APP - Why Ted Cruz is our best chance

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
For the record, I am thoroughly enjoying watching Donald Trump drive the democrat party and the establishment RINOS bonkers. I love every second of it. But, I don't think he should be President. I think he is all talk and would be a great Secretary of Treasury. But President? I don't think so. The same goes for Ben Carson. I truly admire the man, but I just don't think he is ready to be President. There is so much he doesn't know. He is a bright man and has strong conservative convictions. I believe he can be a beacon to black people that the democrat plantation has failed them. But ready for President? No.

I will under no circumstances support Kasich, Bush or Christie. I don't trust them. I was a Rubio fan for a while, but he lost me with his Gang of 8 crap on immigration. That is unforgivable. I often think that it was a set up by the left to take Rubio out with the Republican base. But, I digress.

I came across this article yesterday and it summed up very nicely why I support Ted Cruz and why I believe he is our best chance to save this country. Ted Cruz would annihilate Hillary Clinton in a one on one debate. He would pound her into the ground so much so that the lefties would be left screaming that "he picked on a girl"

A month ago I predicted a Cruz-Rubio ticket. Now that Cruz has overtaken Carson to run neck-and-neck with Trump in the Iowa Quinnipiac University poll, Cruz is looking a lot like a winner. Here are my top 10 reasons to back him.

10. He really knows economics--not the ideologically driven pablum dished out at universities, but the real battlefield of entrenched monopolies against entrepreneurial upstarts. As Asheesh Agarwal and John Delacourt reported in this space, he did a brilliant job at the Federal Trade Commission: "Cruz promoted economic liberty and fought government efforts to rig the marketplace in favor of special interests. Most notably, Cruz launched an initiative to study the government’s role in conspiring with established businesses to suppress e-commerce. This initiative ultimately led the U.S. Supreme Court to open up an entire industry to small e-tailers." Anyone can propose tax cuts. It takes real know-how to cut through the regulatory kudzu that is strangling America enterprise.

9. He really knows foreign policy. He is a hardline defender of American interests, but wants to keep American politics out of the export business. That's why neo-conservatives like Jennifer Rubin at the Washington Post and Kimberly Strassel at the Wall Street Journal keep sliming him. The Bushies started attacking Cruz a year ago, when he stated the obvious about the Bush administration's great adventure in "democratic globalism": "I think we stayed too long, and we got far too involved in nation-building….We should not be trying to turn Iraq into Switzerland." He's not beholden to the bunglers of the Bush administration, unlike the hapless Marco Rubio.

8. He really knows the political system. As Texas solicitor general, he argued nine cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and won five of them. How many other lawyers in the United States have gone to the Supreme Court nine times on points of Constitutional law? The best write-up I've seen on his brilliance as a Constitutional lawyer came from the liberal New Yorker--grudging praise, but praise nevertheless. Some of his legal work was brilliant, displaying a refined understanding of separation of powers and federalism. If you want a president who knows the mechanism of American governance from the inside, there's no-one else who comes close to Cruz.

7. He's an outsider, and America needs an outsider. The public thinks that Washington is corrupt, and it IS corrupt. The banks are corrupt, the defense industries (with their $1.5 trillion budget for a new fighter plane that won't fly) are corrupt, the tech companies (run by patent trolls rather than engineers) are corrupt, the public utilities are corrupt. The American people want a new broom. But it helps to put it in the hands of someone who knows his way around the broom closet.

6. Trump and Carson aren't serious candidates. Carson is an endearing fellow who has no business running for president: apart from his medical specialty, his knowledge of the world is an autodidact's jumble of fact and fantasy. Donald Trump inherited money and ran a family business: never in his life did he have to persuade shareholders, investors, directors, or anyone else to work with him. At best, he knew how to cajole and threaten. It's been his way or the highway since he was a kid, and that's the worst possible training for a U.S. president.

5. Cruz is in but not of the system. The distinguished conservative scholar Robert P. George mentored him at Princeton and the flamboyant (but effective) liberal Alan Dershowitz taught him at Harvard Law School. Both agree he was the smartest student they ever had. An Ivy League education isn't important unless, of course, you don't have one: to run the United States, it helps to have dwelt in the belly of the beast. Cruz came through the elite university mill with his principles intact, and a keen understanding of the liberal mentality.

4. He's got real grit--call it fire in the belly, but Cruz wants to be president and wants us to want him to be president. Determination is a lot more important than charm, where Cruz won't win first prize. When it comes down to it, Americans don't want a charming president, but a smart, tough and decent one. Marco Rubio, the Establishment's last hope after Jeb Bush's belly-flop, is instantly recognizable as the tough-guy hero's cute younger brother. Either Cruz or Fiorina would fill out the ticket.

3. He knows how to run a real campaign as opposed to a flash-in-the-pan media event. Cruz has boots on the ground, an organization of people who believe in him and raise money at twice the rate of Rubio--with an averge $66 donation.

2. He's a true believer in the United States of America. His love for his country and belief in its prospects are impassioned and unfeigned. He's ambitious, but his ambition stems from a desire to serve, where he believes that he is uniquely qualified to serve.

And the top reason to vote for Ted Cruz is:

He can beat Hillary Clinton. Not just beat her, but beat her by a landslide. Mrs. Clinton isn't that smart. She looks sort of smart when the media toss her softballs, but in a series of one-to-one, nowhere-to-hide presidential debates, Cruz would shred her. Cruz was the top college debater in the country. He knows how to assemble facts, stay on message, anticipate his opponent's moves and neutralize them. He's a quarter-century younger than Mrs. Clinton, smarter, sharper, and better prepared. He's also clean as a whistle in personal life and finances, while the Clintons could reasonably be understood to constitute a criminal enterprise.
I like Ted Cruz. He comes across to me as a very sincere and genuine person that really wants the best for our country. I'm definitely leaning towards him right now unless something big happens.
I like Ted Cruz. He comes across to me as a very sincere and genuine person that really wants the best for our country. I'm definitely leaning towards him right now unless something big happens.

I have been a fan of Ted Cruz since he came into the Senate. His willingness to take on not only Obama but the establishment in his own party has only made me think more of him. He has taken more political arrows than anyone I have seen here of late and he refuses to back down on his core principles. I am all in for Cruz.

Ironically enough, I think in the end it will come down to Cruz and Rubio. The reason I have been such a fan of Trump's and Carson's campaign is that they have been distracting the illuminati while Cruz has been quietly toiling away building a following.

There is ZERO chance Jeb Bush gets the nomination. It could got to Rubio, but I think it will be Cruz. Well, at least I hope it is.
As we saw the last two elections, winning televised "debates" is of no value. BO was crushed but liberals only card that he was the "D".
It concerns me that he's just another establishment republican (sorry just not buying in bit not of) but Trump or Carson will lose on super delegates. GOP will not run either of them even if Trump runs independent. They will lose before they do that.
But I can live with him as I cannot live with HRC or the admitted socialist.
Cruz doesn't have a prayer. He and santorum are the most conservative candidates running. Most of the voters are not as conservative as you (or as liberal as me). Cruz has as much chance at being nominated as Bernie does.
Cruz doesn't have a prayer. He and santorum are the most conservative candidates running. Most of the voters are not as conservative as you (or as liberal as me). Cruz has as much chance at being nominated as Bernie does.

Hence why he has my support. I don't follow the herd. He is who I am supporting and I have zero qualms about it. I am actually grateful for Trump and Carson because they are garnering so much attention that the leftists and GOP establishment are ignoring Cruz. If it weren't for Trump and Carson, there would have been an all out assault on Cruz by now.

If Cruz wins the nomination, he has Trump and Carson to thank.

I know many think that Trump is a Clinton plant and I myself thought that nothing was beyond the realm of possibility, however I don't think he would have taken such a hard line on immigration had he been a Clinton plant.

Trump brought the feelings of the American people (coupled with spectacular events) to the forefront of the debate. "Comprehensive immigration reform" was a near certainty but for Trump and for that he should be commended.
I like Ted Cruz. He comes across to me as a very sincere and genuine person that really wants the best for our country. I'm definitely leaning towards him right now unless something big happens.
Ted Cruz is a demagogue and an unopologetic bigot. He is completely clueless about how to govern. His notions on domestic policy are unworkable tripe that don't pass even the least critical scrutiny and his foreign policy is so irrational, irresponsible and dangerous as to make the disastrous neoconservative policies of the Bush administration seem reasonable.

Ted Cruz could not get elected dog catcher in 75% of the States outside of Texas as he would be deemed irresponsible and unfit for public office. His track record as a Senator has only proven his unfitness and ineptitude at governing and that he is a dangerous demagogue. The fact that he actually has been elected to a position of responsibility has made many Americans gasp in dismay and ask with incredulity, "what is wrong with Texans that they would elect a demagogue who hasn't the first clue about what it means to be an American?"
Cruz doesn't have a prayer. He and santorum are the most conservative candidates running. Most of the voters are not as conservative as you (or as liberal as me). Cruz has as much chance at being nominated as Bernie does.
Bernie has a far better chance of being elected than Cruz. Of all the major POTUS candidates on either side of the aisle Cruz is by far and away the least electable and rightfully so. Cruz extremist rhetoric may sell outside the Texas triangle and some of the South east but that's about it.
He'd beat whoever the left has running, which I am still not sure will be HillBillary.

Remember the Enquirer outed Edwards... Now they are writing about HillBillary too:

I remember how everybody said they were lying about Edwards...

Good lord. It's bad enough you'd credit the Enquirer for anything but worse when the Enquirer is relying on Ed Klein's smear job to back its article.

Do you also believe George and Amal's marriage is over? :D
Well, then, if Hillary is going to drop two weeks before the election, I hope she fights hard through the primary season. Imagine how awesome it will be for Democratic voters to get to vote for a deceased candidate, when it has traditionally been healthy Democratic candidates receiving votes from deceased voters!
He'd beat whoever the left has running, which I am still not sure will be HillBillary.

Remember the Enquirer outed Edwards... Now they are writing about HillBillary too:

I remember how everybody said they were lying about Edwards...
That should show you how bad a candidate Cruz is (and most of the rest of the GOP field). The National Enquirer is telling the truth about Hillary yet the polling data clearly shows her crushing Cruz in the general.

The completely ironic thing about Hillary is that she is the weakest Democrat candidate to be (presumably) nominated since Walter Mondale yet she's still beating the Crazy Train.
Good lord. It's bad enough you'd credit the Enquirer for anything but worse when the Enquirer is relying on Ed Klein's smear job to back its article.

Do you also believe George and Amal's marriage is over? :D
Be nice. Damo was making a joke. Unfortunately for Damo, Tom wasn't here to appreciate it. ;)
Well, then, if Hillary is going to drop two weeks before the election, I hope she fights hard through the primary season. Imagine how awesome it will be for Democratic voters to get to vote for a deceased candidate, when it has traditionally been healthy Democratic candidates receiving votes from deceased voters!
That would make an interesting poll. Who would you vote for in the General election of 2016 for POTUS?

#1. A dead Hillary Clinton or;
#2. Ted Cruz

I bet a dead Hillary Clinton would still be more popular than Ted Cruz.
That would make an interesting poll. Who would you vote for in the General election of 2016 for POTUS?

#1. A dead Hillary Clinton or;
#2. Ted Cruz

I bet a dead Hillary Clinton would still be more popular than Ted Cruz.

You're about 90 years late if you just noticed that the Yellow Dog train has left the station...
That should show you how bad a candidate Cruz is (and most of the rest of the GOP field). The National Enquirer is telling the truth about Hillary yet the polling data clearly shows her crushing Cruz in the general.

The completely ironic thing about Hillary is that she is the weakest Democrat candidate to be (presumably) nominated since Walter Mondale yet she's still beating the Crazy Train.

Not worried about that until there are fewer candidates for the Rs. If there are three and the polls still show this I would worry more. However during a primary election polls tend to have people who will vote for anybody with an R after their name picking one candidate who they want to be the nominee and not wanting others to be seen as having a chance...

Those people will often say they'd never vote for "x candidate" even though they will compromise some issues and vote for them later. This makes results skewed when there are too many candidates.
I truly believe that Ted Cruz is running an angle - and that angle is to get enough delegates and "followers" so that he can eventually secure a nomination to the US Supreme Court via the eventual nominee. It is basically a shrewd update to the old Earl Warren move of 1952

Ted Cruz is a very, very intelligent man. He is also someone who, if you believe what you read or if I believe the second hand things I have heard from his classmates and people in DC, is someone who does not inspire a particular amount of personal loyalty or even likability. He is an aloof oddball, an awful administrator, but a very well-scripted debater and at heart, a realist who knows how to pander to his constituency. First and foremost, however, is his love and intellectual resonance with conservative jurisprudence. He lives for that, and hamming it up to far right is just an enabling path to do eventually his work on the bench.

I don't think anyone in this forum truly believes he is capable of carrying Florida, Colorado, Virginia and Ohio against a Democratic nominee. He is too far right, unattractive (yes, that matters a lot), and would be immediately resented or at least passively shunned by the majority of Republicans outside of the "Freedom Caucus" (or whatever the moronic assembly of talk-radio driven politicos is called these days). He likely knows that. He also knows that, in a fractious field, he can command enough support to deadlock the path to nomination, and will have a favor to call in should a GOP president win. Trust me, enough Senators will support his USSC nomination just to get him out of the Senate......
I truly believe that Ted Cruz is running an angle - and that angle is to get enough delegates and "followers" so that he can eventually secure a nomination to the US Supreme Court via the eventual nominee. It is basically a shrewd update to the old Earl Warren move of 1952

Ted Cruz is a very, very intelligent man. He is also someone who, if you believe what you read or if I believe the second hand things I have heard from his classmates and people in DC, is someone who does not inspire a particular amount of personal loyalty or even likability. He is an aloof oddball, an awful administrator, but a very well-scripted debater and at heart, a realist who knows how to pander to his constituency. First and foremost, however, is his love and intellectual resonance with conservative jurisprudence. He lives for that, and hamming it up to far right is just an enabling path to do eventually his work on the bench.

I don't think anyone in this forum truly believes he is capable of carrying Florida, Colorado, Virginia and Ohio against a Democratic nominee. He is too far right, unattractive (yes, that matters a lot), and would be immediately resented or at least passively shunned by the majority of Republicans outside of the "Freedom Caucus" (or whatever the moronic assembly of talk-radio driven politicos is called these days). He likely knows that. He also knows that, in a fractious field, he can command enough support to deadlock the path to nomination, and will have a favor to call in should a GOP president win. Trust me, enough Senators will support his USSC nomination just to get him out of the Senate......
Jeebus...that's a darned good reason to vote democrat. To keep him out of the federal bench.
I truly believe that Ted Cruz is running an angle - and that angle is to get enough delegates and "followers" so that he can eventually secure a nomination to the US Supreme Court via the eventual nominee. It is basically a shrewd update to the old Earl Warren move of 1952

Ted Cruz is a very, very intelligent man. He is also someone who, if you believe what you read or if I believe the second hand things I have heard from his classmates and people in DC, is someone who does not inspire a particular amount of personal loyalty or even likability. He is an aloof oddball, an awful administrator, but a very well-scripted debater and at heart, a realist who knows how to pander to his constituency. First and foremost, however, is his love and intellectual resonance with conservative jurisprudence. He lives for that, and hamming it up to far right is just an enabling path to do eventually his work on the bench.

I don't think anyone in this forum truly believes he is capable of carrying Florida, Colorado, Virginia and Ohio against a Democratic nominee. He is too far right, unattractive (yes, that matters a lot), and would be immediately resented or at least passively shunned by the majority of Republicans outside of the "Freedom Caucus" (or whatever the moronic assembly of talk-radio driven politicos is called these days). He likely knows that. He also knows that, in a fractious field, he can command enough support to deadlock the path to nomination, and will have a favor to call in should a GOP president win. Trust me, enough Senators will support his USSC nomination just to get him out of the Senate......

Mercy, that is a scary thought, another Scalia
I truly believe that Ted Cruz is running an angle - and that angle is to get enough delegates and "followers" so that he can eventually secure a nomination to the US Supreme Court via the eventual nominee. It is basically a shrewd update to the old Earl Warren move of 1952

Ted Cruz is a very, very intelligent man. He is also someone who, if you believe what you read or if I believe the second hand things I have heard from his classmates and people in DC, is someone who does not inspire a particular amount of personal loyalty or even likability. He is an aloof oddball, an awful administrator, but a very well-scripted debater and at heart, a realist who knows how to pander to his constituency. First and foremost, however, is his love and intellectual resonance with conservative jurisprudence. He lives for that, and hamming it up to far right is just an enabling path to do eventually his work on the bench.

I don't think anyone in this forum truly believes he is capable of carrying Florida, Colorado, Virginia and Ohio against a Democratic nominee. He is too far right, unattractive (yes, that matters a lot), and would be immediately resented or at least passively shunned by the majority of Republicans outside of the "Freedom Caucus" (or whatever the moronic assembly of talk-radio driven politicos is called these days). He likely knows that. He also knows that, in a fractious field, he can command enough support to deadlock the path to nomination, and will have a favor to call in should a GOP president win. Trust me, enough Senators will support his USSC nomination just to get him out of the Senate......

Supreme Court Justice Cruz?

I like it