Why the heck would we import fresh tomatoes from Israel ?

yeah that is a problem Thorn, I think the cotton farmers around you should have to buy all your fresh vegetables for you.

Now there's a good idea! :D

Of course we had just a sprinkling of rain last night, and about 100 deg. temps for the past two weeks with humidity hovering in the 17%-23% range; not ideal for tomatoes anyway.
Thorn, do you live in the Mississippi Delta? The reason I ask is that I worked as a land surveyor years ago, and we had several projects in the delta.

I was amazed at the sheer volume of pesticides, fertiziers and defoliants that are sprayed on cotton fields.

The streams running beside the fields were crystal clear. Of course, there was no algae, no minnows, no frogs, no snakes, no fish ect. But they were certainly clear. lol