Why the heck would we import fresh tomatoes from Israel ?

Maybe the government paid lots of tomato farmers NOT to grow any crops, and then had them imported?

Actually, the drought last year is still effecting crops. But I would think tomatos would be better grown here, and I think we grow enough for our use.
The good news is they are not suspected of being tomatoes contaminated with salmonella.
the problem seems to be in the western USA.
I could grow enough in a tiny flowerbed to feed an entire city block. Just don't buy Tomatoes, grow them yourselves, better for everyone that way.
I could grow enough in a tiny flowerbed to feed an entire city block. Just don't buy Tomatoes, grow them yourselves, better for everyone that way.

I'm growing my own this year.

although there are these groundhogs that don't seem to want it to happen.
you can grow tomatoes from hanging baskets too.

Then you can watch the groundhogs jump and jump to try and get tomatoes.
you can grow tomatoes from hanging baskets too.

Then you can watch the groundhogs jump and jump to try and get tomatoes.

Well, that would keep them from the prairie voles, but wouldn't protect them from all the chemicals (fertilizers, insecticides, and defoliants) that are used in the cotton fields surrounding my house. :(
yeah that is a problem Thorn, I think the cotton farmers around you should have to buy all your fresh vegetables for you.
I'm growing my own this year.

although there are these groundhogs that don't seem to want it to happen.

I hear plastic explosives work well with gophers... perhaps that strategy should be employed with the groundhogs as well. Just remember to shape the plastique in the shape of other animals.