Cawacko, I interpret this Congressional Budget Office’s study to generally agreeing that increasing the federal minimum wage rate and thereafter retaining its purchasing power would be to our net economic advantage.
Respectfully, Supposn
Cawacko, I interpret this Congressional Budget Office’s study to generally agreeing that increasing the federal minimum wage rate and thereafter retaining its purchasing power would be to our net economic advantage.
Respectfully, Supposn
And our poor are obese
Please stop with they are getting enough
Unless your referring to jogging
The Dude, the roughly translated quote “Let them eat cake” is commonly attributed to Marie Antoinette.
The source’s communication skills put most of us to shame with fewer words.
A processed food diet’s cheaper than more natural foods.
Respectfully, Supposn
I'm not sure if you are familiar with the differences between starving and obese
Are you aware of people that are both obese and lack vital food nutrients?
Were drifting far away from this threads discussion of the federal minimum wage, (FMW) rate, (an economic factor that’s the subject of this thread).
The purchasing power of the FMW rate is of some benefit to ALL USA wage rates which in turn are of benefit to our entire economy.
The FMW rate is not among the primary causes of the U.S. dollar’s purchasing power losses.
Competitive advantages or disadvantages between similar types of enterprises functioning within same USA industry are not disturbed due to modifications of the FMW rate.
Respectfully, Supposn
Again that isn't the title of your OP. You are conflating two issues. It is 100% fact that raising minimum wage costs certain people jobs. Whether it leads to other jobs is irrelevant to me because the net effect is that it puts the government in the position of picking winners and losers and I oppose that on all levels and all industries.
Of the minimum wage actually CREATES jobs and HELPS those on the bottom RNC of the economic ladder; why do leftist dimwits stop at $15.00??
I mean, if $15.00 can do so much, just think what $35.00 an hour can do.
Yep; that's exactly why Marxist dumbfucks who make such claims are so full of shit. They know that their argument is moronic and therefore, engage in the mind numbed robotic stupidity supposn does. They think that if they spam an argument with enough verbaleze, it will hide the fact that they are clueless retards.
I'm for a pegged to cpi min wage
It just wouldn't be much higher than what we have
I'm still waiting for the LeftTard response to "why not $35 an hour?" After all, if $15 an hour will do so much good, just think what $35 can do!!!
what part of a living wage confuses you so much asswink?
I'm still waiting for the LeftTard response to "why not $35 an hour?" After all, if $15 an hour will do so much good, just think what $35 can do!!!
see just how fucking stupid you are
what part of a living wage confuses you so much asswink?