Why the Left Hates Jews

Yes. What did you expect? An assemblage of haters everywhere chanting in unison that they want Israel wiped off the face of the earth?

What fantasy world are you living in?

The radical Muslims? Why is that news?
Interesting insight into leftist minds: the biggest bunch of pervert degenerates the world is facing today.


Maybe because they're sane? And you want to talk about perverts. Did you know that some jews suck baby penis as part of a bris ritual. You can't get much more perverted than that. Also, I will give you an excerpt from the talmud. It is called Tractate niddah, folio 45a. (If that means anything to you) In it they speak of having sex with children. It says,"In one, for instance, where her husband had intercourse with her before the age of three and found blood, and when he had intercourse after the age of three he found no blood."
Interesting insight into leftist minds: the biggest bunch of pervert degenerates the world is facing today.


Obviously, the Jews control both establishment wings, though this accusation is extra silly now, since Newt Gingrich just blamed the Jews for Trump's loss.
Not saying the Right hates Jews either, but they do use anti-semitic conspiracy theories considerably more than the Left.
Dear poor dumb goyim, We Jews are overwhelming liberal / leftist, you know educated.

You might consider joining the Right to destroy the Regressive Leftists, because they are very clear that they intend to destroy liberalism.