They chased Milo Yiannopoulos off campus and then physically attacked those with whom they disagree.
Hey, the self worshipping assholes are pissed right now. Should we have expected anything less?
They can't come to terms that Hillary lost.
They chased Milo Yiannopoulos off campus and then physically attacked those with whom they disagree.
Hey, the self worshipping assholes are pissed right now. Should we have expected anything less?
So you don't lock your doors??
What's your address and when's the next time that you won't be home??
I never said one way or the other, clod.
The analogy, or pitiful attempt at one, to carrying your pissant little peashooter everywhere you go is absurd. But, you're too fucking stupid to recognize that.
I don't need what you call a peashooter to handle pussies like you. But, you're too fucking stupid to recognize that.
The irony is thick as a brick. You, who sneaks dogshit on the old lady's porch next door. Who thinks he has a right to shoot her toy poodle because it craps on your lawn.
Look up the synonym of "pussy" in the thesaurus. The first entry is "CFM".
Your story has gone from nothing to sneaking, old lady, next door, and poodle.
I looked it up. It was a picture of you for a pussy and a picture of your wife showing hers.
Pussy with a pissant peashooter = CFM
As I've said before, don't need one for pussies like you. All I have to say is boo and you run like a coward.
Not water like you
Nope. It is called being a paranoid chicken shit.
I never said one way or the other, clod.
The analogy, or pitiful attempt at one, to carrying your pissant little peashooter everywhere you go is absurd. But, you're too fucking stupid to recognize that.
Oh, I saw that you hadn't committed to one or the other; but it was fun watching you run from the correlation.
Yeah, that's your perception as a mongoloid mouth-breather. A literate person would recognize the absurdity of the pathetic analogy.
I find this to be a very effective deterrent to left wing tyranny by mindless fools
They are allergic to .45 ACP hollow point. This holds 13 in the magazine and the .45 has sufficient stopping power that you usually only need to hit someone one time. Leaves more rounds for more lefties.
I pretty much carry all the time now. I always have my 380 with me even in places that "don't allow guns". Except government buildings of course.
Other then whining and crying about it, you don't seem able to intelligently express how it's absurd or pathetic.
Would you care to take a shot at it and at least try?
Mao's cultural revolution was basically a power struggle within the Communist party - Mao had lost power to the rightist faction after the disaster of the great leap forward. So he took advantage of the emerging student movement in China to channel bottom up support for the left and propel himself back into the levers of power. And it worked. Mao was truly a genius at figuring out how to defeat his enemies and attain power - not so good when he actually had power.
Most of the students he used in his campaign were eventually stripped of their hukou and permanently shipped to the rural areas in his "down to the countryside" campaign. Tens of millions of university students. Once they had outlived their usefulness, they were quickly disposed of.
Along with packing that popgun, be sure to wear your Depends on your outings. Then you will have additional protection, Barney Fife, when the big, bad man comes around.
Nope. It is called being a paranoid chicken shit.
Back off the pot.
You. Are. Not. A. Paranoid. Chicken. Shit.
You're just paranoid.
Comes with the territory.
Drugs 101.