced upon you.
When will you shift over to an instrument invented by your own kind?

I do play one that white people had to improve because the inferior version was the only thing blacks could do. What you want to hold in such high regard for blacks is on the same level as a "painting" done by a 1 year old using shit from his/her diaper.
yes some , those of the poorly educated white christian variety , trump humpers

White victimhood's roots in the Civil War

Protesters may have toppled “Silent Sam,” a Confederate monument at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, last week, but the university has vowed to reinstall it. Two hundred miles north, the figure of Gen. Robert E. Lee still stands tall in Charlottesville, even after its potential removal inspired...


Well personally I see it the opposite. It's folks of color that still feel oppressed and unequal. They're the folks that believe they still need Affirmative Action, National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People, Congressional Black Caucus and the United Negro College Fund. I can only imagine the bleeping outrage from the left if white folks had all of those collective anti-equality cartels "equalizing" them.
Well personally I see it the opposite. It's folks of color that still feel oppressed and unequal. They're the folks that believe they still need Affirmative Action, National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People, Congressional Black Caucus and the United Negro College Fund. I can only imagine the bleeping outrage from the left if white folks had all of those collective anti-equality cartels "equalizing" them.

Ever noticed how the groups you mentioned support doing things in a manner for which they claim to have created those very organizations because what was being done was wrong?

Those that support AA do so because they claim using race to deny was wrong. The problem is they use the same characteristics to benefit and deem it as acceptable. If using race to deny is wrong, wouldn't using it to benefit also be wrong?